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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Alice on May 14, 2007
    Hey wait, won't Itachi's parents be mad that he's with a black guy?
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  • From AnimeCookie on May 14, 2007
    Wow, that was interesting, having a sub tell another sub to um, go down on him. But Kakashi did make me laugh with his, “What? Iruka beating Naruto? Hell, no, I like it,” " I can go home and take my punishment like the good slave that I am.” I must admit, those were some good lines! But Iruka also had me laughing as well. In fact he reminds me mother! Nice and calm, supposedly sweet on the surface, then BLAM! Switch personality! Yep, I can see it, why Iruka is a dom. Afterall, nobody messes with an angry mom when they go on one of their tirades.

    Oh, I’m so glad SOMEBODY finally sat down and clued Sasuke in. He’s definitely sub-material because he definitely needs lots of talking to, lots of attention and reassurance -- and lots of fucking. A LOT. He’s also just as quick to anger like Naruto. Getting fucked will help him with that, too. In fact, to paraphrase one of the many famous lines from “Gone with the Wind": Sasuke, you need fucking, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be fucked and often, and by someone who knows how. Of course one can say the same thing about Itachi! Creampies, indeed!

    Although part of me still sympathizes with Sasuke because I’m sure that part of his anger and confusion has to do with his repressed memories and maybe even some lingering brain damage from being nearly beaten to death. Afterall, he still suffers occasionally from a collapsed lung. In fact, if I’m following the story correctly, after the incident and the beating, Sasuke has been somewhat repressed all this time until he met Naruto. So it will be interesting to see what happens to him, if anything that is, when he goes through his sessions with Naruto as a dom.

    Cookie ~

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  • From cynaga on May 14, 2007
    Sasuke is really whiney. I can see this as his personality taken to extreme but I look forward to him doming Naruto for real and growing some balls!

    thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us~!
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 14, 2007
    Uwaa, that last chapter was undoubtedly wonderful! It was really cool to see Kakashi talking normally and stuff, hehe. He's do entertaining. And that Sasuke and Naruto session was pretty effin' hot. :)

    Can't wait for the next chapters! Great job. ^^
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  • From ANON - Mitsuko on May 14, 2007
    Do you know why i love you? You update so fast! and to be able to do that and actually come up with something good, is a job incredibly well done! Another good chap!
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  • From Sekre on May 14, 2007
    I love those last two lines especially.
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  • From Digitalkisses on May 14, 2007
    *does happy dance* Yay their back together :D *boogies around the room while singing a mantra of Naruto and Sasuke* and OMG the mental image of Sai and Neji in the backroom going at it on Naruto's bed with Sai and the lock of hair around his neck.. talk about sexy.. damn you for writing this (but thank you too lol) and then making Kakashi teach Sasuke how to suck cock, such a nice touch, I'm already looking forward to Iruka punishing him for that little pleasure induced sin.. do you ever wonder where all of this comes from, it makes me wonder if you're into d/s yourself hmmm? but enough about that, 2 more awesome chapters, so detailed and sexy, it amazes me how much detail and information you give on the small things, it's like nothing goes by you in these story, the smallest thing is put into focus, every emotions displayed, that's what I love about this, it's like you can feel every shudder, every whimper heard.

    All ready looking forward to more.
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  • From Shedbloodytears on May 14, 2007

    I go to sleep after reading 4 updates, and come online 21 hours later to find 4 more chapters! 4 more delicious chapters of the D/S goodness my mind craves. Its just not a good day without an update from you. I'm also 31 chapters into "A Virgin Kiss" and I swear that if I was a man, I'd be walking around with a hard-on all day because of these stories. XD! The Naruto yelling at Itachi with Sasuke in his shop moment was absolutly priceless... Then Ibiki's thoughts... Omfg. I couldn't breathe for 5 minutes from laughing so hard! Then the events leading up to Naruto's sub session with Sasuke. More not-breathing-from-laughter-and-drooling moments. You are quickly turning into one of my favorite Naruto fanfic authors.

    *grovels for more*

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  • From ANON - Tati on May 13, 2007
    You slay me!

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  • From FKawazoe on May 13, 2007
    OMG!!! That was wonderful. Slave Itachi... very hot!!!! And Kisame sending him to buy a cockring at Naruto's was genial.
    I really love reading this. It's so intense!!! Hope to read more soon.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 13, 2007
    I knew Sasuke never stood a chance Mistress, but you are making him suffer so beautifully. And Kakashi being naughty (perverted) on purpose? Priceless.
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  • From ANON - ras on May 13, 2007
    hoooooolllllyyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiit. yes yes yes. they're talking again. and naruto's the sub. but damn, what an interesting sub he makes. he gets away with a lot! he definitely tops from the bottom, doesn't he? sasuke doesn't even have a chance i don't think. and that whole scene with kakashi was hilarious. i bet iruka's gonna beat him pretty good tonight for that one, yikes. and that whole beginning where sasuke was telling naruto whose cum it was... O.o holy crap. i can only imagine how turned on that made naruto.

    aww but they got banned from the club after everything? what happens then? do they go to another club? oh well. that was so good to read again. i like when they're happy and stop being stupid and realize that they need each other desperately. thank you thank you for updating with those last three chapters. i'd missed naru and sasu so much >.< i'm so sad they're banned though because a show on the stage woulda been hot. but i can't wait to see what more sasuke has in store for naruto and if he can get him to submit. naru just seems impossible to tame. which is hot.

    yes and ibiki was so cool. i love how he just sat there and drifted into thoughts of hand to hand combat. what a cool guy.
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  • From Allys on May 13, 2007
    Oh XD, Oh XD :whispers a tiny squee: I'm so happy right now XD!! I Love you XD. Thank you so Much XD. I feel as if I let it out I'll bust and not come back. That was amazing XD. Sasuke at the beginning, so sweet and vulnerable, he though Naruto was fucking Itachi :huggles: And then LOL, Iruka and Kakashi cracked me up - when Iruka slapped Sasuke, and Naruto and Itachi fucking... No, just No XD. Kakashi and his lessons XD. But OMG the best was the fantasies, both of them, Sasuke telling Naruto what he did in his kitchen, so sexy - and they finally admitted that they love each other - I'm so happy right now, so happy I have to whisper and i can barely see, I'm grinning so much. Thank you, I love you
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  • From ANON - Epi on May 13, 2007
    Hestia, you're not human you know... you're some goddess. How can you update so fast? I think it's been 3 or 4 chapters in one day O.O And they are all sooooo good. Like I said you are definitely not human. Do you sleep at night? Saying I don't like fast updates would be a horrible lie and I'm sure everybody loves your rythm of updates but you should rest a bit if you feel like it :p.

    Aww Sasuke and Naruto finally made up *joy* but Sasuke as a dom sounds wrong; he's much better as a sub. Even when he's supposed to be a sub Naruto still controls him hahaha. I can't wait for Sasuke to become Naruto's slave.
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  • From llyoung on May 13, 2007
    That was fantastic. Sasuke and Naruto straightened out some of their misunderstandings and Naruto's fantasy was so hot that I flushed (and not with embarassment either). Thanks for another great chapter.
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