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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 23, 2007
    okay, higher brain functions are slowly resuming. Apologies if this is posted twice, I managed to catch's daily moment of downtime.
    ...that my computer is playing slow bellydance music... HEEEEEE. You just SELL your stuff so well... and you have a lot of my tiny little loves. Men built well enough to have those little bits of flesh over their hipbones... they LOOK like love handles, almost, but only men in the best of physical condition have them, and I love them. GOOD tats, the kind that's art, that has meaning and was... ART, that fits with the wearer in symbiosis, not something just gotten for fashion and that looks cool. I like tribal art, but tribal tattoos are being so overdone and... mass produced. XP

    WET. MEN.

    CURLS. hee!

    Deep Inner Feelings (tm). Crying and cuddling and anger and jealousy and MAKE UP SEX and caring and taking care.
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 23, 2007
    Chapter 48: *wibbles* Awww. Everyone is ending in cuddles and fluffy feelings.

    Chapter 49: The beginning was fun, the ending was FUCKING HOT. *_* Akamaru is really cute. X3 And I'm sure the hamburgers cooked better after being defrosted. :3

    Chapter 50: HEE. Kankurou thinking Gaara has to be dead in a ditch somewhere for this phone call... "he's home sleeping" must've been something he NEVER expected to hear.
    ...oh. Oh, sweetheart. Na, Shikamaru deserves it, leaving without a note and making his Master worry like that. Christ, I'd've killed him- it's like waking up to find your five-year-old child gone, mixed with the hurt of your lover REALLY leaving you.

    ...whoa. *glazed. Like a ham*

    Gaara spooned several balls of ice cream into the center of his hands. He set the ice cream container down and pushed Gaara’s cock into the cold dessert so that Shikamaru was pressing the ice cream into his own erection.
    uh... de? *confused*

    .... o_o *resumes glazing*

    ...GUH. *slack jawed, vacant-eyed, and very very happy* Maybe later I'll rub enough braincells together to be able to laugh at Gaara's parting volley.
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  • From ANON - Igno on May 23, 2007
    I love the story, but I think I found couple of typos and errors:
    chapter 27: "and revealing his staining." staining ->straining?
    chapter 27: "the stonewear fall from his" ->stoneware?
    chapter 50: "He like tomato" -> he likes tomato?
    chapter 50: "He set the ice cream container down and pushed Gaara's cock into the cold dessert so that Shikamaru was pressing the ice cream into his own erection" Is that really Gaara's not Shikamaru's?

    You honestly have spoiled us rotten with your fast updates! ^_^
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  • From Cynda on May 23, 2007
    ...and html or coding or whathaveyou hates me apparently. D: It cut off the end my review. ._.

    Wanted to end by saying that I heart your fic by a million billion. A+++ all around!! Good luck with all your future chapters! Can't wait for your next update! :D :D :D

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  • From ANON - Cynda on May 23, 2007
    First off, I have to say, I LOVE this story. And I will be using that word throughout this review so be warned. :D I've been following it quite avidly for a while now, silently. ::blush:: Yeah, bad on my part because I'm always afraid of what to say in a review even though I LOVE THE STORY (I hit the rating button like mad), but in one of your recent chapters (were Naruto and Sasuke were eating dinner at the posh restaurant :D)it was as if you were calling me so I had to respond. :D Anyway, moving on to the babbling. :D

    I've always been intrigued by the BDSM community and have tried to read up on it and that is one of the many reasons why I love this fic! You show how, in the community, you are supposed to properly act and interact, be it Master or slave. Awesome. I see this fic as a type of learning material. Wicked. ^_^b

    Let's talk about the pairings. You sold me on ALL OF THEM. I love how Naruto is the Dom (most of the time XD) and that Iruka is too (Eee!!). Kakashi is one sexy sub and Sasuke is quickly catching up. He just needs to realize his true place. :D Gaara/Shika? I have no words to describe the feeling I have for this pair. They are so perfect for each other it hurts! (in a good way :D) You gave Shika curls eee hot hot hot and Gaara likes ANIME and I want Gaara's backyard dear God. I love this pair to bits. Neji/Sai are so 'past-trauma healing themselves with each other' which is awesome. Sai should paint Neji at the club. And wow I wonder what Hinata's whole reaction to Neji's relationship is(which will probably be all love). Kiba and Akamaru are just too adorable for words! And Kisame/Itachi is simply amazing. Can't wait to see what Itachi will go through for the rest of the week. And Saturday!! Excitement! :D I want to mention every single pairing because they are all so perfect but I would just end up squeeing at everyone even more but yes once again LOVE THEM ALL please can we have some more? :D (Was curious would Obito make an appearance you never mentioned if he had died? And will Tobi be seen? :D)

    And you have BODY MODIFIATIONS. GUH. Probably my top weakness for guys. First! Piercings! LOVE. That corset piercing on Sasuke? HOT. Would like more of that please. :D Have you ever considered giving one of your boys a frenulum (right under the glans) or a lorum piercing? Piercings in general are a VERY AWESOME THING. :D Second! Tattoos! Naruto with the Nine Tails and the flexing and the tattoo moving and yes. Nice. :D :D :D Will anyone else have any tats to show off? :D

    Nitpicks? There are a few mispelling and syntax issues but, oh so very slight in number. Oh and in the last chapter with Gaara and Shika? (Awesome chapter like all the rest) How was Shika able to straddle Gaara if there was a chain connecting his ankles together I don't know why that stuck out to me but yeah, was just curious because my brain was going 'bwuh?' over that. >_
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  • From Hestia on May 23, 2007
    Allys--I accidentally deleted your review--I went to my back browser and copied and am readding it. I was just trying to scroll and somehow deleted it, which is so annoying. Anyway, I love your reviews so I'm readding it (bizarre of me).

    LOL, you just put a whole new spin on Vanilla XD. How could Shika not leave a note? Had lost his mind. LOL, I love what he told the children, and how Kankurou screamed and screamed and then just told him what he wanted to know. This was another awesome chapter. Gaara always has the greatest toys XD. There much more that I could wrote but I'm really tired, I had a long day. Thank you so much for the update love.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 23, 2007
    Gods Mistress, that was...
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  • From JaeFire on May 22, 2007
    AHHHHHH!!!!! ::runs madly around the room squealing:: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Oh My God, I'm gonna die!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From LifeonHiatus on May 22, 2007
    ::swoons:: aww that was wonderful. When Gaara was worried for Shika, that just plucked at my heart strings. ^^ but tsk tsk that naughty lil shika, i bet he PLANNED on getting caught. he just wants to punished. ;-) haha. many thanks for the update. o and i just noticed in a review i left way back i misspelled etymology. haha ^^; how embarrassing.
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  • From cynaga on May 22, 2007
    Poor Shika? Actually he seems to be enjoying himself. An incredibly hot 'scene'.
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  • From ANON - yuue on May 22, 2007
    I am not into the whole scene yet this is so well written that i find myself daydreaming of actions from your story. you are truly a genius with word.
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  • From ExposedDesires on May 22, 2007
    You've officially ruined me.... for other fanfics that is. Coming from someone who reads a ton of fanfiction usually no matter what, despite grammar and spelling mistakes, I now find myself craving only this. Every time a chapter is added I get one of those goofy grins on my face and almost literally squeal with joy, but when a chapter is not added for a while, I feel a desperate longing that leads me to believe I have become a slave for this fiction.
    Anyway, chapter 50 was love. Actually any chapter you write with GaaShika is love. Allow me to rephrase that, any chapter you write is love. I shall be impatiently awaiting the next chapter as I always do.
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  • From Kerrisa on May 22, 2007
    ... I will never look at Vanilla Icecream the same way ever again. Loved the update, can't wait to read more!
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  • From llyoung on May 22, 2007
    Wow. That was wonderful. Thank you for another unique Gaara/Shika chapter. I hope that we also get to read the volleyball game with them and Kankuro/Shino on Monday. I didn't think I would like reading a food fetish but I was wrong. It was really sweet with Gaara licking Shika's face and the part with the icecream was just HOT. Thanks again for another chapter with my favorite pairing.
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  • From ANON - bluesake on May 22, 2007
    Mah god...That was so hot...Keep going!
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