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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on July 30, 2007
    Awwwwwwwww!!!!! LOL :Glomps you: *Squee* That was so SwEEt, XD. Zomg I loved this, (I should stop saying that and just let you take it for granted, lol XD) This was a particular stroke of genius on your part. To say I NEVER saw that coming would be more than an understatement. But it's so perfect it seems like divine providence, ne Hestia goddess?
    The bit about Hiashi being abused was sadly fitting. And Sai's panicking. LOL, I love that he was more concerned with the ffact that Neji would think he'd cum, than about him finding out he'd fucked his uncle, LOL, well at least visibly more concerned with the former. I also like that Hiashi understood and admitted to enjoying the pain, and that Sai didn't get off scott free for it. Your sense of justice and 'right' has always makes me feel all warm, sometimes I read some of the stories floating about and I find myself amazed at what what people think is acceptable and forgivable. But I never have to worry about that with you, I applaud your values and morals. I also love that Sai had the prescience of mind and the kindness to think of others, to think of both Hiashi and Kimimaro and realise that they would be perfect for each other. And I love that Hiashi went for him immediately, LOL, he didn't even wait on the doctor XD. I really love how you wrote Hiashi, dominant, but unsure and so smitten XD. But Zomg, my Favourite - "Cocksucking was a reward? Oh, god, my poor Kimimaro, and lucky, lucky me." LMAO!! So Kawaii XD. LOL, he really was a joy to watch interact with Kimimaro. And Oh God! Kimimaro blushing - KAWAII!!! LOL, I also have to say something about the ending - "Interesting—Hiashi rolled his eyes at his own understatement. If things got much more interesting, he might just die of a heart attack. God, he needed the doctor. He wanted to live a long, long time." Purr-fect, :huggles you: Thank you sooo much ♥♥♥.
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  • From ANON - Tati on July 29, 2007
    Where the heck did this come from? I was not expecting it. Whoa! You are a GODDESS!!
    Hiashi... ok. wait. what... Hiashi... ah Kimikaro... uh...

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  • From AnimeCookie on July 29, 2007
    Hiashi’s story was definitely another wild chapter! You could have left Hiashi’s character as a simple black-white issue as a cruel, incestuous rapist, which he is. But that’s why I enjoyed how you wrote Sai’s repulsive reaction to Hiashi’s own childhood abuse, which not only resonated with his own abuse, but also as a reflection of the reader’s response.

    Then those little scenes of Hiashi going into “dom-mode” with his directing Sai on how to cover up their own little “scene”, despite having a bleeding ass and a broken arm. Except for that one moment when he cracked, Hiashi really has the “control-freak” thing pat -- and maybe a thing for pain -- receiving as well as giving! Which is why at first I was surprised that Hiashi didn't have Sai arrested. But being the shrewd business person (and maybe a bit of a pain-slut himself), the public exposure might "tarnish" the Hyuuga reputation.

    But what was really amazing was the sense of true compassion that Hiashi managed to exhibit for the sadly wretched Kimimaro – even inspite of the cock-whipping (ouch!). And I had to smirk at Hiashi’s knowledge about the players in the local DBSM world while not being at active participant up to that point, showing some serious “voyeuristic” tendencies (tee-hee!). As if he had been envious of Neji for quite some time, that he somehow, found an escape from “Hyuuga tradition’.

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  • From ANON - amberblood on July 29, 2007
    you see what an amazing writer you are? At the first suggestion of the pairing, I was going...really? Those two? And by the end of it it was just absolutely canon in my head.
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  • From cynaga on July 29, 2007
    I like what happened aith Sai and Hiashi and even better with Kimimaru - KUHL~!
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  • From yaoiismyantidrug on July 29, 2007
    ^_^ This was a surprising development, and one I really enjoyed. I had been wondering how Sai was going to explain things to Neji...

    Ah... cock-whipping... hot. I've got to say, it did make me uncomfortable reading about Hiashi getting off to pain and all - seeing that he had abused Neji and had also been abused - but I had to remind myself that, now, this is *very* consensual. And that's what a lot of this D/s business is about, right? Accepting the things that turn you on, even if they seem wrong, and making them yours, and being allowed to feel these things without anyone *actually* getting hurt.

    So, yeah, really enjoyed this chapter.^_^
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on July 29, 2007
    Mistress, you have again illustrated your superiority with this last chapter. You managed 180's in two of the characters and created another beautiful pair. Congratulations and thank you.
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  • From MissMayumi on July 29, 2007
    woah, 73 chapters! How long is this story gunna be? Is it even near ending yet? haha. ^_^
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  • From Henki8 on July 29, 2007
    I can just see it now, Kisame and Naruto going out for a beer, talking abouth there pretty but stubborn Uchias.....I'm really hopeing for a club scene with Naruto, Itachi and Sasuke....the the subs sucking him off or something....God I NEED more Naruto/Sasuke D/s....When will Naruto put a trainign collar on him, all the other subs has them now, and he has said yes to a 1 month contract...I think a collar would work nicely to remind both Naruto and Sasuke for their roles......

    So please pretty please write more delicious N/S D/s
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  • From Gwyllion on July 29, 2007
    Yay! Go Sai GO!!! :DDD What an awesome and Hawt chappie once again! Thanks so much! You seriously don't know how wonderful and dear this fic is to me. You rock!
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  • From llyoung on July 29, 2007
    Last chapter had me so angry with Hiashi that I wanted him hurt badly but
    by just the first few paragraphs of this chapter I felt sorry for him (rape and
    domestic abuse are often vicious none ending cycles). (You are very very
    very good at making your readers feel the emotions that you want
    them to feel). I'm glad that Hiashi found Kimimaru and hope that the two are
    happy together. They seem to match each others needs very well and it was good
    that you didn't forget about Kimimaru and found someone for him as well. I wonder
    if Sai will ever actually tell Neji the truth of what happened. Hopefully by the
    end of the week Neji will get his promotion and maybe Sai will get a job like he
    wants. Thanks for another chapter.
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  • From ANON - Random Person on July 29, 2007
    Oh my devils! I swear no one can write about sexs like you. Makes me sad that I cant. I'm not loged in right now so I cant rate or review it for real and I don't have any updates so I wont log it. If I had a story like this I swear I'd only have it because of your ideas. Not that I'd steal it (that would be dishonering my abilaty to write) As Lee would say 'Your flames of youth shine brightly' lol Anywa I'll talk later maybe...


    Random Person
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  • From ANON - WEGAQW on July 29, 2007
    great chapter!
    i love that you brought Kimimaru in the story
    it's good to know that some people haven't forgot about him

    ILY&&update soon ^_^

    Ja ne!
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  • From DuosAngel on July 29, 2007
    Now that was unexpected. I had forgotten about poor Kimimaro, I'm glad you found him a suitable dom. I'm also glad that you didn't leave Hiashi as a bad guy, I like him.
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  • From Hen on July 29, 2007
    Amazing! You managed to make Hiashi likeable even after what he did to Neji! This is one of the reasons I love your fic. You never go for the easy stereotypes. Instead, you put up a thoughtful piece about how the cycle of abuse continues, and then is broken. Very nice!
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