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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - dragon on August 08, 2007
    Well I must say I'm getting into the whole Ibiki, Genma, Raido. The way you write is difficult not to like it. But so far nothing has happened. I would really like to see/read what Ibiki makes Genma do.
    I have to say this may be the only threesome that I would ever feel comfortable reading.
    Take care.
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  • From Allys on August 08, 2007
    Goddess of my Heart - That was ;_; So beautiful. Ahhh!! *Squee* You so totally made me this work and owned it,
    Holy shit I can't wait for the actual scene!! But then LOL, If anyone can do it Ibiki could. God him and his boys,
    they're like a beautiful matching set of jewels. LOL, Like balls XD, the balls to Ibiki's cock XD. Genma in the shower :nosebleeds:
    Poor fella he's already come how many times today?? He's gonna be so out of it. Ibiki needs to ring him.
    It would be so cool to see him beg for a cock ring, God I wanna draw them but I'm so scared, All of them are new characters for me.
    I have to try though they'd be so gorgeous! Maybe I can beg Kristal, her style is so beautiful for those guys. I'll think on it and work on it.
    Everything about this chapter made me happy and everything about it was so god damn inspiring. That's a whole lot of love to go round XD.
    Even before they got to the club and then when they did. Goddess just the thought of Ibiki watching and the list!
    And the collars, and LOL, Raidou and his emotional and sexual blackmail tactics XD. And Genma and the spanking.
    Damn, LOL, I could go on but I'd just be reciting your chapter to you.

    ♥ *Loves you* ♥ * Worships you* ♥

    OMG you're so right, I do love the cake!! LOL, I love the idea of them rimming and fucking the cake.
    LOL, can you imagine the Dom getting to suck the filling off their sub's cock O.O, Damn too bad Doms don't suck cock.
    LOL, Naruto would do it XD, just cause he's irreverent like that XD. As to who would get one, hmmmn, I see what you mean about Sasori and Deidara :s,
    I'm kinda torn about it cause even though I wouldn't give it to Sasori, Deidara deserves one. But then Haku would have too so I guess no then.
    But Gaara and Shika are a big FAT Hell YES! LOL, So are Naruto and Sasuke. Hiashi and Kimimaro, but they won't be scene-ing to show that off.
    Itachi and Kisame should get one for their Condo. A private affair of sorts. While Neji and Sai, Kanky and Shino are still on the fence for me.
    Ibiki, Genma and Raidou... Well, LOL, I'm so in love with them right now, I can't not be biased. It would be really sexy to see them share it too :Droool: ♥
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  • From llyoung on August 08, 2007
    I really really like Genma, Raidou and Ibiki together. Loved the shaving and
    Genma in the shower afterwards. Hope Genma actually used an enema too
    (he's going to need it and if not maybe Ibiki can give him one before they
    get started). It was funny that Genma wasn't desperate enough to scene with Aoba
    (no one is). Loved Ibiki's rules and Raidou blowing Genma and the fine and
    the punishment if they ever cost Ibiki a fine like that again. Nice touch that
    the two of them already gesture often in unison. The elevator ride was very
    sweet and I love it that Genma is already "Ibiki's bitch".

    As for cakes, I agree Deidara and Sasori shouldn't have gotten one but I
    think that Gai and Lee (green) and Kiba and Akamaru should have. I also think that
    Kisame and Itachi should have one - Choji can send it up to the penthouse (chocolate
    with a sharks tooth in the ass) and of course eventually Naruto and Sasuke
    should have one too (with a prostate popper in it - sorry that's from the epilogue).
    Leave off the balls and cock if it makes it easier to fuck.

    Thanks for another chapter
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  • From Mistressswitch on August 08, 2007
    Gods I still think this story is brilliant. as to your cake idea. My aunt has been teaching me recently how to make her designer cakes. she can make just about anything and the kind of cake your describing actually sounds like something that could be made. I noticed that the part people like most about the cakes my aunt makes is the fact that every part of the cake is edible. for this I honestly think that what your describing can be done. so if you need ideas for things or even want me to tell you how I think it could be made in case it would give you a better idea just send me an e-mail and I can try my hand at it. if anything I can even consult my aunt and ask her. something tells me she'd find your idea pretty awesome.
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  • From ShikaChouFan4Life on August 08, 2007
    Wow, I just get through reading one chapter, and when I get back to the other fics, I find out that this story has already been updated! I got to read 2 wonderful chapters of it in one night. YAY!!!!!!! This is by far the BEST fic I have ever read....and I have read alot. lol
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  • From DuosAngel on August 08, 2007
    Oh, please let the next chapter be of these three! I love them so much and have been dying for this moment! And Genma is such a good little bitch even if he doesn't really know it yet.
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  • From ANON - dragon on August 07, 2007
    That was absolutely hot, kinky, and lovely at the same time! O.O;;
    I really like the red everything for Gaara, rather than the black titanium.
    Do please keep writing. I can't wait to read about the collaring ceremony.
    Take care.
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  • From Travellyr on August 07, 2007
    gyahhh *panting tongue-out*


    I love Gaara's internal monologue, how introspective he is, understanding something without comprehending others, but KNOWING there is something he's missing. And I love Shikamaru, FLOORED by Gaara and what he wants to do and what he's done... and Shika the jealous little slut makes me giggle. He gets all riled and pissy like a drenched kitten. XD
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  • From Allys on August 07, 2007
    Hmmn, LOL, Yummy XD, Are you trying to make me want ice-cream now XD, LOL.
    Hooray Cosplay talk XD. Well that's just a different kind of yummy now isn't it XD.
    I love the idea of Shika tattooing the Ai on his ass.

    Holy Shit Hes... Gods an hour and change of just continuous fucking. Damn... dreams really do come true.
    Gods this entire chapter was so freaking hott. I loved all the speculation about collars and blood stone, whips and ceremonies.
    LOL and Damn I begging for a public fucking!! :kneels and kisses Hestia-Goddesses' feet: Please... Please... Please...
    And the jealousy, and the absolute control, working in this relationship, not to mention the completely wanton desire.
    Everything, with Shika he had everything, lol, I'm so jealous. I want your Gaara. Pack him up and send him along, please...
    I'm begging for so many things today. That was just perfect ♥♥♥

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  • From ANON - ArtDuncan on August 07, 2007
    I deserve a medal; I read this fucker in one go.
    I beg you, don't bring in story lines centering on Danzou, Orochimaru or the Uchihacest; let those be the dark shadows that must exist in life but can be ignored and tolerated.
    I really (reallyreallyreally) like the idea of the shelter home thing I've completely forgotten what its nameless title was. I'm practically delerious and I swear to god I'm seeing things, but I promise, this so far was worth it. Neji/Sai is my favorite pairing in this after my OTP Naru/Sasu.
    I only take issue with one thing: twice you called the prostate a bundle of nerves. It's a gland. I don't remember the pairing for the first time but I know you just wrote 'bundle of nerves' and the second time was somewhere during Kakashi fucking Iruka that first time saying 'bundle of nerves, Iruka's prostate.' I don't remember more specific than that.
    Oo, and I don't know about chapter titles but you could just put the main pairing of each chapter.
    I can't think of anything else I wanted to say...I'm gonna go pass out now.
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  • From Inigeshi on August 07, 2007
    Mrow! I'm soooo sorry i havent reviewed in so long no excues but i did read! and i have to say i'm completely in love with garra/shika and itachi/kisame not only that but how you got hiashi together with kimimarou (sp?) was completely....KICKASS! The whole hiashi abuse favtor inspired me (i hear an angst fic calling my name).

    Now i just have a few questions:
    Will the sabaku dinner be coming soon?
    Does anko and hinata know that hiashi knows about them? I ask this b/c when naruto was working at the shop anko had asked for something discrete so i thought hiashi didn't know.

    Um well that all for now please keep up the great work i really enjoy reading this story.

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  • From llyoung on August 07, 2007
    You are really too good to me - you gave us another long Gaara/Shika
    chapter immediately after another one. Loved the contract and Shika's
    reactions to it.

    Shika's plans for Gaara's collar, whip, arm bands, ring etc were
    fantastic (red leather, meteorites and bloodstones wonderful).
    Bloodstone is one of my favorite stones - I have several rings,
    necklace and numerous loose stones- I almost mentioned it but then forgot.

    I had wondered about a double collaring ceremony but wasn't sure if that was
    done in the D/s world either. Liked Shika's reactions and thoughts on Gaara using the
    whip at the collaring ceremony.

    Wonder how much (if any) trouble Shika will get into for using Gaara's
    computer and reading Gaara's e-mail and finding out what his collar
    would look like. But then Shika seems to like punishment.

    Forgot to mention in the previous review how nice it would be if Gaara does
    have a mirror installed above the bed (and maybe in the living room to above the

    Loved the catheter and Shika's jealousy and how Gaara knew that he was
    jealous and what it was about.

    The paddling and the aftermath was great. And Gaara deciding that a fuck
    slut was better than a pain slut and Gaara thinking that fucking Shika made
    the whip, crop etc boring was wonderful.

    Well this review is getting ridicously long because basically
    I loved everything in the chapter so I'll just say thanks for another chapter
    and that I look forward to the next.
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  • From Ashcat on August 07, 2007
    chpt 80: LOL I love Shikamaru! I love how he's a snoopy little bitch but then worries about the money and wants to do something nice for Gaara and get him all those lovely things. Shika has a good head on his shoulders and a decent heart :) I wonder if Gaara really appreciates Shika's abilities. I can't wait to see the conclusion of where this one left off O_O Gah can Shika's slutty ways really be sated? I guess we'll all find out!

    I can't wait to read more of their contract, it is so fitting that poor Shika is about to cum just reading it :) lol he might be the biggest slut of this story :) but gah he's so cool
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  • From cynaga on August 07, 2007
    Best couple ever - Gaara/Shika. Can't get enough - thanks for your time and talent~!
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  • From ANON - Lances on August 06, 2007
    Oh god this is my absolute favorite story of all time. I love it to bits. The story between Naruto and Sasuke is the one that intrigues me the most, but you've spoiled me with so many other good pairings too. I absolutely adore Kisame/Itachi and also surprisingly Hiashi/Kimimaro. Just please update soon... I can't wait the dinner at Dwayne's or the sparring between Naruto and Sasuke... I've read this 'story' through thrice and I can't seem to get enough of it. But I do give you credit for updating so often and with such quality to each chapter. Thank you, and hope to have another chapter soon! *kiss* -Lances
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