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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Gwyllion on July 09, 2007 don't know how much I love you right now!! Ever since I discovered this fic, I wanted to scream with joy. It's so rare to find a super long fic filled with the characters and pairings you love. *worships* I enjoyed and drooled on every single chapter and I wish it will never end! You have a huge talent in writing, especially D/s. SO HAWT! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful and wonderful fic. I seriously can't wait to read more from you. My fav pairing that got me so hot and bothered was Kankurou/Shino and Gaara/Shikamaru, and Kisame/Itachi, but NaruSasu will always be on the top of my list. You are considered one of my very favorite fic writer out there. There's no other words to describe how much I love this fic. Thank you once again!!

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  • From ANON - kyu-ti- on July 06, 2007
    when are neji and sai going to appear?
    i love so much that pairing! ^^
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  • From maroontwilight on July 01, 2007
    I got to this chapter, and was all like "Yay!'
    And then I noticed there was only one more chapter posted.
    And it made me sad.
    This is so amazing I can't even think up enough curse words for it. XD
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  • From sweetciel on June 30, 2007
    OMG! Simply yummitastic!!!!
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  • From Cynda on June 30, 2007
    I was unable to come and check for updates like I previously was able to BUT this just let me have a whole bunch of chapters to read all at once. :D (I was using your chapters as incentive? I read them all in one sitting. :D)

    And what awesome chapters they all are! Eeee!!! ^_^

    First! Thank you for the links you use and reference. More learning material yay! :D And yay about the book series you are planning out! Good luck with that! It sounds like it will be an amazing read! :D :D :D

    ...I-I don't know where to start. D: I'll try pairing-wise?

    Iruka and Kakashi. Oh My God. I was in SHOCK when Iruka had his breakdown at Uchiha's. When they had gone to Manda's I was at a loss for wrods but Iruka's despair shook me. D: I started chanting 'no Iruka you blind idiot!' at the screen which really wouldn't have done anything but yes. But then Kakashi saved the day and DAMN I know he's a hot man but BLOODY HELL does he know how to STRETCH. Very nice indead. Iruka is one lucky lucky man. And the proposal! YAY! :D :D :D I love how you showed that through adversity they were able to pull through and become an even closer couple! I saw this piece of IruKaka fanart where Kakashi was tied up in rope Japanese bondage style and in Iruka's lap. I thought of you. :D And if I find the source I'll point you to it. :D Have you ever considered giving Iruka a piercing? (I have an extremely strong piercing fetish thing. They are just wicked accents on a person's body. But I digress.)

    Naruto and Sasuke. They both are so made for each other. Sasuke just needs to realize that deep down inside. Why won't you let Naruto make love to you silly? :D But wow. I Love the mild conflict between the two over dominance. SO IC. AWESOME. I love how Naruto wants to shave Sasuke and show him off. The Prince Albert piercing date was moved up! ROCK. And Naruto contemplating extra piercings on Sasuke (lorum and frenulum wow SO HOT! please ma'am may I have some more?)? I squealed, so hard. :D LOVE LOVE LOVE. Yay they have a month contract! :D Naruto will be able to convince Sasuke to stay for much more. ^_^ I can't wait for the piercing and whatever additions Naruto will add. Sasuke will look AMAZING dripping in diamonds and sapphire and other things. :D

    But damn, these four got banned. Will this be permanent? Just curious. ^_^ And more news on Naruto's Dad! Why was Kakashi hiding the truth? ::jumps up in down in chair in anticipation::

    Gaara and Shikamaru. I will admit. This is my absolutely favorite pairing, even though everyone else is 0.05 below them and all TIED. :D I SIMPLY ADORE the way they fit so PERFECTLY TOGETHER. I never considered them as a paring but, like I said before, you converted me. ::bows:: They are just so beautiful together. I love how Gaara is so protective and possessive and how he wants his slave to have the best and Shika deserves all this and eee!! I just end up incoherent in my fangirlines over them. Gaara has a tattoo!! Yay! Will you be giving Shika one? maybe a small one around him belly button? ::shrugs:: Maybe a corset piercing for him? I like where your idea of piercing his cock. HEH. Anything you plan will be amazing I know it. :D (And they should so both cosplay. :D)

    Kankuro and Shino. *_* Wow. Just. Wow. I just LOVE this pairing, just like I LOVE all the others. How in the world do you do this? You have TALENT. :D :D :D I have to say, I didn't know I had a thing for urethral play until you wrote about it there. That scene was so bloody HOT and AMAZING. So Awesome. I do want to see how they play out. :D Looking forward to the pool game and the family dinner!

    Kisame and Itachi. GUH. I would just read their chapters in wonder. I love Itachi as a sub. He is in him element! And Kisame can finally show all the love and dominance he has for Itachi. :D Their scenes are so INTENSE! Heh, and Itachi got pierced! AMESOMENESS. :D :D :D And oh dear Kisame, what will you do about this new kink? :O

    Ibiki and Raidou. Did I forget to mention that scars are also a bit of a weak point for me on guys? Body modifications in general! :O But oh my wow like always you have converted me to another pairing! Ibiki is perfect to help Raidou get past his previous trauma (stupid past ex-boyfriedn jerk type person grr) And they are just so HOT together. And the slight hint of Genma joining in? BLOODY HELL that would be BLISTERING. :D

    I was curious about whether you were going to write about Sasori and Deidara? And about Zabuza and Haku. And looking forward to more chapters with Neji and Sai. :D :D :D

    I just can't stop smiling after reading these chapters. They were all AMAZING AND THEN SOME. HEARTS FOR YOU. Good luck with the next chapters and again with your other works! :D :D :D
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  • From maroontwilight on June 30, 2007
    Alright.. coret peircing.. AAAH.
    The images in my brain are SOOO SEXY!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Tati on June 29, 2007
    **kneels and bows** I'm not worthy, oh Great one!
    Kakashi and Iruka... yummm.

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  • From DuosAngel on June 29, 2007
    Well, I've finally started to read this and caught up. I don't know why i didn't want to ead this before becuase it's so fucking hot! Hotter than anything i've ever read before. Every pairing, every chapter is just perfect! I can't wait for more, namely for Sasuke to get his beanpole pierced!
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  • From ANON - dragon on June 29, 2007
    Two chapters!
    I love both of them!
    Interesting jewelery ordered from Naruto!
    Sweet the Kak/Iru chapter!
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  • From MikaSamu on June 28, 2007
    Wonderful chapters, I love the way you're bringing the plot lines together. The reasons for the convergence are convincing, and the increased interplay between the characters terrific. Best of all is the new, deeper relationship between Kakashi and Iruka. I love that the D/s continues, but there is a better sense of true equality and easier expression of love between them.
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  • From Allys on June 28, 2007
    OH MY GOD!!! Okay breathe, breathe... XD, OH MY GOD!!!!!! Shit, I'm back up in the doggie registers again, but Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!! :holds heart: I can't stop grinning like an IDIOT!! LOL XD. They getting MARRIED!!! I'm sorry I just went totally all girly girl and can't get the image of Iruka in lacy white neglige out of my head!! Contact Dominic Shade!! This is a necessity!! Nobody does Iruka like him and this deserves perfection!!! I'm so freaking excited I could burst, this is fucking ridiculous. I can't help it, I'm such a girl, XD, LOL. I hear married and my whole brain shuts down. Can you tell you've blown me away, LOL. I can't even think straight!! XD. I'm swimming in joy here, LOL. @--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---♥@--'-,---
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  • From Allys on June 28, 2007
    LMAO!! Loved chapter 65. Izumo and Kotetsu, 2 fricking Gossip mongers, LOL, bloody Vultures. I can't believe they're making redervations to Dwayne's!! :rolls eyes and smirks: I Love the messages XD. Naruto gets all the good gossip without even trying XD. LOL, perks of the job, and OMG!!! Gaara is a man after my own heart, red coral and Carnelian!! My absolute favourites, Oh God Hestia! You know I have a thing for orange stones!!!! XD. Those are gonna be soo beautiful. And Naruto's getting way carried away Xd, my oh my, a frenum ladder! I can see it, it would be gorgeous, and feel like fucking heaven, ZOMG!! But it would be a Bitch to maintain. And Sasuke hardly gets to do any fucking, hmmmn, XD, maybe Naruto might sub more when he feels multiple points hit his prostate at the right angle. Damn that would drive anybody crazy, LOL. More Doms should take the time to get their dicks pierced, that'll have people begging XD. LOL, God okay, that conversation could go on for hours and I want to read the next chapter soooo, yeah, LOL, so excited XD, love when I get here and there's lots of stuff to read XD. Almost walked into a garbage can :D, LOL.
    p.s. Hooray NaruSasu chappies, XD - sorry absolute soft spot for those two XD.
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  • From ANON - Kimikiumi on June 28, 2007
    Iruka and Kakashi ... Oh hell! I thought Kakashi was gonna get rejected! Are you gonna write the wedding? Is there even gonna be the wedding? Oh please! The wedding! It would be amazing! I'm still thinking of what Kakashi was planning to do on the wedding night ... Oh God! Now you do have to write it! Please!
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  • From AnimeCookie on June 28, 2007
    I noticed a running theme the last couple of chapters: fainting from extreme pleasure! First Itachi, which I thought you played his getting back to his sub-roots with Kisame very nicely. And now Kakashi subbing Iruka into pleasurable oblivion. Is Sasuke suffering a bit from a small case of the guilts over Kakashi’s punishment, just because Kakashi gave him a few “oral tips”? Or – was he having a flashback to a similar traumatic time? Hmm. Well it looks like Naruto is going to have to start giving Sasuke his sub-session sooner than expected! And I can’t wait to see where Iruka’s and Kakashi’s wedding is going to be held. Maybe Uchiha’s – if they can get back into Itachi’s and Kisame’s (or is it Kisame’s and Itachi’s) good graces.

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  • From Pho on June 28, 2007
    Aww...that's so great. They're getting married. And Iruka in a wedding dress certainly would be a sight to see. You must be writing like crazy to have posted three new chapters so quickly. Your dedication to your writings is wonderful.
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