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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Fate-Angel on February 18, 2009
    please continue this story soon. it's the best D/s fanfic I've ever read. You've also done a great job on character developement and the balance of plot and smut is perfect.

    I love your story
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  • From ANON - fgdfgdf on February 15, 2009
    Please update this and introduce Madara. HONESTLY!!!!!!!!
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  • From ladyshadowdragon on February 14, 2009
    I love this series, I hope you continue it. I first found it on Y-Gallery. I think you have made me a Naurto fan.
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  • From ANON - SamuraiSaaya on January 29, 2009
    Wow...all I can say is wow.

    This has to be one of the hottest, sexiest and most *cough* exciting stories I have ever read. I'm totally into the slave and master theme, and the character pairings are definitely smexy. ^^ All the creativity you put into the scenarious is fantasticly hot.

    I especially love a Naruto-dom and a slutty, sub Sasuke. Soo perfect. I also must mention the use of clamps and other ass toys particularily enticing. The dirty talk, might I say, is most definitely one of the best parts.Not many other authors have attempted what you have written and therefore it is so wonderfully refreshing and captivating.

    Please keep up the beautifuly written story! Can't wait for the next update! :)
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  • From ANON - Noah on January 27, 2009
    Does Sasuke still have teh bracelet on at this dinner?
    Kinky. XD
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 15, 2009
    I'll say one thing and one thing only.

    I admire your stamina. I really and truly do. And I admire the fact that you've kept it interesting over a mind-boggling eighty-plus chapters.
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  • From ANON - Noah on January 14, 2009
    Picture link doesn't work anymore. Aww. :(

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  • From ANON - Noah on January 14, 2009
    Now, I was just always wondering the line between love and all this.
    I like S/M stories (probably like it with sex too, but need someone freakin devoted to try it. XD) and I wanted to know, is there love in this story?
    Like, is this slave master relations fully or feelings afterward. Also, does D/s end at a point in the night and there’s relationships (somewhat)?
    Just so I get the clearest understanding. Because teh only one i ever really read was an unfinished one by IvyMoon.
    Thank you.
    Your fan.


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  • From ANON - WhoeverIAmLoves on December 09, 2008
    I didn't want to admit this, but...for all your amazing writing, I have to. I liked this story. Like, a lot. As in, I'm addicted to it and had to finish reading it before I write a ten-page paper for class that's due tomorrow. And I'm not even exaggerating.

    And that is a super major incredible accomplishment, because I hate yaoi. And that's not an exaggeration either. lol

    Please tell me this story isn't over? Pretty please? I really would love to see the Sunday Suna dinner, and Gaara and Shikamaru at Shika's parents' house, and Kankuro slip into the back of Shino's class and just chill, and maybe some of Anko and Hinata...even though I know they're female, I'd just like to see them interact a little. There's probably a million other scenes I'd like to read about, too. Oh! Genma and Raido later, at home or in the shop or something while Ibiki isn't around, is there an 'I told you so' moment?!

    Anywho. You've been talking about the sunday dinner for like a billion chapters now! It would be really cruel for this to be the end of the story.

    I'm an English major, and I'm floored by your amazing writing. I think I remember one of your A/N's saying something about 3 English degrees...all I can say to that is "dang." I hope someday I can write as well as you do!
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  • From ANON - Nami on December 07, 2008
    Dang... re-reading the chapters again. And like always, without fail, Genma always makes me cry. Geezy. *shakes fist at him*
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  • From ANON - Mikayla on November 02, 2008
    loved it but im confused. did it end. i couldent figure it out?????
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  • From ANON - laura on September 02, 2008
    .............the best thing on this site >< Im a huge narusasu fan O.o ...its simply AMAZING! :P Beats anything i have ever read before ^_^
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  • From zanax on September 02, 2008
    I know this review is long overdue - I followed D/s Naruto from Day 1.

    I hope this does not spell the end to this remarkable journey - 280K words later we are still in the beginning stages of this journey!

    I know you have stopped writing and reading, but hopefully, you'll come back.


    Till then, love you!
    XD XD XD
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  • From ANON - Crimson on August 12, 2008
    OMG YOU CAN'T JUST LEFT ME WITH THAT!! I spend three fucking days(school, and sleep inculded) just to read to chapter 88 and you give me filler? hot filler but filler still! I beg for more please please please please !!! MOrE mORe! PLEase!! I loved it I want more of it I want to hug and and and *angry noise* god your story's good!

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  • From ANON - raburabu on June 29, 2008
    I love this story so goddamn much. God your Naruto/Sasuke is the hottest stuff I've ever seen. Please don't discontinue this. I'd die of waiting to see Naruto finally collar Sasuke (in a ceremony or not) and I really want to see their relationship develop and settle, is Sasuke finally going to slave for him, oh please resolution (and/or sex ;______; god the sex.) Thanks so much for such an amazingly hot awesome fic, but please continue this one day (soon!)~ Yours, Waiting For An Update. :3
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