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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From cynaga on May 24, 2007
    I was wanting a table of contents - thanks for that! Gaara/Shika get smoother, sweeter and sexier by the chapter. I'm lovin' it and your writing! Thanks! :D
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  • From Allys on May 24, 2007
    LOL, I love the idea of your own website with just summaries XD. I've told you already, you're starting a movement. I wanted to open a D/s Naruto club on Y Gall. If I do would you post your story so you can get crazy fans over there too? LOL. Oh and this was yet another fantastic chapter. I lve how these guys have gotten playful. And I adore the thought of them both wearing collars, it's much better when you belong to each other :D. Although I do have an issue with the pearls O.o, I know what kind of girl am I right? LOL, a very superstitious one. It has to do with growing up in the islands, we're very superstitious people as a whole. One of the thing I've always heard is that pearls bring tears to a relationship. Although in this relationship tears seem to be a big part XD. LOL, but you know what I mean. There's a long list of those silly things - Knives can cut a relationship; if you buy a woman shoes she'll walk out of your life. Down to simple ones like, sneezing or biting your tongue when somebody's talking about you. LOL. yeah I know it's weird. I also love the idea of Shika and the doubloon. Your collar ideas are fabulous. I love that they're always meaningful. I also love how everything in this story interconnects, yet doesn't. It always amazes me how this turned out. I mean it's so much more than just a regular story. Sighs. So good. Oh and Pablo asked yesterday how much you quarreled when he said Gaara couldn't win. Silly boy, I'm pretty sure he wants to debate it with you or me, cause of course five seconds later he said that Sasuke could never beat Neji in a fight - After I initially blew up at him, was when I realised he was just picking fights - the big grin on him helped too :rolls eyes: the boge. XD. You just have to ignore him when he's behaving like that I do it all the time. LOL, Thanks for another chapter XD, Allys.
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  • From ANON - dragon on May 24, 2007
    I'm in heaven!
    Gaara/Shika!! My God! I just love them in this fic!
    I've re-read their chapters who-knows how many times!!
    I'm oficially obsessed with this fic and I frantically await the next chapters to come!!
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  • From Nekoastrid on May 24, 2007
    OMG its so sweet and hot all at the same time! I'm so glad you updated! I was panicing when Iruka freaked out, but i'm glad that they worked it out and are closer then ever! (yay!) Gaara and shika are sooo good together I'm adding that to my list of fav pairings. the shino/kank pairing kinda suprised me but it works out. Hope to read more soon. keep up the good work YOSH!

    Ja ne!
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  • From Kerrisa on May 24, 2007
    Yay!!! All is well in Iruka-Kakashi Land!!! I never thought of the Garra Shika pairing before until you wrote it... its super hot now o.O Hestia-sama you quite a talent and extravagant imagination! No sex scene has been the same nor has any not been highly satisfying, and then you have multiple couples, all with very different personalities, and they work out perfectly. Every new chapter its like "whose life do i get to peek in on today?' Its so awesome! *spins*
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  • From ANON - onobaby on May 24, 2007
    WOW. Shika is an ass slut LOL! LIke the 10th paragraph in ch. 51 there is an inner monolog going on in Iruka's head. You might want to seperate the inner thinkings of Iruka and the actual scenary. I was kind of confused. maybe it was just me. I LOVE Iruka/kakashi pairing. WOW! How they just now realized they love each other as Iruka and Kakashi not Dom and sub. It looked like Iruka had a lot of insecurites. It seems like a majority of the Dom's have insecurites. Gaara, Neji, Iruka, Shino even Itachi to a point. I guess with those types, the subs have to be really strong and secure in themselves to pour that love and security for their doms.
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  • From ANON - pinkmooncrystal on May 24, 2007
    you sure update fast. But when are you gonna get back to sasuke and naruto. I wanna read more about them
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  • From JaeFire on May 24, 2007
    I adore Chapter 53! You are a goddess! ::sighs dreamily thinking of Gaara/Shika::
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  • From ANON - Shosuro on May 24, 2007
    Did I tell you that you can be my Master any time?
    I grovel at your feet in submission at your latest chapters and on going story!!
    Thank you for your wonderful updates, Master! They are the wonderfully written!!
    I'll be waiting here, by the computer for your next update!!!
    Did I mention Thank you?
    Oh well.....
    .......Thank you!!!!
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  • From llyoung on May 24, 2007
    Another sweet but hot Gaara/Shika chapter. Thank you. Your writing leaves me with a goofy smile on my face and unable to think of anything else but your story. Your amazing - I don't know how you do it. And you also have so much humor in your stories.
    I loved the line about the Bleach anime name - I've always wondered were the name came from too. And Shika doesn't seem to be concentrating much on work yet either. I also love the idea of Gaara also having a collar (that was great). Thanks again for writing.
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on May 24, 2007
    I'm so happy for Kakashi and Iruka. *sigh* Beautiful chapter. And the next one, too... Gaara and Shikamaru are so much in love, and it's so *right*. I am still totally in love/lust with this story!
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 23, 2007
    Mistress I am in heaven. A wonderful chappie just before bed. Another waiting when I got up. I'm going to work now, my head filled with the wonderful images and soft happy feelings you've created.

    Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Jen on May 23, 2007
    I'm loving the new chapters, But.... I want Sasuke's cock pierced! Nao! XD. Thanks for updating so quickly all the time. It's a nice respite from the weeks of waiting for my favorite stories to update.
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  • From MikaSamu on May 23, 2007
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Not only for the frequent updates, sexy but also emotionally warm story, but particularly for these last two chapters. For all that you had made it clear just how loving a relationship there was between Kakashi and Iruka, it felt a bit like something was missing (especially as compared to the other depicted relationships); that the psychological harm Kakashi suffered was being subliminated more than healed; that things could be even better. And now you've truly delivered I think an even better, deeper, more loving relationship. Thank you!
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  • From KariNeko on May 23, 2007
    Great story so far but I really hope there will be more NaruSasu soon! X3 I've just become addicted to there relationship and it's so rare to find good fics with Naruto as the dominating one (even though there are sooo many SasuNaru's out there it seems)!
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