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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Ashcat on August 02, 2007
    chpt 75 & 76: Oh god so lovely
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  • From Allys on August 02, 2007
    Ohhhh!!! ;_; Oh man Hestia, chpt 75 has me drowning in sweetness XD.
    i love it. I can't even begin to explain, but god it's so lovely when the broken get mended.
    Poor Kimimaro, he's going to go into culture shock, but it will do him so much good.
    I feel so bad for him about his past, but hey he's definitely being rewarded for it now.
    Fantastic!! Belissima!! It was all gorgeous. I love when Hiashi told Kimimaro
    "When you tell me you love me, call me Hiashi." :holda heart: And OMG O.o -
    "He broken my arm, beat the crap out of my back and ass, and raped me. It’s ok, though."
    LMAO it's okay though??? That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while XD.
    LOL, I mean I know it is ok now, it's just how he said it O.o, LOL.
    And Ohhhhhh... Kimimaro's reaction!!! :HUGGLES HIM:

    Oh and on a technical note - I think you meant adjoin and not adjourn.

    Chpt 76 - OMG Sasori's such a prat! I kinda think I hate him, judgmental Bastard!!
    And the icing - He has NO FUCKING IDEA What he's talking about!!! What a little bitch!
    But LOL it's so canon!! He is, you have him down pat! And ZOMG!!! The Scene was HAWT!!!
    I mean DAMNBBB!! Wow!! The food and the rods and the DP :nosebleed:
    Holy shit sweetheart, you have once again - Outdone yourself!! This is incredible!!!
    And Baki was hott as all hell too! Still wanna smack the damn little red-head bitch of a bishie, but Damn!!!
    LOL, :showers u with love and appreciation:

    And LOL, I'm still dying here to see Naruto's reaction when they tell him what he's got around his neck.
    LOL, and the by calls himself a jeweller XD. He's going to be reeling, soooo excited XD!!
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  • From Henki8 on August 02, 2007
    WHY did you word it like that?!?! You know it's really Sasuke the brat that is collared! You give that snotty sub a brilliant expensive collar right now, so Naruto can show the world who is REALLY the master!!!
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  • From DuosAngel on August 02, 2007
    Damn that was hot. Poor Sasori, I wonder how much more weirdness he can take. I wonder if he's fearing that family dinner thing now.
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  • From ANON - dragon on August 02, 2007
    Well it's me again.
    I distracted myself from this fic for a while. When I discovered the new chapter with Sai and Hiashi I couldn't bring myself to read it. Took me this long to read it and the rest. I like you fic a-plenty and I like how you got Hiashi and Kimimaru together. Is just that I'm really uncomfortable with threesomes. Of any kind. The first one I read was bad, so it's kinda difficult for me to read. But I did read you chapters. I was trying to see the whole picture, but I don't know... I guess I should've seen it coming, but I just thought that everything will only be them thinking about it... maybe plan yet not doing it and not actually reading it. Sigh. Sorry if this isn't one of my regular reviews with appreciation toward your fic, is just that I'm really uncomfortable right now.
    Take care.
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  • From LindyStar on August 02, 2007
    Oh joy, I was hoping you'd do a scene with Deidara! And I'm so glad Kimimaro is getting taken care of. Hooray!
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  • From on August 02, 2007
    I was so excited to see another Hiashi/Kimimaru chapter! Yea! It was very good. Sasori was interesting, but he seems a little stuck up--which ultimately I like because it adds another flavor to the story. I want another Ibiki/Raidou chapter though. yes, yes. And some Genma on the side. mmm.

    You're awesomeness has reduced me to a toddler's state of mind. It seems all I can do is say "me like!" and "gimme!" (lol)

    Keep on writing. Still love this fic!
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  • From llyoung on August 02, 2007
    Deidara knows how to get his Master's mind off his problems. Loved the scene
    in the breakfast room (and appropriate comments about Deidara's art, art that
    wouldn't last). Loved the rods, loved the dp, loved everything. And Baki's
    recitation of what had happened recently “Kisame has collared Itachi with his platinum chain and giant shark’s tooth, Sasuke has collared Naruto with Shiva’s tear, Kakashi overpowered Iruka who was punching and fighting him for real, gagging and binding him, driving off with him in the back of their car, and Ibiki had a sub session with Raidou.”
    and Sasori choking on an ice cube was wonderful. Sasori has such a problem
    with things beyond his control - he will just have to learn that he doesn't control
    everything :) Thanks for another chapter.
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  • From roro237 on August 02, 2007
    You took two characters that I would have never in a million years put together and BamB! So hot so sexy so loving. I'm bowing to you right now:) That was fab u lous!
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  • From ANON - Billie on August 02, 2007
    I think Hiashi/Kimimaro is an awesome pair. I really love the changes Hiashi has made. Wonder what's going happen when Neji finds out (or is he going to find out at all) that Sai raped him. That'll be interesting.
    I hope next chapter is going to be dedicated to Naruto & Sasuke. I've been waiting for those two to make an entrance again.
    Thanks for the great story.
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  • From llyoung on August 02, 2007
    I'm really glad that Kimimaru and Hiashi are together and happy with each
    other. They both have had rough lives and deserve some happiness. I'm
    also glad that Hiashi is protecting Sai from any retribution and that he
    made it clear that no one tells Neji what happened except Sai and only if
    Sai wants to.

    I forgot to mention in my last review of the previous chapter how sexy the
    underwear sounded - thanks for the link that shows the picture. I also liked
    the way you included Hayate in the last chapter - you are very good at bringing
    elements of the Naruto storyline into your story.
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  • From cynaga on August 02, 2007
    You spoil us!
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  • From AnimeCookie on August 02, 2007
    What an interesting turn of events -- it looks like Genma's contemplating being a sub so he can continue being with Raidou. Of course that would mean Ibiki would be dom to two subs (hmm). I'm sure he could handle it; in fact, I KNOW Ibiki can handle it ^^!

    But this Hiashi/Kimimaro thing -- I just love Hiashi's euphemisms. Of course never "offficially" becoming part of the scene, I can see how his words would reflect this. And I love Kimimaro's reaction to Hiashi's "setting up house", almost in disbelief. But I can see his reactions because apparently there has been very little in Kimimaro's life that he really could believe and trust. That's why I like the "cock didn't lie" comment, the one thing that he can depend on. And for some perverse reason, I keep thinking about that scene in Conan the Barbarian, where young Conan is listening to the "words of wisdom" about steel from his father: "For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts." Then Daddy Conan points to his sword and states: "This you can trust". I can just see Hiashi in dom-mode, seriously staring at Kimimaro while pointing at his cock -- "THIS you can trust". Sorry, but that really put me into one of my weird moments, still you got to admit, swords do carry a lot of phallic imagery ^_^.

    And I couldn't help but think -- wow, this is Kimimaro's first real kiss -- maybe, in a strange way, Hiashi's as well. And I love the way he refers to Sai as Neji's "fiancee" (with 2e's -- hmmm).

    “Neji told Sai about when I abused him. He broken my arm, beat the crap out of my back and ass, and raped me. It’s ok, though. We came to an understanding. I deserved it all for what I did.” Kimimaro dropped his paper cup, trying to process that." You and me both Kimimaro -- my brain nearly turn on itself over that one! I got ass-raped but its okay, everything's "Kool and the Gang" - LOL!

    In short - I'm really looking forward to some very interesting "scenes" between Hiashi and Kimimaro!

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  • From Allys on August 02, 2007
    OMG!!! I could feel the tackle glomp coming from the very beginning of this chapter :Tackle glomps you knocking u over and showering you with kisses:
    LOL, not very sub-like XD. I'll behave I pwomise XD. *Squee* :runs around like an idiot in my head: (cause it would be hard to type if I did it for real)
    LOL, I was all into having lovely juicy thoughts too before you slammed with sweetness and made me tear up, so Kawaii. And then dropped me into hotness again
    :swoons and dies: ZOMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! :clapping and squeeing like an idiot: See what you've reduced me to :Huggles u:
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  • From DuosAngel on August 02, 2007
    A lot going on in this chapter but I do love to see things move forward like this. I was amazed at how much Peter knew about Hiashi's past. i wasn't expecting anyone to be that close to the family. But I can't decide who I want to see more of now, Hiashi and Kimimaro or Raidou, Genma, and Ibiki. (And then there's all the other couples as well.) I really just love them all so much!
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