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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From cynaga on May 02, 2009
    Hestia! Back again with D/s Naruto. What a treat! Thanks so much~! I love Kimi and Hiashi. :D
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  • From Prism0467 on May 02, 2009
    My heart leaps like a gazelle to know that you are writing again. Thank you!
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  • From satterb on May 02, 2009
    You've been away for so long, that I have never had the opportunity to review anything you've written when it got posted. What an honor. I found your fiction only by the recommendations of your many fans. I too am now a fan. These kinky worlds you have created are engrossing, intriging and sometimes hilarious. You've captured the essence of human natures and your characters are true to their personalities. I'm just thrilled that you are sharing more of your magic with all of us. Thanks so much for all your hard work!
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  • From llyoung on May 02, 2009
    Oh Wow. I'm so happy. A new chapter and I loved the "lovespace".
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  • From lilliandragon on May 02, 2009
    OMG! YAY!
    Another chapter!
    I kinda thought this was finished.
    I´m so happy there´s more. :D
    Thank you.
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  • From missbri88 on May 02, 2009
    OOOOOOHH!!! Do you know how I spazzed out when I saw this and while reading it. I loved it and I think this version was better than the other. ^^ Azamingly super-d-duper better than the other!
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  • From ANON - Lea231 on May 02, 2009
    Hell ya!!! Sasuke's finally collared.
    Only one question how can Naruto afford to keep him.
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  • From DuosAngel on May 02, 2009
    WELCOME BACK!! I'm so glad you're back, I don't know what I would have done if your funk had never ended.

    Love the new Hia/Kim chapter. I can't wait to see Anko and Hinata finally come into the story (well, for more than a paragraph).
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  • From ShikaChouFan4Life on May 02, 2009
    I have re-read this story I don't know how many times. It is one of my absolute favorite fanfics of all time. While I can say that I've personally never actually tried doing anything with D/s, your story makes me want to. *blushes* I can't possibly say how happy I am to see that it has been updated. It was a great update, BTW. XD
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  • From ExposedDesires on May 02, 2009
    OMG OMG OMG!! YES! -orgasm- Hope you'll start to update again, love this story so hard.
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  • From ANON - -xyz- on April 14, 2009
    Hi there!

    I just read my favourite parts ShikaGaaShika for the nth time. (Because of your great character designs I love every pairing even those I never ever though I could tolerate :D and so I read the epic in parts again and again)

    I remembered when the 50th chapter was released and I was happy about it. And i had been hooked a while then. This epic got monstrous in proportion! But you won't really keep us hanging if you never finish it because every pairing-story has a kind of happily ever after foreboding :)

    I just wanted to tell you that even though you stopped writing this story I never stopped reading it. And will continue to do so!

    Thank you for writing and sharing this treasure!

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  • From HavocTellenoi on March 23, 2009
    Frist, I love you. Second, continue. Continue it now. Third, this is the long part. I'm going to ramble like a mad woman and list my favorites favorite parts about this.

    Ch 10: "And then Sasuke fainted." That was an amazing scene. I was totally hooked on getting to see what was going to happen after that. I just spent the last four days of all my spare time getting to the last chapter.

    Ch 42: "Sasuke was in love, Itachi was in love and it wasn't with each other. It was a sign of how fucked up the Uchiha family was that your sons becoming the sex slaves of other men was a moment to celebrate. Everything, everythin in life, is relative" that was from Ibiki, who was totally delish. I loved that Raidou, Genma, Ibiki threesome. I want more of it. Pretty please? And that thing Neji's uncle Hiashi and Kimi, delightfully and is there going to be anything more than a mention of Anko and Hinata? Not a super huge yuri fan, but reading something between Hinata and Anko in your style would be great.

    Ch 73: "Ever mind the Rule of Three, Three times what thou givest returns to thee. This lesson well, thou must learn, Three only gets thee what thou dost earn!" From Sai while he's attacking Hiashi. Oh, My, God! That scene, stuck to my mind. I had to practically restart my brain there.

    I can't remember the chapter number, but the Sasuke get's pierced scene, in Naruto's shop? Total genius. And that Kakashi-Iruka fight thing and then the marriage proposal? Another brilliant moment.

    Ch 83: Raidou was totally my rock in this chapter. I loved him here. And Ibiki? Oh lords above Ibiki. "And will you freeze up and debate this, Ibiki, or will you sieze what life has brought you, be damned the price?" I don't have words for how amazingly beautiful and yet painful that was to read. It was great.

    I haven't been around since D/s Naruto started, but I'm around now and I'm going to be looking forward to the continuation of it. And I am really, really Liking the GaaShika and the SaiNeji stuff. It's good. Really good. Not quite the taking over my mind parts of the scene bits I listed, but their relationships are good too. I am amazed, astonished and blinded time and time again everytime I read another one of your works Hestia. Thank you so much for writing them and for posting them here on AFF. Thank you!


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  • From ANON - Ash on March 16, 2009
    I have to say I love this story. I think you were very creative with your pairings, I would have never put Shika together Gaara, but I loved it. They were so cute together! And of course Naru/Sasu is always a favorite pairing as well as Kaka/Iru, although Ruka being dom was a bit of a surprise, but you explained that beautifully. I loved the fact that Naru is a goldsmith, I think that was a really cool twist as well as the whole used to have a crush on Neji thing. That was some interesting reading. Well great fic. Ja ne!
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  • From kirrow on March 13, 2009
    This is the best bdsm Naruto serie there is, I've read it over and over many times now, I luv it more every time!!! =^_____^=
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  • From ANON - Unsound Shinobi on March 05, 2009
    Wow, master really wasn't kidding, your story is absolutely amazing!!! I'm excrutiatingly glad you didn't stop at chapter five, though I love your epilogue, and wow, did you make Naruto sound sexy enough I think I came just reading your descriptions.
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