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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Mia on May 13, 2007
    WOW! You're amazing!! I can't believe it's already 43 chapters!!! I really love this story, especially the Sasuke and Naruto parts! I'm a sucker for this pairing -_-; I hope you keep the great work up. Tons of cookies for you!!!! :DD
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  • From ANON - yay on May 13, 2007
    Fianally, we get to see what the heck happened with Naruto and Sasuke. Too bad Sasuke's so ridiculous that he had to walk in at that very moment. I mean it is a piercing parlor! Eh, but I don't blame the poor guy. That previous scene with Sasuke masturbating. Damn. Who knew all that could be so hot, just him getting off? But the way all he could do was think about Naruto. And how all those rings and clamps and a piercing would always make him think of Naruto.

    It was interesting to see all those people interacting at Naruto's shop though. It did seem like it became the after-club hangout on a Sunday morning. And I like how everyone's sort of drawn to Naruto. Ha, and he designs sex toys. That's flippin' hysterical. But I guess I would like to know more about Naruto's past. What he did in Seattle and all that? I hope Sasuke doesn't do anything stupid. And what was he doing going to Naruto's? He seemed too proud to do that. LOL and I like how Naruto sums it up that Sasuke's main problem is just that he's used to being top dog when in reality he's meant to be a sub. I'm sure that's only part of the problem really. I wonder if Sasuke's memories would come back if he was up on stage with Itachi... but I just don't foresee that ItachixSasuxNaru scene happening. The way that Itachi has been outed as a sub. And just the way Itachi and Naruto interact. They seem to get along really. And now that Itachi has Kisame, there's no reason for him to be jealous. But holy shit, if Sasuke doesn't figure out how Naruto feels he's gonna take a hella lot of shit out on Naruto. I wonder if Naruto would even be able to walk the day after. I still don't know if Sasuke is going to be completely rough or just rough but gentle because I bet Naruto will be a completely devoted sub. But a sub that needs someone with a lot of dominance. Which isn't something Sasuke has displayed lately. And poor Itachi needs to gain back that respect if he's gonna be a sub. Gah, what a hard position Kisame has asked him to be in, really. And Neji's such a bitch. I can't believe he can get away with acting like that to the club owner. Sheesh. How was he supposed to know Neji moved so fast or that Sai had quit? Neji is probably the most annoying guy. I anticipate the next few chapters. Seems like there's gonna be some drama. And I hope Sasuke doesn't wuss out and still shows up at the dojo, but he'll probably kick the shit out of Naruto. Or it'll be a draw. I don't see Naruto going soft just cuz it's Sasuke. But if Sasuke doesn't beat him, it'd set up a bad precedent for Saturday. But then again, it would only complicate the issue that Sasuke thinks he's the dom. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out.
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  • From llyoung on May 13, 2007
    Loved Sasuke's fantasy. It was very hot.
    The interactions at Naruto's shop were fun. Wonderful humor. And poor Sasuke and Naruto that just can't seem to get a break. Ah well, I'm sure things will work out eventually.
    Thanks for the updates.
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  • From AnimeCookie on May 13, 2007
    “Pussies” -- ha-ha! I’m liking “Scareface” Ibiki already! Between him, Kisame, and Kakashi, they sound like they right up there with the “Last of the Ass-kickers” and they’re looking to initiate Naruto in their membership. In fact, I liked that Naruto wasn’t easily intimidated, another good sign that he would be a good dom for Sasuke. Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke, somebody please talk to this boy and set him, um, right? I wanted to say “set him straight”, but that doesn’t seem applicable in this story (Ha-ha, made a funny – *choke*! *cough* *cough*! Ah-hem!)

    I’m loving this “variation” on switching that would allow Itachi to be both dom and sub which does sounds do-able. When he’s privately with Kisame, he’s a sub, but when he’s publicly running the club, that can be considered a separate scene in which he’s the Dom of the City. See? He can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever let Kisame forget he’s a man! Once again, leave it to good ol’ Ibiki (who’s family is more fucked up than the Uchihas – I love that!) to have the clarity to point that out!

    Cookie ~

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  • From DevilnBlue on May 13, 2007
    omfg... no Sasuke you got the wrong idea... omg what is going on back there... Itachi... Naruto.. someone say something @_@ Omg Ibiki is so weird and I love Naruto's ability to give nicknames... my favorite by far is him calling Lee 'Fuzzy-brows' Well enjoying this story so far and update when you can.
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  • From Allys on May 13, 2007
    Holy SHIT!!! NOOOOOO!!! Sasuke... oh god.... Oh God, NO. Damn IT!!!!!!!! Holy shit, this sucks butt :( The big, fat, hairy, Ugly kind :(. OMG... These guys just won't get a break will they. My heart hurts. I need to rub it. Holy SHIT, Oh God that chapter started out soo Hott. I love that Naruto designed the homosexual line of Icha Icha sex toys, LOL. And Sai's collar - that's just Fantastic, I Love it. That was the best idea ever. Ibiki - Hello Love XD. And Itachi, god still so smexy. Not to mention that Naruto seems to be on the fast track, but Damn it!! Everything sort of God waylaid by Sasuke at the end . Still I have to say Thank you so MUCH, that was excellent XD, I haven't done that in a while, leave a review only to click back to the lastest page and found that you've updated. I love you - Thank you. That was an awesome chapter, even if it is threatening to give me palpitations.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 13, 2007
    Everything is relative. I'm afraid you have corrupted me Mistress. A month ago I would never have believed that reading about Itatchi walking into a store to buy a cockring from Naruto would have me nearly apoplectic with laughter. Thank you this whole chappie was just sooooo enjoyable. And Ibiki is perfect.
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  • From Allys on May 13, 2007
    OMG, that was so freaking Hott, lover needs to pick up the phone... Oh God the phone O.o with Naruto's cock on it... he's just gonna die isn't he? I'd be dying. He needs to call Naruto and Beg. Beg for forgiveness, beg for him to come. God , LOL, I have no kinda self control when it comes to shit like that. That was awesome, I'm really excited about your plot too XD. Yay!! You're on a roll, please please, update soon. With nothing but love and adoration, Allys.
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  • From Digitalkisses on May 13, 2007
    *Has just become a puddle of drool on the floor and is sure you're out to kill her with these chapters* Sasuke.. masturbating.. licking up his own cum... O GOD!! the mental image of that... is just.. wow... *becomes a puddle again* you my dear are making me all stick :p

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  • From LifeonHiatus on May 13, 2007
    o____0 everytime i log in i see a new chapter. and i log in a lot. i have come to a conclusion that you are not human. one cannot possibly update SO fast, and have a story SO good. not possible. therefore you MUST be a goddess. damn, i need sleep. haha >_< bah, let me review as best as my sleep deprivity allows me to. i was reading over a previous chapter the one which shino and kankuro first meet, and i was like damn! like ino, last semester i took etomology on tues and thrus. so if you got a question about bugs/ insects/ creepy crawlies i might know an answer. even bug sex. haha. (not joking though) but my profesor wasn't hot. boo. initially, i think i missed the smex scene with kank/shino (agggghh though i'm not sure how i missed it >_
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 13, 2007
    OMG i love how sasuke is a total sub for naruto, i mean naruto isn't even there and he fantasies about him. I just wish he would get over his fucking pride and allow naruto to be his master! Even though he is already in his mind
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  • From Nekoastrid on May 13, 2007
    I am so sorry I haven't reviewed untill now. this story is so awsome and intence that I really don't know what to say. its so much more then a bondage fic. its so detailed and well oviously hot but its got so many intence emotionas wraped up in it. I fell so sorry for itachi and the thing that went on with sasuke. its sad that his first introduction to that kind of life turned out that badly. I think its awsome that you made kisame a black man (^_^) I've never thought of it like that, cool I like them as a couple it really suits them. Iruka and kikashi are an awsome couple they really love each other, gaara and shika too, I'm glad he found someone to help him start getting over the whole blood craving thing. hehe naruto has got sasuke soo whiped (litaliry hehe...) he's iching just iching for naruto to make him suffer (where it be pain of pleasure of just both). his trying to stay away from him is just some major denile, he'll give in eventually and then he can fully submit to his kyuubi master ! (YOSH!) all the other couple are great too but I was kinda suprised by the sai and neji thing. I almost fell out my chair when you turned Lee's double lotus into an kind of intense blow job, then the pervert in me reared it's head and I was like (hehe whoa....) I fell so sorry for iachi-kun he can't cum for a week (the cruelty!). I was wondering for a while why Itachi had such a strange obsession with his brother but then again when I read about what happend its perfectly understandable if still not a bit desturbing but then again in this sort of thing that can be a good thing.can't wait to see naru-chan as a sub , I want to see how good a slave he can be, iruka said he was reckless as one but he must have some confidence in him if he let him be a dome after training under him as a sub. I sapose sasuke can be a good dome but I like him better as a sub, besides he needs the submission. well keep up the good work ! I love your fic and I shal continue to be a davoted reader!

    Ja ne!
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  • From cynaga on May 13, 2007
    I think your plot is a psychological character study which happens to involve a lot of delicious sex. It's not a story that just reads sex, sex, sex. I think more about the characters and why they do what they do to each other; why they need pain. You show that so well. And the two scences describing Gaara's garden and large stone, again poetry. The other scences are a poetry too of their own kind.

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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 13, 2007
    gods Mistress, can one intelligent male be so stupid??? Wonder how Naruto is doing? Will he disobey and go to Iruka? Hmm, has Hinata woken up yet? And Ibiki is on his way, who-ever will he partner up with? I think only Choji is left, what an odd couple that would be.

    Thank you for the quick updates Mistress, it is a very good weekend.
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  • From AnimeCookie on May 13, 2007
    Wow. That was so very, truly tragic about Sasuke and Itachi. Man. I can see you’re preparing us for some serious future angst, especially between Sasuke and Naruto. That was a very good explanation of Itachi’s fears of becoming a sub and need to be in control in any relationship, even if subbing is truly what he wants deep down. But I am a little confused; since Itachi wanted to get away from Sasuke by spending the summer at camp, why did he allow Sasuke to handcuff and tie him down the night before, allowing Sasuke to think this is what he wanted, then suddenly fight against it, especially when he knew he was leaving the next day?

    Man, Kisame’s a tough dom, but I have to hand it to him for his love, his patience, his understanding and compassion towards Itachi, especially when he found out “the story”. But Itachi, like Kakashi and even Sasuke, are subs that have a lot of self-pride who need the right type of dom. So now you really got me cheering for Kisame & Itachi here, as well as Naruto & Sasuke!

    Oh by the way, I also agree with a couple of the other reviewers that a D/s Iruka & Kakashi “gaiden” story delving into the beginning of their relationship would be fun to read!

    Cookie ~
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