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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Loupiotte on July 27, 2007
    How could I tell you how much I appreciate your work? Maybe by telling you that when I discovered it, I read 25 chapters in a row. I had to stop to get some sleep but since then I've been addicted. You made me realise that my imagination was more... well.. kinky than I thought.
    It's always a pleasure to discover the new chapters, so keep up the good work!
    (And I personally hate the Tour de France cause it's the only thing on TV for the whole month. I'm fed up with it, cheating or not)
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  • From llyoung on July 27, 2007
    Loved the humor at the beginning of the chapter. Especially for some reason the
    following - all Kouji could do was think of Neji with a penis inside his ass. He knew gay men had anal sex, but my god, why? Neji was seriously having trouble moving and sitting - Kouji and his thoughts were wonderful. Hopefully Neji gets promoted to a better office with a bathroom soon.
    Hiashi got what he deserved and I hope it was horrible and that he doesn't try to
    make any trouble for Neji or Sai (doubt he will or Sai will kill him).
    Thanks for another chapter.
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  • From ANON - fangirl on July 27, 2007
    I NEVER thought I would say this but...Go Sai! Protective and vengeful much? May not agree with the action, but damn is it gonna get the point across.
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  • From ANON - dragon on July 27, 2007
    A Kankoru/Shino!!
    I worship you!!
    They finally discover something for themselves. I was thinking that Kankoru was a little over board, but then I got thinking and I realize that they both are all about the limits, how much they can take, how to take a little bit more... pain, strain of the muscles, the power one exercisers over the other.
    I am surprised at my own deduction, I feel that sometimes things... important things just flow by and I don't get them or I overlook them either on purpose or because I just simply don't think much on them.

    Well I just wanted to let you know that I will look forward to the next chapter. This time I do wonder who will be next.
    Take care.
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  • From Ashcat on July 27, 2007
    I enjoyed this story quite a bit. I admit, I was wondering when you were going to get to the figging since you'd done a lot of the other common things. I guess now we're on to electroplay, I can just see Kisame having a TENS unit >_> Gaara and Shika are my favorite
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  • From Lances on July 27, 2007
    Oh, 72 was a rough chapter indeed! But I loved it nonetheless! =) However, I'm still checking the story thrice a day just hoping to find more about Kisame & Itachi, as well as Naruto & Sasuke. I hope you can update soon again.
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  • From llyoung on July 27, 2007
    Oh wow. That was absolutely incredible. I've been wanting a Kankuro/Shino chapter
    and you delivered more than I could have ever dreamed of. I'd been dreaming and
    wondering when and if figging would be introduced in your story and not only did
    we get figging but also sounding in one chapter. Thank you for this perfectly incredible

    Hope everything goes well for Tommie (the cat). My cat is definently the Master
    at my house. He knows how to get what ever he wants with just a look. Please keep
    giving us updates on Tommie. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on July 27, 2007
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on July 27, 2007
    Woo-hoo! Figging! I've been kind of curious if you'd write some figging... and you did! Yay!

    It was quite hot, the way Shino made Kanky almost lose control... I loved Kanurou's commands - how he wanted Shino to tell him everything. And I really enjoyed the stream-of-consciousness thing you had going while Shino was 'suffering' under Kanky's attentions. Very effective.

    Kanky's use of 'yellow' and 'red' made me wonder if there will be a scene where they pick more meaningful safe-words, instead of the standard ones, and I liked how it emphasized that they are just now getting into their Dom/sub relationship.

    Great chapter! This is still, even after 70-odd chapters, one of the most unique and enjoyable Naruto fics out there.
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  • From DuosAngel on July 27, 2007
    Have I meantioned that I love you Hestia? Gods I'll never get tired of this story because there's always something new being explored. It's just too perfect!

    Two typos though, first towards the top when Shino first starts crying 'maybe the more important scene he’d ever done. ' and the second is at the bottom '“Shhh, baby, I got you, and I have a drink for you. He sat on the chair,' Missing qoutation mark. Can't wait for the next chapter or to see who we visit next.
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  • From ANON - Yuri-san on July 27, 2007
    Oh, my God.

    That last chapter...Garra and Shika....They're so...and...just..and---

    OMG!!!!!!! bsoyihifvb dag. vksdfjbvg;vnda



    I love you.

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  • From ANON - amberblood on July 26, 2007
    ah! I finally got through all these chapters! ((I found this story rather late I suppose)) I started it on y-gallery and then remembered it was here as well, so I came here because there were more chapters. This is absolutely addicting. I love the way you write all of them, even knowing the characters in the series, you make this so vivid and believable. I can now see any of them playing the roles they play here. Please continue, I'll be waiting for updates!
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  • From ANON - Aikei-chan on July 25, 2007
    *_* omg. This awesome. True I skipped by some parts but you cant help what you like and don't like. Honestly, You've done awesome research for this. really.

    Though I'd LOVE to see some ZabuHaku or KakuHidan. I mean, especially on the KakuHidan front, you hint to so much potential and then don't write it! its disappointing D:

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  • From sweetciel on July 24, 2007
    As the love is realized between my 2 fav charaters i fall even more in love with this story. It has HAS!!!! to be the best story that i've ever read. I love it soooo much. I hope it never ends ^_^
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 22, 2007
    cute chapter
    when is Sasuke and Naruto going to head over to Kisame's and Itachi's? I really want to see what happens then. The dinner with Iruka and Kakashi, too. I can already see Naruto breaking the wine bottles in that provate room.
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