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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From on May 27, 2007
    hey great chapter!
    i think shikamaru and gaara should go to the anime thing as renji and ichigo

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  • From Allys on May 27, 2007
    OMG! Please... it would be so cool. As for Genma being a Dom, it's okay Itachi's a Dom and he's subbed for Ibiki. Ibiki can be like the Dom's Dom XD, LOL. Ignore me I just think it would ridiculously Hott, but then everything you do is ridiculously hott so :D. You'll always be welcome and I accept glomps at any time XD. I'm a little sad about the no updates, but you have to get your work done, you have my dream job, so you need to keep it :D. Maybe though you could walk around with a little voice recorder and dictate it XD. I'd be happy to transcribe them for you if it's digital, you could just email it to me XD. LOL, again ignore me, concentrate on important stuff :D.

    As for what bleach characters they could go as Arrancar LOL, maybe not those are the bad guys, but their outfits are Hott. Um, if tyou're going for characters they would pull off well, Shika would make an excellent Renji and Gaara a really good Ichigo. There's actually a large IchiRen fan base too, check this out when you have a minute:

    It's a slightly unorthodox pairing but it works. LOL there's even an embarrassing incident in the anime where they scandalise Ichigo's class XD.

    LOL, both the story and the vid clip have mild spoilers. And OMG, Bleach is soooo Much better in Japanese, you have NO idea. If you try it, you'll Never go back LOL, not to mention that they're light years ahead and have smexy characteres like Ulquiorra and Grimmjaw Jaggerjack XD. This one is just for fun XD

    Alright anymore Bleach info and I would completely spoil your fun, so I'll stop there. I know the clip isn't exactly what you were looking for but maybe it could help- XD.
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  • From llyoung on May 27, 2007
    Wow. When I read the Ibiki/Raidou chapter and Genma came in I also thought you might be starting a threesome but then Genma left and I thought it was just me so I didn't mention it in my review. Ibiki is surely dominate enough to have 2 subs and Genma and Raidou are already very close to each other. About the only pairing that it would really bother me to have a third person introduced to is Gaara and Shika (I just love those 2 together and committed only to each other). But as a thought you could always have Genma be the dom for both Kotetsu and Izumo.

    I may have mentioned this before but anyway I really wanted to thank you for the recommendations for ffpanda's Depravity and iron dog's lost cadre. I went and bought all the Gravitation manga and dvds available after reading Depravity and Depravity 1.0 and after reading iron dog's stories went on a search for ai no kusabe (sp?). If you have any more recommendations I'd love to hear them.

    Like you, the only Bleach I've seen is that on cartoon network. I have read alot of the story info on Wikepedia but stopped because I wanted to be kept in suspense for the next episode on TV. And since I have an ancient computer and I only have dail up I haven't downloaded any of the fansub dubs. I think it would be neat for Gaara and Shika to go to a convention dressed as Bleach characters. But since they are my favorites in your story, anything they do is wonderful to me.

    I forgot to mention that everytime I make spaghetti, chili or have ice cream I now think of your story. For that matter, many of my dreams are of your story lately (I kind of like that).

    Ok, I think this is the longest review I've ever written. My reviews are usually short and not very helpful or interesting so on many stories I like I just rate. But your story is just so special I have to leave reviews (even if they are awful).

    And take your time getting to next weekend in your story if you want. The longer it takes the more smut (and plot smut) we get to read. Thanks again for writing.

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  • From ANON - Anon on May 27, 2007
    You know... on one side, some of the kink at the beginning was pretty erotic. :)
    On the other - it's hot when it starts, a sort of a detached sexual fantasy, but when it started getting emotional, I stopped believing the characters' motivations. Seriously - how can you love someone and yet want to enjoy them screaming in pain, want to hurt them, make them cry, make them feel bad? I'd be scared to even go to sleep next to a guy if I knew he looked at me and fancied I would look better damaged.

    You are a good writer, though, I wanted to say that, because you are able to transport the reader there, make them react.
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  • From ANON - person on May 27, 2007
    WOW!!! This story is great! (took me three whole day's to read! Exepting that it was only like an hour a day but still!)

    Can't wait for more... cauz more has to come!

    Love ya

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  • From JaeFire on May 27, 2007
    Wait, "skip a lot of days"? Oh no! ::looks devastated:: But your pace is perfect! And skipping days means skipping delicious developments between the various couples... ::clutches head:: I want it all!!! It's all so wonderful!!!
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  • From ANON - noa81 on May 27, 2007
    all is wonderful!! Really! But... I want more Naruto/Sasuke!! T_T It's ten chapters that we don't see them, and they are the best, the most hot. Please, tell me that there will be many N/S T_T PLEASE! I want NaruSasu T____T
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  • From Selow on May 27, 2007
    Shall there be a Genma-Raidou-Ibiki menage a trois? I'm sorry, I just had to ask :D It'd be very sweet though... and interesting. I really like Ibiki's character in this. I'll be rooting for him as much as Sasuke and Naruto :)
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  • From llyoung on May 27, 2007
    Wonderful Ibiki/Raidou chapter. Glad that you had Ibiki decide to quit his job and move. Thanks again for writing.
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  • From Allys on May 27, 2007
    LOL, I've been reading through your reviews again, and I have to say - I'm so happy for you, and that people are so moved by this story, because you're teaching people about love, and so many out there have no clue, so it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

    Now the real reason I've come to review again is to argue your side against Vague, I know that he/she wasn't trying to say anything bad, but another point of view is always welcomed.

    On the Ibiki/Raidou relationship that she (just gonna choose a gender, cause it's easier) thought was so rushed. I disagree. I understand about the deep emotional pain and that scars are not just physical, but it has been a long time, and Raidou may have been ready on his own, just waiting for someone to come along that he was willing to put his trust into. It could happen in one night, especially since it is Ibiki. Ibiki is not some average joe off the street, he's someone Raidou would know by reputation. He was Itachi's dom, Raidou has seen how the club works, seen the strictures - here is a person that will be awarded trust just because of who he is, he helped inspire this place. Also Ibiki has been through what Raidou has, he has the scars to prove it - similar background, someone to understand his pain, this will also encourage trust and commonality. Lastly They are still in Uchiha's, Raidou can feel safe there, he knows what stocks each room carries and the policies and where the panic button is, not to mention Genma is there. I'm glad of the new chapter though that shows that Ibiki took time with him, but there also just comes a point where you have to take that leap - all the guarantees in the world aside, it's still a leap, and you can either stay scared forever or step out there boldly, nothing is ever entirely safe so I'm glad it still seemed like an awfully big step for him, cause it was.

    Of Kanky and Shino - You really can't criticise something you haven't read - Shut up. LOL okay not to mention that love is unreasonable and sometimes all you need is someone to say they care. Don't ever feel bad about your character development, it's beautiful. This isn't me saying that it's flawless, but that in itself is part of it's beauty. There is no way, any one person will ever completely understand what goes on in another's head.

    As for the Iru/Kaka goodness - Iruka makes more sense as Dom, and being a sub DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that stupid little assumption. Some of the strongest personalities in the world would benefit from being a sub. This is NOT about proving your superiority over someone else. It's about trust and not just the fact that the sub trusts his Dom, but about willingness to trust you BOTH have to trust the other. A sub can do many things many things to hurt their Dom, it is easy to make someone who is trying to control you feel inadequate, trust me I've perfected the art. It doesn't help your relationship though. A Dom has to be secure within themself, you can break a person by topping from bottom, make them insecure about their ever move. I'm so mad I've gone off on a tangent *breathing* okay. The point was why Iruka makes more sense as a Dom. Kakashi needed to be controlled, he thought he was a danger to other people. His willingness to submit, his striving to be a perfect sub was his way of atonement. As for Iruka - he is a naturally dominant character. trust me anyone who has ever had to attempt to control a class full of children, has found their dominant side. Those little cretins will walk all over you at your first sign of weakness, I've been a teacher, it makes you start ordering everyone around, it just comes naturally after a while, you begin to reprimand strange children in the street. Not to mention that everyone always underestimates that man. He is not weak, his sense of character and of himself, that innate goodness that is just him, he is a better role model than many of the Naruto characters and will always be a better teacher than Kakashi, he knows what goes on in his charges heads, he can take care of them, and that's what being a Dom is about. Not physically overpowering anyone, it's about caring for someone realising what they need and giving it to them. How can you accept Naruto as Sasuke's Dom, and not Iruka as Kakashi's? The similarities between those two sets of characters is ridiculous. Kakashi only seems wise, becasuse he's older, but everything he learned, he learned the HARD way. If Kakashi had started out as a Dom it would have been a disaster. Iruka showed him how to be both commanding and gentle. Yes you need to be firm and strong, but that's only HALF of the equation, and not the half that makes things last.

    Sorry I needed to vent, and while I'm at it, tell the person who doesn't like the "fetish", that she's reading the wrong bloody story. Sorry again, I'll put my hackles away now, LOL. :Huggles Hestia: Don't ever doubt yourself, it's the end of all things.
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  • From Allys on May 27, 2007
    OMG! LOL, I think I want a threesome XD. They would be a lovely trio - Ibiki and his slave boys who love him and each other, LOL. Although that may get complicated, but it is the first trio I ever saw that I think could work in a situation like this XD. It would just be an extension of love.

    And Ibiki - King of the mind-fuck, and apparently lots of other types of fuck XD. That little stint with the paddle, I was all into it and Raidou was crying adn hurting after he had come and then just like that, he asked him to stop once and he did O.O LOL, I was like - so all he had to do was ask O.o?? I really wasn't expecting it to be that easy, but then LOL, it probably won't be next time, so I bow to the King of mind-games and his Goddess behind the scenes.

    This made me so happy, I've been missing you. I feel like I went into a mini withdrawal there, Thank God it's over :huggles Hestia: You're really earning your name with this one. So many families, so many loves, and I guess we could Uchiha's the hearth. They could all gather there to celebrate and bemoan the newbies, while secretly wishing them all the luck in the world XD. But not yet, cause thaat seems too much like an end and I don't want this to end.

    Is Ibiki really going to quit his job? After so many years? If I were the Uchiha's i wouldn't let him, I would beg him to stay on and tell him that he was family and always would be even if he didn't, but then he's not really moving away from the family is he, just moving closer to the sons, who probably need him more anyway. I know Sasuke still does, he's such a baby that one. He still needs so much care, but Naruto can I do it I hope, sometimes I'm not so sure, cause he needs a lot of care himself, both babies. Well then, they just need to learn to take care of each other, and to stay away from Neji and Sai, LOL. They would probably get along well with Gaara and Shika though, those two are less troublesome, and they need to fix their issues with Itachi. Kisame will work wonders there, as will Ibiki, and then maybe they can all be a real family along with Iruka and Kakashi. LOL, can you tell I'm big on family.

    Thanks so much for the update - Hugs and much love, Allys.
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  • From cynaga on May 27, 2007
    Ok, I know I've said it before but BEAUTIFUL! Ibiki and Raidou are perfect. THX!
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  • From ANON - Travellyr on May 27, 2007
    Oh, Genma, Genma... RAIDOU. I'm touched by the depth of their friendship- new-lover snuggles are so nice, but Genma's happiness for Raidou (and his subsequent perving X3), and gratitude for Ibiki for providing the means to the end...
    It's elegant, and sweet, and very, very welcome. Even though being happy for yourself is wonderful, it's... something else to be so incredibly happy for another person.

    HEE HEE HEE RAIDOU BLACKED OUT. Lil' Raidou is a cutie, and Ibiki's patience... I really like what you've done with the character, how you've turned the torturer's well of patience to a more benign (and smoking hot) end.
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  • From Apythii on May 27, 2007
    I really like you writing style...but the 'fetish' (is it a fetish, i don't really know...) angers me...i hate it when these things conflict! Oh, but so is my lot in life...
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on May 27, 2007
    Mistress, you have again brought happiness.

    I would guess that Ibiki will not really be quiting. More like transferring to the sons of the family.
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