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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From cynaga on June 06, 2007
    Clapping for Kanky and Shino!
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  • From llyoung on June 06, 2007
    I forgot to tell you in the previous review how much I enjoyed the Kankuro/Shino chapter. It was very intense and even thought I over use the word it was very hot. As always your imagination and writing ability remains outstanding. I find myself uninterested in reading sex scenes that don't have some BDSM, D/s or at the very least some "toys" in them (you have really spoiled me and I like it). Thanks again for writing.
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  • From llyoung on June 06, 2007
    Ah so that's what it is called....sounding. I had read about the devices used on a webpage that I linked to from ffpanda's story but I didn't know what the name for it was called. I did wonder (and hope) that you would include it in the story but for some reason my fantasy had Gaara and Shika in it. I also seem to have fantasies involving Gaara/Shika and figging (which I also didn't know what that was until ffpanda's story). I seem to be getting quite an education from both her story and yours. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - LindyStar on June 06, 2007
    I love it when you update! This is the one of the most unusual AU NaruSasuNaru story I think I've ever read, and I love it so much! Yeah author!
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  • From Midnightstorm on June 06, 2007
    please put up thatchapter aboutt the cock peircing soon. thisstory is in my head all the time...even during my exams which makes it hard to concentrate....please please update. i love the way you write naruto sasuke and kakashi iruka so please continue and update that chapter., on my knees!! i've been wiating since chap is better than anything i've read and even better than watching thw yaoi anime sensitive pronograph. i can't even read normal sex scenes without reading this story anymore....
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  • From JaeFire on June 06, 2007
    I love the latest NaruSasu/SasuNaru. With Chapter 57, I can't help but think that Sasuke only being a slave and Naruto his Master would be limiting for them, since they're both well suited to, enjoy, and feel fulfilled by both roles. It seems that emotionally they would both lose something, a piece of themselves, if they stuck with one of them a slave and the other a Master permanently. I'm hoping that when Gaara and Shika come for their collars Sasuke and Naruto learn something from them, and take up that wonderful idea about the Master also wearing his slave's collar, to show that he not only possesses but is possessed. Whatever arrangement that they do decide on though, I hope Naruto and Sasuke can find peace within it, because neither seem the type to concede to what they wouldn't be happy living with permanently, and with Chapter 57 you've shown that Sasuke really can be a dom, and that maybe he, at least a small part of the time, needs that.

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  • From llyoung on June 06, 2007
    Iruka and Kakashi are beautiful together. I wondered how you would continue with them and get them back to the master/slave relationship and you did a wonderful job. I love Iruka and Kakashi - they are my second favorite in the story (behind Gaara and Shika and hopefully we will see more of them soon). Thanks for another chapter.
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  • From ANON - HallowsEve on June 06, 2007
    I know should never right this but. That was so cute! you just want to run up and hug them. I am glad everything is back to normal for them, they have one of the best D/s relationships in the whole story.

    p.s I think kakashi likes punishment to much.: )
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  • From Allys on June 06, 2007
    Hello love, wow, I missed a lot. Life has become complicated, which really only means that I have a lot of work to do :). It was strange getting back into this after so long away, everything seemed so much. The irukaka was lovely, they're an adorable couple, and it's nice that their relationship isn't starting up but evolving, like Kisame and Itachi. Thank you so much for the NaruSasu chappies. I missed them so much. They seem to be getting along a lot better. It was a little strange really, LOL, all through the first two chapts I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but after the third one I think that both pairs of shoes must have been tossed out the whatever story window of Sasuke's condo. Shoe? What shoe? Who needs shoes? XD. I also liked the issue with the chain/necklace, Naruto has no idea does he? LOL if I remember correctly he wasn't really impressed with it at first. I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out what it is and how much it's worth XD. But OMG woman, chapter 57, lady love, lady love. Suge na. That was fan-fucking-tastic. Sasuke. Sasuke baby, I doubted you, but I take it back. I take it all back. He is regal isn't he, such a commandingly, princely boy. Where Naruto is raw and rough, Sasuke is refined and graceful, but both beautiful and both deadly. Oh my, oh my. Then there were the lines I loved, 2 in particular that I picked out - "If I were some wacko in a Greek play, I’d blind myself since nothing, nothing could ever please my eyes so much. " LOL, that entire little conversation was wonderful. All the conversations in this chapter were. They were in fine form that morning XD. And then - "Sasuke slid into Naruto hard and deep, like this ass was his by right." I adore that. Like this ass was his by right. So true, so true. And omg, Sasuke squeezing out Naruto's cum over top of him O.O, be still my slutty little heart, LOL. The funny thing is I'm usually a germ-a-phobe, like in the last chapter, I was so with Sasuke about not wanting that anywhere near his mouth, but I'll be damned if it wasn't as hot as all hell when he did it in the bed. I was a little disappointed at first that they couldn't do the vanilla thing, but then you completely made it up in 57. That's proper vanilla - had in small increments and sandwiched between rocky road and triple chocolate fudge delight with mint chocolate chips, LOL now i want ice-cream. I could really go for some tiramisu gelato XD, whoever decided that I could have cake in my ice-cream and on a cone, deserves a medal, the Italians have the right idea XD. I see you're pushing up your timetable. Is there any particular reason for that? Not that I mind seeing the piercing sooner XD, I'm just curious. I completely adore you and I'm so glad you're back, I was missing you terribly and about to go into severe bouts of withdrawal, but miraculously I've been saved XD. I guess you've gotten through everything you needed to do, I'm glad. Thank you ever so much for the update love, I'm going to scurry off now, my bed is calling. Hugles, Allys.
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on June 05, 2007
    Mistress. It is soooo good to wake up to my favourite addiction again. I'm so happy for everyone and can't wait to find out what you have planned for the rest of the group. Spesifically I'm wondering about Ibiki and Raido. Will Ibiki take Raido up to Itachi's unused apartment or will they go back to Raido and Genma's place. And what are the implications of their choice? Can't wait to find out.

    Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 05, 2007
    oh yay! im so glad your back

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  • From AnimeCookie on June 05, 2007
    I enjoy immensely the switching you got going in this story which definitely keeps my head spinning. Just when I think I got Sasuke figured out as a hard-core submissive/slave, he pulls this intense dominant side, actually making Naruto second-guess himself. (as well as me!) I liked how you described him as a “dark Prince”. (very poetic!) Its almost as if Sasuke has this “split personality” -- hmm? But I also liked Naruto’s response to Sasuke’s insistence of being a Dom a few chapters back (you THINK you want to be a Dom, but I’m gonna show you want you REALLY want – ass-slut!). But I also liked how you touched again on his love/trust/abandonment/betrayal issues and his struggles to understand why his parents feel such hatred towards him (gee, if someone tried to beat me to death, I don’t think hatred would be an exaggerated assumption). But I’m still left to wonder if Sasuke would be a good Dom since the “aftercare” requires a certain amount of patience, open giving and protection, especially when his own emotions still need protecting?

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  • From roro237 on June 05, 2007
    Oh! How I love these chapters on the fellows N&S. So hot so sexy!!!mmm I have truly enjoyed them. Thank you.:)
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 05, 2007
    oh I love every naruto and sasuke moments.
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  • From yaoilover07 on June 05, 2007
    It seems that with every chapter you make me love this story more and more. I have been reading it since you first posted it and I have to say that I am now officially one of your fangirls.
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