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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on May 11, 2007
    I would like to warn you that this is one of those rambling reviews when I talk about lots of random shit XD. LOL, sometimes you just seem to make my brain work overtime. It's never just smut with you :), it's always involving and provokes deep introspection, so... it's your fault really. Yeah, yeah I'm blaming you XD, it's all your fault - That's my story and I'm sticking to it XD.

    Holy shit Lady. That has got to be the most complicated relationship ever. So very intricate, I could only just grasp the edges. It defies explanation, I am sort of blown away here. I don't really know what to think. It's awesome, like a big mess of life and hardship. Like an installation I had planned but never got to put forward - LOL, I thought it was really funny what you said about Neji and his preferences on art (views on installations etc)- such a purist XD, he so would be. I wanted to make an installation where I took several of my portraits of women, posed as historical paintings, allowing the 'models' to deconstruct their images as they saw fit, only to have me reconstruct them with 'traditional women's arts' like embroidery and needlepoint, scrapbook making - things of the home that were considered craft like. It was a really odd complicated desire I had to rip apart the old preconceived images and roles for women in art and put them back together as something more our own. But I realised that while the idea in theory is wonderful, the finished product never really comes out exactly how I wanted it to. Long stories of failed thoughts O.o, not to mention that after I did the paintings my teachers all screamed at me not to let anyone destroy them XD, LOL. It was interesting XD. Neji and Sai's relationship made me remember that for several reasons. How they both seem so broken or torn, like shreds of people, trying to hold each other together and getting thoroughly mixed up in the process, but it seems like they'll make a lovely whole, some day. I love that, it's gorgeous, life could never be perfect, so we'll hold it together any way we can and make it beautiful. You just rock my world, why do I always end up thinking deep, philosophical thoughts when you write smut O.o??? You throw me, I don't know. It's definitely an experience though, something to look forward to.

    Oooohhh, your place holder is evil! I read them back to front ;). Wow, that's lovely can't wait till it's finished XD. Makes me want to go swim in the meantime - you reminded me of a conversation i had with my brother a while ago (Today seems to be a day for reminiscing :) We were discussing why when you swim - you swim until everything burns and your muscles hate you, and then it's like you've exploded through something and everything gets so easy, and you feel like you could swim forever. Paul-o said that when you do anything physical, that your body knows what to do better than your mind. He said that, that point, that burst, is when you've exhausted yourself to the point where you stop thinking, and your mind stops warring with your body and just lets the body do what it knows to do. We were actually discussing training children to fight, which is one of his jobs, he said you work them until their mind stops, stops contradicting, stops being distracted etc... and then you train their body, so that in a situation when they're scared and the mind is in turmoil, the body reacts. Yes we talk about random shit most of the time. LOL, anyway I just felt the need to share that, do with it as you may. This is just me wallowing in the throws of adoration - Till next time - Ja :).
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  • From LifeonHiatus on May 11, 2007
    woo!! review # 400 ::throws confetti:: the sai/neji works better than i had expected and frankly this is the best sai i've ever read in fanficdom. he's still sai but he has so much more depth to him too. now that you mention it, i am vaguely reminded of "a virgin kiss" (also something i loved reading btw ;-) but i think this neji captures different dimensions, like overcoming his past. and i'm still looking forward to some kank/shino action. make it sooooonnnn. :-D
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  • From ANON - R on May 11, 2007
    OMG I'm loving this story! Please keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Shosuro on May 11, 2007
    Just gotta say that I grovel at your writing skills!! You have written the D/s story that I have been waiting for. I really wanted to find a story that was very hardcore D/s and I really didn't want to write it myself. So thank you writing it first!!!

    Secondly, I am kinda confused with Sai/Neji/Sai. Who is the Master? I am confused when Sai is fucking Neji on the swing Neji screams out Master to Sai, but I know that Neji is the dominate one.....I think. I was also confused with the beatings that Neji gave Sai and the slap that Sai gave Neji. I guess it is not a very defined relationship......

    But other than that I am totally in love with your stories!!! Once again you come up with something wonderful that I want to share with the world....if only the world like Hard core D/s Yaoi with Naruto characters!!
    Oh well You still have your loyal fan basic here at adultfanfiction!!!
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  • From AnimeCookie on May 11, 2007
    Man, that swing scene was wild! In fact, I’m whining at my computer, “I want sex like that!” But I’m getting ahead of myself in this review ~!

    I’m waiting with bated breath for you to finish up Shino & Kankurou. I liked how you described Shino’s emotional loss of loosing his partner which twisted into a compulsion to express his suffering through physical pain, hence the body-building and tattooing. I liked his motivations for becoming a dom in the first place and now his need to become a sub, not without taking a major risk. But isn’t that what they are all doing when they become subs, taking a major psychological risk by giving up control to someone else in order to gain something else that seems missing.

    Neji’s & Sai’s scene was once again, emotionally intense. Sai marveling at Neji’s “femininely embarrassing” house; more cathartic sessions, more dom/sub switching; Neji finding within himself to rise above his own personal pain to reach out to Sai; all the abuse Sai submits to as if he was actually going through a slow death, just waiting for that one bad sub session that might take him for good because he can find no real joy for living. And then to top it all off with that wild swing sex and Hinata’s hilarious reaction! I can’t blame her; if it was me, I would have outright screamed if not passed out from excitement. Who knows? Maybe she could get Anko to ask Neji if they could come over and “borrow” his swing sometime!

    Cookie ~

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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 11, 2007
    By the gods mistress you have a gloriously twisted mind.
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  • From Zannie on May 11, 2007
    Hahahah. Hinata passed out. Classic. I hope Sai paints the look on her face. Nice one.
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  • From ANON - burr on May 11, 2007
    awww i thought it was kisaita :(. i don't really like these two pairing, i mean kankshino and nejisai, simply because i don't really like these characters. but it's not my place to complain :). just.. kisaita was mentioned looong time ago and i'm really impatient to read it, i guess.

    somebody wrote that he would like to see sasdei - aww, that could be interesting. i have never read any good fic featuring those two.

    anyway, thanks to you once again for writing this wonderful story! :)
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 11, 2007
    This was awesome. Neji and Sai just... unlocked each other. Really, completely wonderful.
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  • From AnimeCookie on May 10, 2007
    Boy, my head is seriously spinning between four doms (Kankurou & Shino) and Neji & Sai) deciding who was going to sub and the deteriorating relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. When Shino stated flat out that ‘I’m not a uke’, ‘I’m a dom’, ‘No Master’s degree’, ‘Can’t get a date’, and Kankurou came out with that ,‘So, I guess you’re going to make me work to get you to make any noise.’ I was hollering this is gonna be good! But when Shino jumped that iron gate (still handcuffed!) and Kankurou when right after him, and ended up in the pool, I was outright screaming, it was that funny!

    But Neji and Sai switching was so different and so touching. I knew Neji was hurting, so his uncle raping him definitely would explain his need for control, but Sai’s story really got to me as well. First of all, I like how you slipped in Danzou’s character, hence Sai’s purpose for being at Uchiha’s. But the lack of any real feelings, how Sai totally shut himself down emotionally after the very sad death of his brother was pretty heavy. So I really liked how you played out their session as a way for both of them to start healing their inner wounds.

    But for the life of me, I’m STILL trying to figure out who ended up dom and who ended up sub, cause there was a hell of lot of topping from the bottom and at times, just outright dominating and submitting and then switching in mid-session! Which I thought was pretty cool!

    Poor Sasuke, he's so messed up that he doesn't know what a good thing he’s got with Naruto. But I found his worries to be convincing given that he feels so swallowed up around Itachi. But I am impressed with Naruto here. He still has that impulsiveness, but he’s not stupid. He can see what Itachi has in mind for Sasuke. My impression is that Naruto agreed to that contract as a way to confront Sasuke to make a conscious decision about their relationship. However, if Sasuke signs that contract, at least without any MAJOR changes, it really will be all over between him and Naruto – and Itachi wins. Of course I'm wondering what's Kisame gonna do; I know he's not just gonna sit by and let Itachi be completely in control (silly grin)!


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  • From ANON - LindyStar on May 10, 2007
    Wow, talk about catharsis in that last chapter! I was a little disappointed though, Neji is hot and an atomic sex scene is in order! Hopefully when he opens up more (no pun intended) he and Sai can burn a hole in the rug, and bed, and wall, etc. etc. etc. Keep up the great work, I love this fanfic like a fat kid loves cake.
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  • From ANON - WinkyBells on May 10, 2007
    Oh my God, Hestia! This fic is fantastic! I've been unable to stop reading it for days now. I absolutely adore the Gaara/Shikamaru side story (I mean c'mon, two of my favorite characters going at it like bunnies? Yes please!), Sai/Neji was beautifully written, Kankurou/Shino is damn hot, and Naruto/Sasuke...*mind explodes* This is one of the sexiest fics I've ever read. I can't wait until it's updated again. Hopefully, you can add in a bit more Chouji, just because I love him. But, even if you don't: Please, write more soon!
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  • From ANON - inigeshi on May 10, 2007
    oh amn i love this chapter! i kinda figured hiashi raped him... and sai was so perfectly written! Ah! the bliss. off topic i read w/ music and at the end of this fic all the things i've doneby the killer came on the intro for that song was the perfect exit for the chapter! Double the experience! any way aside from my non coherient rambling i really enjoyed ted the chapter and can't wait for the next. when you first put up this story i was kind of upset b/c i was looking forward to the next chapter of torture then i started reading and forgot all about it.... well good job and i cant wait for the next chaper


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  • From ANON - Frigid on May 10, 2007
    Oh god, the Kank/Shino chapter had me laughing my ass off. That was brilliant. I'm so in love with this fic-- which is wierd becasue I am NOT (strictly speaking) into domination/submission. but you write it so well, and it's clear that there's a level of respect and affection... and it's just so damn HOT. I blame you for my newly formed pervy fixation. I can't WAIT to read more NaruSasu goodness-- Sasuke totally wants to be Naruto's sub. There's no way he'll let anyone else touch Naruto if he couldn't even handle Lee doing it. I hope he breaks down halfway through Naruto's sub session and begs for cock. Bwuhahaha. God, this story is addictive. Thanks for posting (PS I've spent the last 4 hours reading this...)
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  • From ursweetheartless on May 10, 2007
    OMG sai and neji were adorable together, and i have to say that never in a billion years have i even thought about that pairing, but you made it work so well. you even kept sai remarkably in character, which is a mysterious feat.

    i love the switch on reluctant switch nature of their relationship, and sai, oh sai, i can see them in the future now, i can see them when i don't think i could have before. you /have/ to have sai drawing neji at some point, it has to be done OMG i am so in love now *dies*
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