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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From obsidianazul on May 23, 2007
    Ahh, these last 2 chapters have been your best so far in my opinion. I really enjoy stories where people connect emotionally and where you can see that it is not just about the physical. The story in general expresses that. Expresses that no matter what you are into, it all comes down to that connection, that moment when all is right with the world, so to speak.
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  • From Allys on May 23, 2007
    That was so sweet :D, I'm really glad we got a little of Iruka's point of view. And I'm really glad he's okay now, LOL, I really did go back and read that chapter, they still have some issues, but those 2 the issues don't ever seem to end. It's okay. It's a beautiful thing this happening between Iruka and Kakashi and the explanation as to why Iruka was feeling insecure so solid, your character development really is fantastic. You seem to have a great handle on the human condition. What I love the most though was that at the end Kakashi said “I love you, Iruka, I love you.”
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  • From llyoung on May 23, 2007
    Very sweet kakashi/iruka chapter. Thank you.
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  • From Kerrisa on May 23, 2007
    So good hestia-sama T_T Poor Iruka, i hope Kakashi proves his love and everything works out for the best! Give it your all Kakashi! >=O!!
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  • From ANON - dragon on May 23, 2007
    Another chapter!! I artistically love you!!

    I just love the way your write, with symbolism, how you switch them and make them see a different side to things. Simple things that one takes for granted. Beautiful!


    PS. I just notice that my last review I had A LOT of spelling errors, I apologice, but I was in a hurry to get everything out. But I hope you could at leaset grasp some of the things I wanted to tell you.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 23, 2007
    *happy dance*

    Thank you Mistress. Purrrrrrrfection!!!
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  • From Allys on May 23, 2007

    LOL, How'd you know I read back through the reviews XD. I'm really flattered that you thought to put that back, even since I didn't think it was all that excited I was sleepy and I've been - blah lately, LOL, but you probably saw that in my real review. I like to read through your reviews because I like to to see how other people react to your story. It warms up my heart and I feel so happy for you and so proud, LOL. Isn't that odd? Why would I feel proud, it had nothing to do with me, right. But I do, I'm proud of you and proud for you :).
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  • From Allys on May 23, 2007

    Oooh!!! Squee!! :Huggle: OMG That was amazing!! I was worried for a little while there, I wanted to slap Iruka so bad, tell him to stop being a drama queen and TALK to the damn man at his feet. I completely forgot Kakashi couldn't talk. But I guess there are more ways to speak to someone than by just using words :). You've warmed up my heart, I was doing that this week, being a complete drama queen, crazy PMS-ing with my hormones all out of whack, LOL - Iruka PMS-ing XD. But really communication is fundamental, although some forms of communication seem to be a lot more fun than others. I like that Kakashi also saw this as a way to overcome his past, and I loved the allusion to a judo match. Beautiful. But now you have me thinking about Naruto and Sasuke. Poor Sasuke, no wonder he's so screwed up. On top of everything else, he's ben living in this world where people can't really feel for him at all, until he found his someone. I mean for people to be so quick to deny and disown you and he must have always known. To be so entrenched in the scene and have no partner, his best Dom before Naruto was his brother, and how everyone kept saying he was such a bad sub, and a boring Dom, I mean damn... no wonder the poor boy thinks he's unloveable. And poor Naruto, he has to overcome a lifetime of hang ups and disappointments. I wonder how they're doing now. Iruka was freaking out from thinking Kakashi wanted someone else to suck him off, how's Naruto doing with thinking Sasuke wanted Sai to fuck him. I mean I know that they sort of worked that out, but damn, maybe I'll go read that again, and see, maybe it was enough.
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  • From LifeonHiatus on May 23, 2007
    awwww. poor iruka. who knew he was so insecure? although on one hand i felt he was being a bit of a drama queen, i could definitely understand his heartache. the turmoil, the angst. nicely written. but i do hope iruka forgives him, and himself, in due time. thanks for the update. :-)
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  • From ANON - dragon on May 23, 2007
    I'm deeply impressed with this fic. I'm not into D/s. But for some reason I started reading this fic. I mostly have to admit I started reading it because even though is a Naruto/Sasuke(I prefer the other way around), still you have both of them that was I looking for. So as I started reading I could stop I just had to keep reading, even when some pairings I didn't even imagined! You have a way to morph intense feelings with great pain/pleasure. The way you shaped and give a distictive personality to each character is outstanding. I was/am fascinated with this fic, so much so that I actually am planning on printing it out for my reading pleasure anytime I so desire. I for some reason like reading a lot more about Gaara and Shikamaru, now that is a pairing I'd have never thought possible! Those emotion-filled chapters were/are fantastic, and also the last chapter with Kakashi and Iruka was, impressive how your explained Iruka's dispair, Kakashi's thoughts as well. Before I even started I felt that 50+ chapters were too much, but now it seems like almost nothing. I want to know more!
    For Naruto and Sasuke are together! Many of the other pairings are really happy and content. I must say while I was reading this fic I had my I-Pod on and a particular came on, it was "Everything" by Lifehouse and the music tone and lyrics just seem to make the feelings written even more profound. I even was tearry-eyed at the beginning of the last chapter with Iruka depressed. I made it loop and I don't know how many times I've heard it in the last 12 or so hours(even as I write this I'm still listening to it). This song makes a great background atmosphere. The only chapters I didn't like were the ones with Kakashi and the egg things, the one with incest in ( Talking about this one, I just didn't get it. Sasuke wanted his brother's attention and after liking taking his brother didn't want out, but you didn't even said his age and you kinda implied IF a really big IF [not when, but IF] he regains his memories would he still want his brother in that sexual yet without the innocence like the beginning? I didn't quite get how he didn't get punished for the tape in the first place, was he really IN-love with his brother? So confusing and upsetting chapter indeed.}, then the one in Neji's house with Neji himself, Sai, Sasuke, and Naruto(I so wanted Sasuke to pay for that!! And do something terrible to Neji for his evil pervertedness). Some chapters with sex were really well written, not ransy or plain, but well thought out in even small details. I think this is by farthest the longest I've ever written and even though I tend to ramble I kinda please with it for I put all the things I wanted to say.
    I better stop here before I get carried away...
    Please do continue with this wonderfull fic and do finish it.
    Take care.
    Btw! If I were a man I've been really excited all day! Ha!
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on May 23, 2007
    Chapter 51... Kakashi and Iruka... my heart was breaking into little pieces. I was yelling, No! No! No! inside my head. Kakashi and Iruka can't be separated! No, Iruka! You're being stupid! Gah!!! And then... and then... *melts* Oh, gorgeous, beautiful, fucking H O T. Then, in my head, I was screaming: Yes, Kakashi - win him over! Yes... do that! Oh, yes... oh, that's good too! Yes! Yes! Yes!

    I rate that chapter ten-thousand stars.
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  • From llyoung on May 23, 2007
    Poor Iruka. Poor Kakashi. Please keep them together (I know you will). Thanks for the another chapter.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 23, 2007
    Wow mistress. Again you blow my mind by ripping the carpet out from under everything I knew. I hope they work thigs out. This was beautiful. Oh, the drama back at the club. What will Naruto say?
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  • From cynaga on May 23, 2007
    I didn't feel like I knew Kaka/Iru that well until this last chapter. Wow. What a character study. Talk about 'show don't tell' - you're writing is wonderful. And the way Kakashi tries to regain Iruka's trust; magnificient. Again, I am loving the idea of switching. It just seems to make sense. I mean after, what, 10 years of subbing, why wouldn't Kakashi want to dom once in a while. Of course, you told us why with the Rin incident but how cool was it that Iruka's distress helped him get past that.

    I am sooo addicted to your work. I've even researched D/s. It's fascinating.

    THANK YOU!!!
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 23, 2007
    (Note to self, hearts cut off comments. Good to know.)

    Corsets and corset piercings. :D

    Art double-entendres (thank you, Ibiki. XD). A friend of my family is a glass artist... now I will have a special little smile in her workshop for inappropriate reasons. XD!

    Trust, surrender, good friends, and silly little details that are adorable... Naruto in the clothing shop, the various gardens, Akamaru having to roll in things. X3

    Obscenely flexible men. Heeeeee. None of your boys do this (yet), but since I converted someone else to this fetish already tonight... might as well see if I can keep up my batting average. :D Think of it as a thank-you. Modern interpretation of dance, and a very good dancer. Pity he's got a shirt on...

    And of course... bondage, submission, torture, pain, worship. Mmmm.
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