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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Allys on August 06, 2007
    LOL, Nice one Shika XD. So very Naughty XD. Temptation incarnate. I love this couple, they always have such interesting apparatus ;). And OH God a collaring ceremony in front of everyone where Gaara get 's to whip and fuck Shika. LOL, There'll either be a LOT of sex in that building or a helluva lot of running off at the end XD. Either way I can't wait XD. I'm also really curious as to Choji's Ass cake? hmmmn XD. I also adore the idea of the mirror!! And LOL, God you made me want Chinese food XD. LOL, I kinda want cake too O.o XD. Gods, now I can't concentrate :Goes off in search of food: Loves you ♥
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  • From cynaga on August 06, 2007
    Still enjoying~! Just wanted to say thanks for the updates.
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  • From ANON - dragon on August 06, 2007
    Oh me! oh my!!
    Gaara/Shika!! I can't wait for Shika's collaring ceremony! I also love the idea of Gaara's tattoo somewhere in Shika! It is really a sexy symbol.
    Please do keep writing.
    Take care.
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  • From Hen on August 06, 2007
    Oh, there's Ebisu!

    The Gaara/Shika chapters are SO FREAKIN HOT! I never even saw this pairing coming, let alone working. You've got talent!
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  • From ringpop on August 06, 2007
    Dude...this story is so fucking good, i hella just started REreading it over again.....and i NEVER read the same fic twice.....that's sayin somthin' : )
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  • From Ashcat on August 05, 2007
    horray for expansion that is hot!! I can't wait to see them cosplay- I think Gaara drawing all those tat's on would be damn sexy!
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  • From llyoung on August 05, 2007
    Oh wow. The expanded part at the end was hot. And for Shika to have the
    kanji tattooed on his ass (and maybe his cock too) - the idea just makes me
    drool. And the two of them to cosplay - fantastic.
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  • From Ashcat on August 05, 2007
    chpt 79: HORRAY Gaara and Shika!!! :D yayaya :D I just love them. Aww- it's so nice to see how much Gaara loves his sub but how he's being clever about not letting Shika know how much power he does have. Those Shika is pretty clever- I love how he is such a slut
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  • From llyoung on August 05, 2007
    Loved all the insight into Gaara's mind and how it works. And Gaara's
    explanation to Shika as to why he had watched Kakashi, Naruto and Kimi
    and Shika's reactions were wonderful. Loved the scene (and the clips) -
    that was fantastic. Very cute of Shika teasing Gaara with the way he
    was eating so that he would get fucked again very soon. Thanks for
    another chapter - really appreciate that it was Gaara and Shika since
    they are my favorites in this story. And even though this was a very long
    chapter, I would still love it if the next chapter was them again too (yeah
    I know that that will not happen but hey I can always dream can't I). Hope
    we get a Kankuro/Shino soon too. Thanks again.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 05, 2007
    they're so cute!
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  • From gaara89 on August 05, 2007
    I actually really like this story, even if some of the lemons are a little too much for me, I think it's very well written. please continue.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 05, 2007
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  • From Ashcat on August 05, 2007
    Although intially dissapointed that it was Iruka and kakashi I really enjoyed this update! Fisting is something that I always find fascinating- I only wish there had been more description there... maybe next time? *hopeful*...

    I also really liked the Naruto and Sasuke chapter- I liked that Kisami was freaked out by the shiva tear and that he could be undone so rapidly. Itachi is going to have to watch his dom carefully once he ever comes down.

    AFF net eats all my reviews :( but I really loved the ohter chapters more that you've done. You've really spoiled us with the new chapter every day! I even made sure to keep up while on vacation- such a guilty pleasure to enjoy your updates from my hotel room after copying them to notepad from the lobby internet access!! I love love the Sai and Hitsugay chapters - please don't leave us hanging on them too long! Also more Gaara and Shika please they are still my favorites after Sai!! Squee I can't believe you managed to make us care about a Neji's rapist but you really showed the cycle of violence wonderfully and showed us hopefully that Sai can recover some sense of humanity if he was able to see his own moral problem on his own without waiting for Neji to be his moral compass!
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  • From Hen on August 05, 2007
    I LOVED THAT CHAPTER! You do such good Kaka/Iru!

    All these happy chapters make me feel so good!
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  • From ANON - dragon on August 04, 2007
    Wonderful chapters.
    I love the chapter with Sasuke and Naruto. Lovely.
    I can't wait for a Gaara/Shika or another Kankoru/Shino.
    Take care.
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