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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From llyoung on May 19, 2007
    Your author's note just made me verrrrrrrrrrrrry happy. I'm so glad you are going to write about Gaara/Shika's and Kankuro/Shino's Sunday. I loved this last chapter. The way you switched between the different pairings was nice. I enjoyed Ibiki and Raidou very much and anytime Iruka and Kakashi are featured is wonderful. Thanks again for the update and for writing my all time favorite story.
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  • From ANON - LindyStar on May 19, 2007
    Wow. Just, wow. I like that you are taking characters and putting them in the non-usual pairings (i.e. Genma and Raidou) and chapter 39 and 40 definitely gave me the KisaIta I had been wanting. Great job.
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  • From cynaga on May 19, 2007
    Ibiki and Raidou, so logical yet who would have thought of the pair. Very beautiful.
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  • From ladygizarme on May 19, 2007
    omfg i love this story soooo much, i can't even put it into words! i can't believe i'm finally caught up, too! i told Ras about it when i first started reading and she waaaay caught up before me lmao (what happens when you have a newborn to take care of i suppose), but oh well--long, smut-filled stories are fuckin awesome anyway, i never want it to end lol

    and it so deserves a review for each and every chapter, unfortunately i have not the time to do so at the moment. :(

    but i'll at least say i love everything you've put into this. i LOVE sasuke as a sub, it's beautiful. and i'm jealous of his corset piercing >.> if i could pull it off, that'd be so awesome to have *sigh* oh well, sasuke can DEFINITELY pull it off lol *drool* such hotness

    all the drama and angst surrounding the development of naruto and sasuke's relationship and sasuke's acceptance (or lack thereof) of naruto's feelings is such a roller coaster ride, and i'm along for every twist, turn and loop! still, it's nice when things between them are so focused that whether or not sasuke believes the feelings will last isn't an issue at the moment. i hope he'll start to be more accepting now that he's admitted he loves him too.

    aside from them, all the other pairings are great as well. you've got quite a few not often seen, yet you pull them off really well as if they're the most natural setup already. kudos. itachi and kisame's relationship is really great too, i love reading about them here, when usually it's not much my bag--omg, same for iruka/kakashi! i'm really not usually fond of them as a pairing, but the way you write them, i can't help but love! and that you made iruka dom and you really do well for his character (soooo often he's made such a naive crybaby--big part of why i usually cringe just seeing the pairing listed)

    damn, i had sooooooo much more i wanted to comment on but can't remember right now lol... i'm still stuck on wanting sasuke's corset piercing and ribbon stitchings i think heh..

    anyway, keep up the fucking awesome work, this story is like my ultimate fav now, you fucking rock

    ~ lg
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  • From ANON - yks on May 19, 2007
    So I've been following your story since the beginning. And I am a big fan. But for the first time after 45 chapters , I felt like I had to make a review. chapter 46 (if i am the only one who feels that way - please disregard) i felt it was rushed and melodramatic - in a negative sense. (not my favorite) The strip tease was kinda over the top...I guess you can argue that its is true to character but...I will argue that Naruto has more finesse. And Naruto flipping out (which I understand why) and then they made up so quick and then they have sex...(oh but i like the smut)...was pretty rushed. Maybe I was expecting more angst in between...Well like I wrote earlier, if you find this review/critique as BS I have no ego about it. I respect writers like you. Its not easy to please everyone and to be motivated and inspired is really tough. So thanks for writing and I look forward to reading more of your works! ~yks ps: i like brotherly iruka and naruto relationship - in the story now Iruka is a bit of a tight wad and kinda scoldy to naruto - and if u write a warm hearted scene btwn the two then not only will i love you to death, i will know you wrote that just for me (winks*). (pressure anyone?)
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 19, 2007
    Ye gods Mistress.

    Thank you again.
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  • From Allys on May 19, 2007
    Wow this was new, you've broken into multiple pairing chapters XD. This is fun, but I have a question XD. You do realise that we've only just made it to Monday XD, some 47 chapters later XD. You have stuff planned until Sunday XD. LOL, Oh God, I'm so Happy. And as for the actual happenings, O.o, ZOMG - Itachi's punishment!! Kisame is really one wicked dude, it was a storke of genius. Is it bad that I found Itachi strangling himself with his hair hilarious?? I'm so blaming that on you too, cause it was the whole process of "Oh wait, that was an idea" That started me off laughing XD. Honestly his punishment was worse than Kakashi's. Speaking of Kakashi, Thank you Goddess, for condoms!! LOL, I love that they came in colours too XD. It makes me wonder how they'll be tomorrow. And then there was Ibiki, still the hottest mind fuck out there XD. And the little waves of insecurity that has has but never show on his facwe always make him that much more adorable. And Raidou XD, I'm so glad they found each other, they deserve it. That's one of my favourite things about this fic, the abused and down trodden, all over this town are finally finding the happiness, LOL, the pursuit of happiness XD. I could go on but it's pushing 3am and I'm beat, so Huggles to you, Allys.
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 19, 2007
    I'm amazed at how fast you write, and I'm really, truly enjoying this. All the little plot threads you have braiding together here- it's good work.
    Kisame and Itachi, Naruto and Sasuke, Gaara and Shikamaru, Kankurou and Shino, Neji and Sai... romance and misunderstanding and that sweetest terror of a new relationship, twining around the stronger, stabler threads of the permanent, long term pairings... Iruka and Kakashi, Kiba and Akamaru, Gai and Lee, Anko and Hinata, Sasori and Deidara.

    The bit with Ibiki and Raidou was genius. Hee, poor Raidou, so lost in something I bet you didn't consider all that erotic before. ^^

    I'm glad Sasuke finally got his ass on straight. Er. I'm even glad Naruto was made so upset, because the cuddles afterward are usually worth it. I'm glad Sai gets his art and his mischief, something that both he and Neji have been too long without. And I'm delighted that Shikamaru gets to be smug about Sasori's assumptions about Gaara.

    A few errors:
    He vanished, leaving an exhausted Itachi to sick back in the water. Sink, I think?

    He would make his treasure shatter one more time under his touch or collapse with trying. "Collapse trying," I think, is best... or "collapse from trying."

    Thank you so much, for fueling fantasies!
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  • From katsuyo on May 19, 2007
    Hestia... love your work. It's great to see that you have hit your stride in terms of your writing and you've developed a style uniquely your own.
    I did see two tiny errors in the two latest chapter postings.
    chapter 46 - you omitted 'to' from the sentence where Gemna tells Raido that he's going to get plenty of it after Raido calls Gemna a prick.
    chapter 47 - you have a small typo in the sentence where Kisame is in the living room and staring at the bowl of his cum. You wrote that he was was starting at the bowl. :)
    It's not a big deal but it enough to cause minor confusion.
    Apart of that - not much else to point out. I'm looking forward to reading more.

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  • From ANON - sandra on May 19, 2007
    What an interesting twist. I'm absolutely in love with the Ibiki and Raidou pairing, please continue with it.
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  • From obsidianazul on May 19, 2007
    Just some comments about continuity. Chapter 46 needs to be in the middle of 44. As it is setup it is rather confusing. You chould have what is now 46 start in 44 right around where iruka went to get Naruto and before the part where Naruto showed up at Kakashi's gym. Really chaps 44, 45 and 45 need to be integrated and then reordered for coherence
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  • From ursweetheartless on May 18, 2007
    OMG the line about "I won't stop making promises to you until i have a lifetime's worth"? hot... something right out of wedding/collaring vows. i forwarded it to a friend whose getting collared in 6 months, she's writing her vows now, and she loved it too. purely poetic ^.^
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  • From llyoung on May 18, 2007
    Loved the interactions between Itachi and Kisame. Also love the new pairing of Ibiki and Raidou. Another wonderful chapter. Thank you. Would love to see what the other couples were up to as well for the rest of Sunday.
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  • From cynaga on May 18, 2007
    Always starting somethin' new and fun - Raidou and Ibiki, aye? Yum Yum
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  • From Allys on May 18, 2007
    YAY!!!! I'm so glad you updated XD. Was going into withdrawal syndrome LOL. Thanks for the beginning part, you cleared that up for me, I was wondering how Sasuke just got away like that. Ibiki grabbing Naruto would definitely do it though. And LOL, their semi aborted interview, XD. I guess after that little scene Ibiki knew everythhing he needed to know. And I'm also noticing that they're not actually banned, just that they need to draw up a contract, so that they know what they can and cannot do with each other - Good Plan! Especially after what happened at Neji's house.

    As for Itachi, well he's a different kind of sub isn't he? I love the insight that being a dom for so long gives him XD, and I especially love that he won't be out subbed by Sasuke, LOL. Kisame, singing Barry White!!! XD XD XD. Oh man how I love it when people sing. Talent, of any kind really, is seriously one of my greatest weaknesses, LOL. It's such a turn on XD.

    Raido and Ibiki... O.o, :nosebleed: LOL, I can't wait to see that one. And ZOMG life topic, one of my favourite professors in College, him being Talented, cool, sweet and sexy O.o was a glass blower!!! You've just corrupted my mind! Oh God, I'll never be able to think of him with a straight face again, God knows it was already hard enough, LOL. He's married though, happily, you can google him - his name is Angus Powers, LOL nice name right XD. He's very young, very Scottish, very blond XD, and I've never seen a photo do him justice, I guess he's one of those personality type sexy's, LOL. Okay end deviation. Raido and Ibiki, I really like that match, they're both sort of grizzly looking, tough and sexy, manly men, I can't wait to see how you go about it, your Ibiki is so fucking SEXY!!

    And LOL, okay typos?? I never think about that when I'm reading your stuff, but there was one I picked up probably cause it was right on top of your note - cinnamon not cinammen, just think of it this way XD, emphasis on cinn XD.

    Thank you so much for the update, I've been jonesin' and I sent you the P's version of the fight, Huggles, Allys.
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