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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 18, 2007
    Raido, Mistress? Did not see that one coming, again you surprise me.

    Poor, lucky Itachi, hee-hee-hee, he is soooo gonna get it.
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  • From ANON - Tati on May 18, 2007
    Okay now... Ibiki and Raido? How do you come up with these pairings and how
    the heck do you make then work? Because let me tell you, I ended loving these
    pairings that I never saw coming and never even considered. You are amazing!
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  • From ANON - Alix on May 18, 2007
    Well, the only obvious mistake to pick up on is that the name is actually spelled *Raidou* ... unless you've chosen to Americanize the name, I guess.

    As much as I love Sasuke and Naruto ... I may be unable to leave my computer for fear of missing a chapter if you're going to bring in Genma, Raidou and Ibiki.

    And you've got Raidou as a submissive? That's actually a first I think... I've seen him written as the 'fuckee,' but never actually mentally submissive to his partner.

    And oh the things we want to know about Ibiki ... I won't even presume to suggest or wonder out loud. I'm sure you'll be able to blow our minds. hehe.

    And, from the bottom of my heart and on my knees ... Genma. Fandom needs more Genma. And I feverishly await the name of a potential partner for him (just, no Aoba, 'cause Genma's smarter than to sleep with a co-worker and a stupid drunk).
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  • From ANON - happy 500 on May 18, 2007
    yippee! love this story so much. just wanted to say that. and hell yeah i get to be the 500th review for this story. can't wait for the update! well, i can i guess, i will.

    loooove it.
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  • From morbiDreamscape on May 18, 2007
    Oops. Forgot one. Prostate (gland)/Prostrate (to lie flat on the ground). I honestly wouldn't mind if this fic went on forever. XD And... there IS a plot, it's just interspersed with lots and lots of yummy smut. Did I already say there can never be too much of IruKaka? I've forgotten again. Seriously. ^^;
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  • From morbiDreamscape on May 18, 2007
    Chapter 30 - Utterly hilarious. Which is perfect, since Chapter 28 was full of emo Sasuke (but then again, when is he not?). I loved this chapter ^_^ Not much else to say except for a few grammatical errors that have popped up several times. Discreet/discretion. Discrete is separate parts, or something like that. I hope I haven't repeated myself though... O__o I have terrible memory.
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  • From Vague on May 17, 2007
    You know... I am not into D/s or s&M. Its not for any other reason than I find most of it too incredibly extreme. Someone recommended this story in their own fiction. I cant remember which story but i thought fine whatever lets give it a try one chapter that way i can say that i at least tried (given that i hate those kinds of stories). You know what's good about this story? It's not extreme. Its not someone being forced or tied up constantly. Its someone giving up control willingly even though they may be stronger than the dominant one (in this case kakashi and iruka though i so dont like that pairing. I have nothing against iruka as a dom in fact i love stories like that but not here. it just does not work for me. think it would have been just as sexy as sasuke being sub if it was iruka but hey its your story. but i tend to skip through anything that has iruka and kakshi cause iruka annoys me in this story. Shikamaru and gaara just beautiful absolutely gorgeous. Kisame and itachi a tiny bit freaky not for any other reason than its so weird imagining itachi going "Master oh please master thank you master ..." I am liking the whole neji sai thing though sai is not your traditional sub but its nice for something different.

    The premise of the story is wonderful. absolutely brilliant because well i dont know what made people think naruto could ever be a sub... well maybe because in traditional boy love stories naruto follows the " cute, lauging , everyone likes him" uke role while sasule fills in the "brooding, quiet, dangerous bad boy" seme but i think either could work because naruto is stronger physically, in appearance and anything else. There are a few typoes that got to me and made me want to paddle your but (giggles) but all in all those were forgivable as they were not so many that they were glaringly obvious.

    I believe that further up (in reviews), I informed you that you were being added to my fanfiction archive and that is correct. Your other story, "Virgin Kiss" has been added to the favourites and this one will be as well but i dont put stories that are not complete there unless mybe they have reached the climax and youve definitely not reached it yet. This is truly a gem of a story and im very glad that you have written it and hope that you will continue to write it. It is authors like you that make me read fanfiction.

    Question: Are you a guy or a girl as some peope seem to think youre a guy but im 100 % positive youre a girl well 99.99999%. If you feel like answering please do so other wise I really enjoyed your story and look forward to the new chapter (currently read "46. Chapter 45")

    Administrator of YFA
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  • From ycardaria on May 17, 2007
    *laughs* This fic has become a ritual. Every time I get home from work, I check for updates. ;D I've discovered that the song that reminds me of this fic would be Lords of Acid - ABC's of Kinky Sex.

    Oho... there's an idea for you - 100 worded ficlets for each of the letters described in that song. :D *wink wink*
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  • From ANON - ShiftyMoof on May 16, 2007
    Oh, bloody friggin' HECK! This has got to be THE hottest fanfiction full of kink I have ever read... EVER. >___>;; I can't believe I hadn't found this sooner. XD Had me up all night reading the dang thing! I absofreakin'lutely ADORE the whole Master/Slave thing with Kisame and Itachi. If I'm ever blessed with the time, I am so going to be splattering out some artwork inspired by those scenes. @_____@ Not just that but--... Christ. I'M NOT EMBERASSED TO SAY THIS STUFF MAKES ME HAPPY. XD
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  • From ANON - Nielle24 on May 16, 2007
    Ahhh!!! Love is definitely blind. Sasuke is way better looking than anybody, most especially in his uber sexy outfit.
    You know, your story is one that'll be remembered for a long long time. This is history in the making right here.

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  • From ANON - Anon on May 16, 2007
    Holy fucking roller coaster of emotions. Holy shit. I can't even believe that. I was like, okay okay, by the way I totally have tears in my eyes and I can't remember if it was from the laughing or the sheer frustration that Naruto felt. BTW, this line killed me: Fuck he looked good. He’d do himself in a second. That is so Naruto. But oh shit. It's funny how Naruto was fantasizing about all of them getting it on because they all have the physical type he's attracted to, but then when it starts happening he doesn't want it at all.

    And honestly, I would have cried my fucking heart out if Sasuke would have let Sai fuck him. And what the fucking hell, if Naruto wouldn't have gone crazy, Sasuke would have done it! And what's terrible is that I agree with Sasuke, that no amount of beating would have gotten Naruto's attention like that. But that was way too much. I was crying and praying that Sasuke would stop. I can't even believe that. I felt like my heart was breaking into so many pieces for Naruto. That killed me. Because I thought that if Sasuke went through with it that Naruto just... he would not have recovered. He would have said fuck this and left Sasuke right there, and I wouldn't have blamed him because just no. Just uh uh. And I was so sure in the back of my head that you wouldn't let that happen after everything, and here Sasuke was trying to prove he could be a dom... oh just, I can't even describe how my heart fell into my ass, I was just... I would have cried all night, I guarantee it. I would have hide my head in the sand or drowned myself in the bathtub or taken up cutting again or something. but ugh, just ow, that hurt so bad. And poor Naruto just going crazy like that, what else could he do? And I'm pissed Sai talked about his penis that way even though, er, that's what Sai does. *pats Naruto* Naruto, you have a nice cock, you do, natural blonde you.

    But then you make me feel bipolar with that whole next scene. That was a fucking riot. I was laughing so hard I cried. Sasuke wanting to be fucked so bad that he couldn't remember his other safeword and going through about everything he could possibly think of. That killed me. And then Sasuke submitted cuz he wanted so badly, gah. Yes, yes, Sasuke, you are Naruto's ass-slut, so get the fuck over yourself damnit. That was so good. I'm glad they admitted that they love each other, but damnit Sasuke... why why did he even have to suggest that. That feeling, and the expression probably on Naruto's face at having to watch that is like emblazened in my head right now so much that it hurts still. It hurts so bad. *tears up* Oh but that was good. So many emotions, I feel like I died and came back to life or something. There is such a struggle here. While I totally believe Naruto is the natural dom in this relationship, Sasuke... damn him. But I think he'll get over it. And Naruto still has more sub sessions, doesn't he? I don't think I can take another one of his sub sessions. i feel like i'm gonna have a heart attack, damn. those are way too intense. >.< damn image of sasuke doing that with sai. but naruto really is a terrible sub. he can't even try to keep his mouth shut. and i'd love to see a pic of naruto in his suit with all his ear piercings. i bet he looked so good. i loved (even tho now it's overshadowed by that sai trauma) i did love how all the guys had their eyes on naruto. i feel so bad for naruto that he doesn't know how good he looks. though he's obviously cocky... and holy shit though, but the way that naruto had his back on the incest thing... that only shows that when sasuke (if?) he finds out about what happened with his brother he's going to FLIP OUT. and i don't know if naruto will be able to get him through all that. what's he going to do? sasuke is so fragile emotionally and physically... and he has a tendency to run away from things when they're too hard to deal with. so.. god i hope naruto can help him through that if that's what it comes down to. and if naruto is so disgusted by incest... is he going to abandon sasuke or be disgusted? i don't think that he would, especially since sasuke was manipulated into it... ugh, there is way too much potential drama with those boys. i need a drink. damn it sasuke, goddam you sai. and then sai kissed naruto in the end. grr. i hope someone punches him in the face for that the next time they see him. i don't like sai or neji, they piss me off. and anyway, but i do wonder though who has ever had power over naruto? he's so hard to tame, dammit. and tho i think sasuke could be a good dom in his own way... naruto could be an awesome sub for the right person. i don't want them though, they can die. i just think naruto already knows he has control over sasuke like he wants, so he just can't seem to submit since even when he's subbing he thinks he has control over sasuke. which apparently he does, but that kind of attitude doesn't really help. and is that normal? i mean is that allowed to use sex with other people as a way to break your slave? that just seems too cruel, because when it comes down to it, though D/s or whatever is a part of your life, if you're master and slave, you still are people who make the choice to be dom or sub or take part in the scenes, but when the other person does something that just shatters your heart and trust, can you recover from that? i mean i guess that's what safe words are for so that those boundaries aren't trespassed... but obviously, when something that upsetting happens and you can't think of your safeword, and then it happens... what do you do then? i think if... i had a master who i loved, and i would take their beatings and punishments, a blowjob isn't terrible, but fucking someone else? especially when you love each other... that seems so hard. too hard. especially too hard for the sub. a master ordering the sub to do stuff, sure... but to see your master get pleasure from another? well... no wonder sasuke went nutso when naruto got a blowjob from lee straight from a sub session with him... that would have been devastating and now i see that sasuke wasn't just being a drama queen. we just didn't see it from his POV. that would have shattered my heart, too, even though naruto didn't mean anything by it. aaah. but still... poor naruto, that must have been the worst possible thing that sasuke could have done to him. i'm just so thankful it ended how it did. wow, though... i felt the whole spectrum of emotions with that chapter, i really did. i still need that drink.
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  • From Allys on May 16, 2007
    Okay, LOL, so I'm back. I still don't think I'm ready, but I'm gonna try XD. Okay, Damn this was HOTT!!! Crazy, psycho, heart palpitation type HOTT!! But Damn, you scared the Crap out of me O.o For a second there I thought, and I mean I was heartbreakingly convinced, that Sasuke was gonna let Sai fuck him, and that, that would just be the End. Cause Naruto would Never Never forgive him. Oh Goddess I wish I could say you had no idea what you did to me, but you did XD. Don't get me wrong - That was amazingly Fantastic! But my heart still hasn't fucking slowed down O.O, I get way too involved in these things. God - Good writers do that to me. LOL, it's a joke, boy and I have, that I'll never have to do drugs XD. Just read a good story to get my high's, and God this was one completely GOOD, but slightly paranoid High!!! LOL XD. Everything in this chapter, OMG, and here I had thought, that this couldn't possible get any better, but LOL, I've just been encouraged not to think. I never realised exactly how much of drama addict I am, LOL, not in my life, just in my stories XD. That strip tease, holy shit XD and just everything. And you're so completely right, Naruto has a confidence that Sasuke knew he couldn't shake, and you're also right that that would have just fucking broken it, into slivers. There was no coming back from that, maybe, but it would Never be the same. Trust me, I crossed a similar line 5 YEARS ago, and I'm still trying to make up for that shit. Never again, you really did scare me. and LOL, I knew Sasuke wouldn't let him look like an idiot XD, no matter what Naruto thought. And holy crap Neji and Sai are dangerous O.o LOL, and the little bit of sadistic Sasuke LOL XD - I was like Whoa! Whoa! Where did that come from XD. And God, how I was screaming Yangtze! Yangtze! I think that's the word. Sighs, I'm so freaking happy this didn't get left to fester. Damn maybe it's a good thing they got banned from Uchiha's. LOL, they need T-shirts that say "We don't play well with others". LOL, That's it really, they're only a danger when someone else gets involved, it's just too much. That kind of love isn't to be shared, that kind of desperate, crazy, you are my world love... that's the kind of shit that gets people killed. And Zomg "why don’t the lesbians ever pull shit like this?" LMAO!! You just tossed me in so many different directions. Holy shit, once again all I can do is Thank you, and tell you that you have mail XD.
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  • From Allys on May 15, 2007
    ZOMG!! LMAO XD, YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A FREAKING HEART ATTACK!!!! ROFL, I don't even really know what to say, but PHEW!!!!!!! hehehehe Oh my God, Oh my God... wuuuuuu... okokokok.... Ok... O.O I don't know whether to laugh, cry, scream... but I'm so bloody Relieved. Lots and lots of deep breaths and I'm holding my heart here, actually more like banging on it, LOL. Oh my God. Don't ever do that again XD, I don't know if I could take it - Oh My GOD!! hehehehe I have to come back later.
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  • From llyoung on May 15, 2007
    Oh, forgot to mention that I thought it was great that Sasuke figured out that the way to get Naruto to break emotionally as a sub was not thru embarassment or beating but by letting someone else touch him (Sasuke) sexually.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 15, 2007
    Oh, wow. Mistress, thank you for the update. I see trust is still an issue for these two. Understandable. Are we going to see Ibiki in action? And what happened to Hinata?
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