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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From kaio on July 19, 2007
    you just kill me more and more with each chapter.
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  • From ANON - Wihtls on July 18, 2007
    Naruto & Sasuke's my favorite character in you fic.
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  • From AnimeCookie on July 18, 2007
    “You want a tossed salad for lunch, boy? Oh Baby! That’s what I like! I found myself saying, “yes, please!” These last 2-3 chapters with Naruto/Sasuke/Naruto were a hoot!

    Real highlights: Sasuke’s Prince Albert session – we know how much Naruto wanted one for Sasuke, but I liked the way you wrote Sasuke’s feelings of what it meant to him and how amazed he was that Naruto loved someone that was “unloveable” (I really wanted to cry at that). Ice-Princess Haku – that was full of emotion, both Naruto’s happiness that Haku was alive, but also the possible insecure reaction that Sasuke would have if he doubted Naruto’s feelings (once again, love and trust issues). And I still love that switching between Naruto and Sasuke!

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  • From Allys on July 18, 2007
    LOL, XD, Naruto's so stupid :GLOMPS YOU:!! I love that he thinks Sasuke buying him clothes is punishment XD. That was HOTT and LOL, I guess Baki was mollified by the level of commitment that Sasuke sowed with the necklace. God I hopw someone tells Naruto eventually XD. Silly, clueless, beautiful boy!!! Thank you so much for the update love. And zomg, Sasuke getting to Dom and the rimming XD. Hmmn, so Baki's going to report the collaring XD, God now I'm really anxious for the next chappie XD. Have I told you how much I adore you lately?? God “You want a tossed salad for lunch, boy?” XD. And oh God I can't wait for Sasuke to be healed enough to fuck Naruto either XD. LOL I just realised, chapter 69 XD. hmmmnnn, yumm. LOL Congratulations!!!! Loves on you ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥
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  • From llyoung on July 18, 2007
    Poor Naruto. What a terrible punishment to have a whole new wardrobe bought for him. Only Naruto would consider that punishment. That was so funny. I'm still laughing.
    Loved Naruto's line about the 3 wisemen too - that was great. Not sure poor Baki actually got anything from his interview but then if Itachi wants Naruto and Sasuke to be able to be at the club then I don't think Baki could do anything about it. (Forgot to mention that the sex was really hot too - I really loved the humor in this chapter).
    Thanks for the quick update. Your story really made my day.
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  • From Kerrisa on July 18, 2007
    yay!!! Naruto found his friend =) Lol funny, i've mostly heard the name 'ice princess/prince' to describe Sasuke, but it works for Haku for coompletely different reason =D Shweeeeee! *spins* marvelous update, update soon, yeah? =D
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  • From Criticalsunshine on July 18, 2007
    It is so hard to pick a fave chapter from 31 & 32!
    Sasuke bursting in and freaking out has got to be one of the best moments ever!! An outright brawl... OMG! Best!!! And then the next chapter with Gaara just going on and listing all those things.. OMG If anyone ever said stuff like that about me... I'd marry him on the spot! Your WAFF rocks!! This fic has got to be one of the best things on this whole website!!
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  • From Criticalsunshine on July 18, 2007
    Oh god Sasuke has it so bad! Lol just wanted to let you know lots of your art links don't work, the ones through LJ don't allow access and the yaoigallery ones are blank. DA are okay though. Favourite pairing?? Most def NaruSasu but GaaraShika is damn close. I'm loving all the pairings though. Especiall how usualy they'd all be ukes or opposite. Iruka as one hella mean dom. Can see it O_O Loved seeing the safe word in action! Naruto is the sweetest! And stopping it right there!! My heart totally squee-d! I mean i'm reading this mostly for the hottness and well getting off but the romance totally touches the inner sap in me too.
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  • From sweetciel on July 18, 2007
    O' wise one plz put me out of my misery. I love your stories to the point where i space out at work, thinking about what's gonna happen next and the uber hot things that happened already. I love you!
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  • From ANON - dragon on July 18, 2007
    Oh God!
    I just love those two!
    I can't believe that I hadn't thought Naruto collared, I never imagined Sasuke even thinking about it.
    When will he tell Naruto though?
    I don't know if it was mentioned before but there's two little details that I want to tell you.
    One. The first time you mentioned Shikamaru's nipple piercing, you said it was on the left one, then in later chapters you said the opposite. I guess you initial intention was to say the right, for supposedly Gaara is left handed.
    And two. When you first mentioned Shino's dog, you said he had lost it a year earlier, then talking to Kankoru you said it was around 3/4 and a half years. I guess I go (too) on the latter on this one.

    Well that's all I gotta say for now, well except that I will wait however long for the next chapter.

    Take care.

    Ps. I really like the idea for a foundation! Makes for more time together in their future.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 18, 2007
    OMG! the first one was hot the next three! you cant just do that to me girly its dangerous to my health. but i enjoyed it :)
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  • From Criticalsunshine on July 18, 2007
    Pairings are great. Rather like Itachi all bothered and loved up. Although sibling sex would be a great scene to see...

    Detail is amazing.. Talking about sexual education *cough* This is simple gorgeous!
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  • From Lances on July 18, 2007
    I'm looking eagerly forward to Kisame/Itachi! I love you for updating so soon.
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  • From ANON - Mademoiselle_LaCroix on July 18, 2007
    ...need moooooreeeee....seriously, I am looking every day for a new chapter...twice...I am so in love with this story...
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  • From hisoka on July 18, 2007
    hotter than hot but i hate needles. oh well, keep it up and update real soon ne
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