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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on May 10, 2007
    Squeee! OMG That was... Fuck therapy LMAO XD!! That was Amazing Hestia. I wasn't sure how you were going to get that to turn around, or even if you were going to do it this first time, but that... I would have never seen that coming in a thousand years. Holy crap and coming on command like that, fucking mind blowingly impossible XD, I love it. I love that he lost control adn that he drew a pic of him raping Neji. OMG, Lady my mind is like half way down the street. You just Blew me Away. I don't now why I'm still surprised by the fact that you can, probably because things hardly ever surprise me, but you... You... :Bows down low, kissing feet: hmmnn, seems like I've been in this position before ;D and always for you. I adore you. This was magnificent. And LOL, I'm sort of hoping that the 'Itachi' brothers wasn't a typo, cause it made my day XD. This was above and beyond - Smexcellence!!
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  • From Kimra on May 09, 2007
    Awe, your so awesome. Neji smiled and sai smiled and I'm feeling all mushy and happy for them. :D

    Your story is amazingly diverse. I'm thoroughly impressed by it. I had a thought, that I wanted to share (the main reason for my reviewing), but it involves perminate scars and I wasn't sure if Naruto would allow it. My random though was that Sasuke could cut the whisker marks into Naruto's checks (if he doesn't already have them). Thought Naruto would love that sign of ownership even if it was from a sub.

    No idea where the thought came from or if it's too oc. But just wanted to share it.

    Loving your work. :D Keep up the excellent effort. :D
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  • From on May 09, 2007
    There is a beauty in the pain and tears of that last chapter with Sai and Neji. I really appreciated it and am I weird for saying that it's sweet? I like how both of them have these secret smiles at the end. That was so darling. I remember when I read the first few chapters, I really enjoyed the amazingly realistic portrayals that you gave of the D/s scene, but now I'm even more blown away because somehow you've coaxed a plot out of the character interactions, and not just any plot, a serious kick ass one. I really love what you've put together here. Kudos for your characterizations, kudos for your plot, and kudos for you're writing. I can see the scenes happening. I love it! I'll be watching for the new chapters!! I'm so glad that you kept going with this. *very very happy*
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  • From Shedbloodytears on May 09, 2007
    Wow... that's an interesting chapter. I mean... wow...

    Neji is dominating without actually being seme. Thats very rare to see. Its fits them too perfectly. Seme/sub Sai with a Uke/dom Neji. Sai is amazing in this. I wonder what he'll do next with Danzou and the Uchiha club and Neji... For some reason, I couldn't care less about Sasuke and Naruto at the moment. I beg you to write a companion fic of Sai/Neji.

    Forgive the short review. My brain has exploded.

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  • From ANON - yaoi_is_my_antidrug on May 09, 2007
    Hee hee! Another great chapter! And Sai and Neji - another unconventional pairing. But it works! Sai's backstory is quite interesting... that, and the way he can control his cock. yum... You did it yet again! Neji: "Three lashes. Six lashes. Eighteen lashes." Awesome. ^_^
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  • From cynaga on May 09, 2007
    The SaixNeji arc is exquisite - I thought ShikaxGaara was good. I was so moved! My god, you're brilliant. I'm holding back my tears of sadness (from the abuse stories) and joy form the healing. BRAVO~!
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 09, 2007
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  • From llyoung on May 09, 2007
    Thank you for the Sai/Neji/Sai chapter. I hope that the two of them find what they need from each other and that Sai never goes back to Danzo and Roots.

    Thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - carodajka on May 08, 2007
    sooo hot! wow :))
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  • From ANON - bishie_addict on May 08, 2007
    Don't get me wrong, I love, no ADORE this fic, but honestly, the readers don't need to know your agenda. I'm not flaming, just critisizing. Isn't the point of fanfiction to keep readers "on their toes", waiting for what comes next? Personally, your posting of this schedule of yours disappointed me a little, and was unnecessary.

    Other than that, way to go. You go into incredible detail about...well, a lot of stuff. ^^; Keep up the good work!
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  • From Sekre on May 08, 2007
    Loving this story! My favorite has to be NaruSasu and GaaShika parts (the latter being odd cause I've never even considered the pairing!). Phew that Saturday is going to be something ... If Naruto gets DP or really get involved with anyone but Sasuke, I can see Sasuke going mad, in which more trouble ensues. xD I really have no idea what's going to happen with all these pairs, even though you listed a basic synopsis. I suppose if I would request anything, it would be a small scene with Deidara and Sasori. They get mentioned a lot and seem to act different than the other couples, so I'd be interested to see what they're like behind doors. Just an idea though, I'm perfectly happy with all the couples already.
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  • From llyoung on May 07, 2007
    Glad to read that you have so many wonderful sounding chapters planned before the big Saturday night event. Looking forward to Gaara/Shika especially (we all have our favorites and along with Iruka/Kakashi they are mine). Thanks again for all the time and energy you spend on writing this story.
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  • From dilemmalicious on May 07, 2007
    I've been meaning to comment for ages, but then you go and spoil us terribly with a new chapter and my articulate comments descend into 'whoa'. Drat you. Keep it up.

    One thing I would -love- to see is a separate story in which we get to see how Iruka tamed Kakashi. How the two met, what Iruka had to do to win such amazing submission from his slave... Makes me melty just thinking of it. If you'd think about it...? I can offer an art bribe. I just think your description of them is so bloody marvelous, and your idea of Kakashi as a dojo master makes such perfect sense.

    Actually, I've greatly enjoyed all your character descriptions, and -adore- your pairing of Shikamaru and Gaara. They come across so fantastically, both in a character driven as well as a visual sense. (My, my, Neji will keel over from fury/envy when he sees the two interact in public.)

    I think my only whinge about this fantastic fic is that give one the impression that anyone into D/s has to be gay as the First of May. A minor quibble, 'cause I liked the idea of Temari and her girls, Akamaru being a dogboy instead of a real dog, and all of your pairings.

    Once again, thank you for the lovely writing, and intelligent take on a practice seldom mentioned in Naruto fan fic. Tho honestly, what with Sasuke and his wire work... *grin*

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  • From Digitalkisses on May 07, 2007
    Ok.. you've done it... you've got me drooling over the future chapters.. *glares* Ok so now you have to be a good girl and write till you drop cause I want more smexy d/s goodness so i can sit here and fan myself and drool at all the sexy mental images you keep sending my way (and the other readers of course), I can't wait for the Neji/Sai part I think you should make Sai the dom for sure, Neji needs to learn his place the guy is just too pretty to be a dom *grins* and omg I'm hooked on the Gaara/Shika parts, it's too sexy and more Kan/Shino please ;)

    So flex those fingers, get comfy in your chair and write woman!

    *blows kiss*
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  • From UzumakiLover on May 07, 2007
    I've been reading your story for a while now, but never commented before...I just wanted to get caught up before I did. I really love you story and I'm hooked on it. I'm always checking for your updates before anyone else! hehe Its really a work of art, and I love Naruto's job! Can't wait for the next chapter!
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