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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on June 12, 2007
    HOLY Crap!! LOL, If it's an e-book I'll so be first in line to buy it, just point me in the right direction XD. If they're actual paper books, it may take a little longer for me to get my hands on cause I live in a third world country, but I'll definitely be in the line! :Huggles: Best of luck my Goddess! I hope the publishing people can see what we see in you all the time ♥

    Oh and I'm a reference XD, LOL. Why thank you, I'm utterly flattered. Now I have to put up some original stuff!

    About this chapter - You're trying to torture me aren't you? Dangling things in front of me and telling me they'll never happen ;_;. LOL, I'm talking about my IbiRaiGen fantasies, which have just sky rocketed to almost uncontrollable proportions thanks to that last bit!! OMG!!! This entire chapter was Hott, ridiculously so. I loved the IbiRai in the beginning. Visual person that I am, I have a thing for body worship, and I like to touch. So that first bit sent my mind off on a tangent, adn the second bit was like torture, cause there was a whole lot of looking and touching was verboten. I love the relationship between Genma and Raidou as well though, they seem to be such good friends, which just a smidge of sexual tension, yeah, a smidge that just exploded cause Rai was writhing and thrusting down his pillow while expelling Ibiki's cum and Genma just had to masturbate to it!! Nosebleed of the century!! What can I do for you?? How can I beg well enough for you to have the threesome?? Not little hints of it, but a full blown, everybody gets fucked type of threesome?? At this point I'm willing to sell things, buy things, promise things ZOMG! You have no idea!! LOL. Don't worry about me, if it's not in the cards it's just not in the cards and I'll have to deal. I can deal. I promise. :huggles, and showers with love:
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  • From ANON - Epi on June 12, 2007
    Thank you :) Good luck on your e-book
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  • From llyoung on June 12, 2007
    Thanks for all the links of where you get your info and for the book recommendations.

    I really enjoyed the Raidou and Genma scene at the end. I especially thought it was funny that Genma wouldn't be able to get a blow job from someone with glassblower skills now that he knows how good that would be. I also thought it was sweet that Raidou wanted a butt plug and then made sure that he had Ibiki's cum on his bed.
    Thanks for a wonderful update and hope that you are inspired to write Gaara and Shika soon (I think that Kankuro should give Gaara and Shika a sounding kit as a wedding present and that Shika should get his belly button pierced and Gaara should get a nipple ring - ok that's enough of my wierd fantasies.) Thanks again.

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  • From cynaga on June 12, 2007
    My favorites are: Gaara/Shika, Kanky/Shino, Neji/Sai and Ibiki/Raidou. I'm usually going nuts over Naruo/Sasuke. Just proves how wonderful your writing is. Thanks for the references too!
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  • From ANON - phoenixfirI ekitsune on June 12, 2007
    I like how Genma reacts to Raido's appearance when he comes home. I'm sad that you're not going to be updating as often, but it's understandable. I can't wait for the next chapter. Good luck with the e-book thing.
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  • From ANON - Snowren on June 11, 2007
    mmm...I just want to say that I'm a big fan of yours.
    I first started with reading "A Virgin Kiss", followed by "D/s Naruto".
    I have to say that both stories are beautifully written, ans extremely hot!
    How can anything be beautiful and hot at the same time...? Well, that's why you're such a genius!
    I particularlly love the changes that the main characters go through.....such as Sasuke~
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  • From ANON - Epi on June 11, 2007
    Oh yes 176,693 words of... of... there's no word to describe it XD First time I clicked on your story there was already 30-40 chapters and I spent the entire night and morning reading; I just couldn't stop. I was a bit tired after that haha but it was worth it. I wanted to ask you, how much time do you spend on writing a chapter?
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  • From Pho on June 09, 2007
    Oh Hestia, your beautiful, beautiful mind has turned mine to mush. What a wonderful story to come back to. Last time I was on you were working on that lovely Neji/Gaara piece. I'll have to look that up and see how much of that I have missed too. This is, beyond amazing...there's not even a word out there for it. All the toys, ideas, scenes...and I completely agree with you, shitting objects out (cum, metal eggs, etc.) is totally hot.

    And your pairings are so original and yet it works. I never really found Shika attractive until this, and now I can't wait to read more chapters about him and Gaara. And the fact that Gaara was a virgin, oh wonderful. I love it when Gaara loses his virginity, because he's just so damned hot. I'm sure I'll never get rid of all the images you've filled my brain with, and thank goodness, they make great mental snacks. I can't wait to see where else you go with this and what other wickedly clever and kinky scenes you create.
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  • From on June 08, 2007
    AHA! I now have a profile and can bug you all I like =) Again I love your stories!
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  • From ANON - dragon on June 08, 2007
    For some reason half of my last review was gone! D=
    So as I was saying I was surprised to find 3 new chapters and one a Kankoru/Shino!! I feel so happy right now!!
    Happy (belated) B-Day!!
    Now may I have a Gaara/Shika chapter?! Please!!
    I'm still in the whole cosplay thing(I did it! I was supposed to be Gaara, but I still need to work on my costume for September). I just went to A-Kon here in Dallas this passed weekend and I went to the Naruto movie showing this passed Wednesday. So I'm on anime overload!! But I feel great!!

    Please keep writing!!
    Lots of zee love to ya!!
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  • From ANON - dragon on June 08, 2007
    My surprise when I come back a day or so later and discover 3 new chapters!!!
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  • From onobaby on June 08, 2007
    Sooooo, I am a little confused on the time table. When is the big scene with Sasuke and Naruto on stage? I thought it was on a weekend but I'm not sure what day it is since everybody is hooking up now and the days seem to be blurry to me. Are they still banned from the club? Is the contract still good (between sasuke and naruto) or is it null and void since Ibiki is there? Will Sasuke ever remember what happened between his brother and him? I think Naruto will probably understand because those two (Itatchi and sasuke) are soooo fucked up in the head but I think Sasuke will probably have a nervous breakdown or something. Did I see that you are thinking about shaving sasuke. YES! Finally!! Please, that will be sooo fucking hot. A hairless sasuke. Mmmmmmmm (drools like Homer Simpson)
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  • From wildkit on June 08, 2007
    You are amazing. This story is amazing. I cant wait for the next update. I do have one question though. Where did you get all your information? You dont have to answer if you dont want too. I would really like to start talking to you if you were willing. My email if you want is If you are willing to talk.
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  • From ANON - R on June 08, 2007
    OMG I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY! I was overjoyed when I checked and there were new chaters! Please write more. :D
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  • From ANON - Goat on June 07, 2007
    Hey! This story is my favorite one on aff, you're doing a great job writing it! I would really like to see a threesome of Naruto/Gaara/Sasuke worked in some how. I'd even be happy with just the pairing of Naruto/Gaara!
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