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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on May 07, 2007
    XD, YAY!! Thank you so much, LOL, that's a Lot more chapters - Happy dances! And Huggles you to death for going back to the Kanky/Shino scene XD!! Are they actually going to do the DP??!! The Uchiha's and Naruto O.O? I suppose if they all to terms they could swing it without too much fallout. Oh and XD, 36 with KisaIta, are we having the whole watching the toilet scene smut? XD, I'm so freaking happy XD, not to mention that you said next Sunday Naruto pierces Sasuke's cock :D, I'm just gonna take that as a sign that everything'll be okay XD. Glomps you for writing this.
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  • From ANON - burr on May 07, 2007
    sorry! i wasn't able to review for some time.

    awww, the narusasu lemon was the best :). and i actually think the smut did good to the plot, aside for readers' happiness. it contrasted well with what happened earlier, sasuke's perfect submission with the uchiha trademark attitude. and oh, i infinitely love you for including corset piercings ;).

    i really really look forward to more scenes with itachi in the future. he is a complex character and every author portray him in some individual way, and the itachi you created appeals to me very much. he's mysterious, dominating and at the same time struggles with his desire to fuck his younger brother and is an endearing uke. it's actually good that you made kisame his seme - in most stories itachi's the ultimate dom, but i hardly view him so. at least not with his looks and height, gods, he's such good uke material :).

    i don't really like to read scenes other than these featuring itachi, narusasu, irukaka or deidara, so i'm not commenting on them. they make my wait for another narusasu interaction sooo much longer :).

    finally, i can't wait to read the kisaita lemon (will it happen?) and as everybody, i'm looking forward to saturday :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 07, 2007
    Holy bipolar drama queen, Sasuke. He is acting like such a flipping girl and now Naruto is sort of acting like... an asshole. Unless that's how Naruto acts because he's being attacked by Sasuke when Naruto doesn't give a flying fuck about Itachi. Naruto even said the minute after he met Sasuke it was all about Sasuke and Itachi couldn't even compare. Stupid Sasuke!!! Though who would have guessed just because Lee was sucking Naruto's dick he'd throw a hissy fit. But Sasuke was the damn to pretty much tell Naruto he'd only been doing it because Itachi did. Isn't that hypocrisy WTF?

    Now I'm starting to wonder if Sasuke even deserves Naruto. Though damn you Naruto, you ARE acting like a WHORE. But I bet Naru's just pissed off because Sasuke's being a betch. I don't want them to share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG *pulls out NaruSasu fangirl claws* WAAAH. wait, no, your story. I will read it forever. But the angst between these two is KILLING me. Why is everyone else getting along fine (Gaara/Shika; Itachi/Kisame; Iruka/Kakashi; so on and so forth) It hurts insiiiiiiiide!!!!!!!! And not in that good way. Oh for the love of God please tell me they will work it out on Saturday... if they don't then... I'd rather see them with other people or just gone because I can't taaaake it! Would Sasuke really have Itachi fuck Naruto? I just don't know! I guess I won't know until you write it, and I am SO excited about it... Allys, are you reading this??? You made me think someone died!!!! *retracts claws*

    But seriously, Sasuke I hope can be one hell of a dom and find Naru's weakness cuz right now Naru just seems super tough.... I wonder what Sasuke will do to make Naru cry and whimper and beg and mean it. I bet Sasuke's smart enough to find it. Does Naruto even get jealous at all? It doesn't seem like it! Dammit Naru, how can you love Sasuke and not want him all to yourself...!!! *sigh* I'll just go reread the beginning when they sort of got along. thaaaaank you for updating so quickly. i would pay you to update i would, seriously. thank you for this story!!! *bows*
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  • From Allys on May 07, 2007
    Oh God... are you trying to break my heart?? Is that your story?? Cause you're succeeding marvelously ;_; OMG, that was... Hestia... I'm gonna cry, dammit. I don't like you anymore... I'm lying I love you, I'm just... ;_; God I'm a sucker.
    And I have to thank you, because I've been wanting this, an update on the NaruSasu situation that is, not exactly this, but it is very fitting.
    Oh Godess, please don't leave this hanging for too long, I think I need to go to bed too, cause I'm gonna start the ugly cry in a minute, so I have to distract myself. I think the shittiest thing is that I've felt like that. Almost exactly like that. That downward, nonsensical, self-destructive spiral of self pity and low self-esteem. Been there, done that, have the hat, and harbour no desire to visit, ever again. You've just hit, Queen of angst Lady.
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  • From Allys on May 07, 2007
    Waiii!! KankyShino XD, I Love it. Oh God... There was no actual smut, but it was still so fucking Hott!! You amaze me all the time. Oh Lady... Lady, Lady, Lady, I pity the person that you decide to seduce, not because I think it would be bad thing, but because they don't stand a chance. OMG!! That was fucking A+++, the only F present was the capitalised one in Fuck!! XD I'm so happy, Thank you... Thank you soo much XD.

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  • From LifeonHiatus on May 06, 2007
    im running out of ways to say how much i adore this story, but i hope it means all the same no matter how trite the phrase becomes. ^^ i'm pretty much speechless after each update too. i don't know what to say really, nothing you don't already know, nor have heard as well. everything's peachy keen, going good, and i love it, period. you're setting the bar up pretty high, and i hope kanky and shino's relationship gets just as much substance as naruto/sasuke's and gaara/shino's. :-) but honestly i want to thank you for sharing this story here, for a college student as myself with finals are a-coming, just checking up on AFF and finding your story updated is helping me keep what's left of my sanity. i look forward to seeing TONS more updates. ^^
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  • From llyoung on May 06, 2007
    I enjoyed the Kankuro and Shino chapter very much. I do worry about what Naruto will let be done to him and poor Sasuke is just confused and hurting.

    Thanks for the two new chapters. And I will keep checking for new updates. I still find it amazing that you can keep updating so quickly and keep the quality so high. Thank you.
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  • From cynaga on May 06, 2007
    I want Kanky too...
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  • From ANON - Anna on May 06, 2007
    I love this story!!! Mostly the Naru/Sasu chapters! You're a fricking genius...

    Keep going!!!
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  • From roely on May 06, 2007
    I read the whole thing in one sitting! it was hot! damn hot!
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  • From cynaga on May 06, 2007
    YES~! Hard core, sexy love. Why not? I'm so sick of the Disney Land white bread brand. THANKS!

    GaaraxShika RULE!!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 06, 2007
    I don't know where to start! LOL I love that they were talking about Bleach while in bed. It makes me wonder if Naruto does it too >.< Haha. Um, but damn, I am really liking Gaara even more. It's just like Naru said, Gaara is straight up a natural dom even if he's a little rough around the edges. But here, he listened to Shika when he used his safewords. Aww. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that. Part of me really wants to see Gaara as Naruto's dom (NO REAL SEX preferably) but to see what he'd do to him. I think it would be a train wreck. I really want to see someone push Naruto to some unhealthy limits. Why am I like that? But Iruka said forever ago that Naruto doesn't have very good boundaries. And I just don't think Sasuke has the balls to be Naruto's dom. Unless you come up with something that makes Sasuke just... crazy in charge guy, but the last few chapters indicate not so much.

    Mmm. I can't wait for Saturday!! Please tell me Naruto's sub session is coming soon and it's going to be as intense as it was in the beginning with Sasuke as sub. PLEASE. Although I guess we haven't seen Kakashi and Iruka for a while. I hope Naru and Sasu aren't permanently banned. Has Naruto ever been to Manda's at all? Or does he just know about it through Iruka. I would think Naruto might hang out there. He seems the type, but if it was too "dirty" maybe he would avoid it. Like if they don't follow the rules. I'm not sure... since we haven't been over there, but we've heard about the... what is it? Hormone testing? Or something? And Gaara's been there and Kimimaro is from there... right? I just am fascinated by the idea of Naruto at Manda's I think. It'd be good to see more Itachi/Naruto stuff. That one chapter was great when they were talking about the contracts and whatnot. I can't tell for sure if Itachi despises Naruto for taking Sasuke or if he's still amused by Naruto. I think that he is just amused, but yeah he wants his Sasuke. Bizarre. Yay, more!!! Love it.
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  • From ursweetheartless on May 06, 2007
    gods that was an adorable chapter, with poor poor Gaara finally being all at peace. i always pictured Gaara having some moment like that in the series, and this just brough up all of those beautiful pictures in my head, it was just utterly perfect and i loved it. i like that you keep going from pairing to pairing, instead of just making it all about sasuke and naruto, because as much as i love sasu/naru, they're not the only hot people in the world, and having more pairings, and everybody interacting makes it feel so much more epic, fuller, so much more like a verse than just some short little piece.

    p.s. loopy shika makes me giggle and squee
    that is all

    may your muses be kind and grant us more quickly
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  • From Shedbloodytears on May 06, 2007
    OMG! I love this story...

    Its taken me 4 hours and I havn't looked away once, and usually I hate BDSM stories but this is fucking AMAZING!

    Your characters are just so life-like and I love how you've taken little cannon details and twisted them to suit the story... Like Sai and Danzou's club Roots. When I read that I think my eyes fell out of my head.

    I humbly ask for more *begs*

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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 06, 2007
    Gaara's monologue, chapter 31. Perfect.
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