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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Travellyr on August 09, 2007

    Shino and Kankurou... there's this little raw patch about Kankurou. Like he's been wanting love as badly as his brother, but instead of not knowing how to get it, like Gaara, he went through the good old American way of trying to find it- DATING! And the D/s equivalent. I think they'd get a cake, but not until Shino let go of the last of his grief about his dog. Not that the loss of his dog isn't ever going to hurt, because yeah, that sort of loss ALWAYS hurts, forever... but you're done grieving when you're not lonely any more, and when thinking about the person when they were happy makes you happy, instead of sad. When Shino gets to that point, THEN there will be cake in the shape of ass. ^_^

    ...the mechanics of an ass cake, whatever you're thinking of, are certainly doable and not really that hard. I saw someone make Discworld, turtle, Disc, elephants, mountains and all, in cake form. Compared to a quartet of asteroid-pocked elephants made out of marzipan, an ASS should be pretty easy. XD

    To just have an ass in the middle of a platter, like someone was bending over and sticking their butt through a hole in the table, you just make layer cakes, stack ‘em to the right height (or even a single layer: it’s hard to get cake to bake evenly in a layer thicker than three inches, but I figure Chouji could do it) and carve them to the right shape. Carve a tube out where the asshole would be, fill it, and put a layer of marzipan over it to close it off. Ice them, glaze them (like a donut, it’s a sturdier cover than fluffy icing), drape it in marzipan, enrobe it in chocolate. There are even more substances you can coat a cake with, and some of them you can sculpt, but I don’t know what they are or what they’re called. You could even make the asshole puckered and lifelike, with some marzipan and an airbrush. Airbrushing frosting or marzipan is easy! You just load the airbrush reservoir with a mixture of food coloring and water or alcohol (if the frosting would melt with water), and use patience, and away you go.

    Hooray for thinking of the ass cake! The idea of whipping a cake seems ridiculous to me (strangely enough, FUCKING a cake doesn’t!)… the crop would just DESTROY it if you put any effort into the swing at all. Maybe a candy crop, of marzipan or Red Vines? XD

    [the end.]
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  • From Travellyr on August 09, 2007
    [moar riveew 4 u, since most of it never made it]
    ----Jesus—this weekend had been unfucking believable—Lee peeing in the hall, Kakashi with his face stuffed and taped, then Sasuke with the corset piercing, Kakashi shitting out those eggs, Gaara threatening to kill Neji, Shino showing off those bitchin’ tatts, Sai coming on command into a peanut bowl in the bar, then Sasuke and Naruto fighting—Naruto almost slicing open Sasori’s throat, Sasuke threatening to cut off Hidan’s nipple—Itachi wearing Kisame’s necklace and the wild speculation on that, Kakashi and Iruka’s fight, he himself almost getting the shit beat out of him by Kakashi for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and to top it all off, Raidou, his Raidou claimed by the baddest dom of all, Ibiki. And Monday, fucking Monday night when the club was dead, he and Raidou were going to go stand in the bar in little thongs, shaved and prettied up like a pair of slaveboys about to be auctioned off.----
    HEE HEE HEE HEE. It just sounds so... sordid and over-the-top all summed up like this, AND I LIKE IT LIKE THE FILTHY SLUT I AM. XD

    *snickering and headshaking from the shower scene onward* Oh, Genma, Genma.... SUCH a slut. But then, we already knew you were, and we all already knew you were unsubtle. X3 It sucks to be you, my dear.... but in the fun way. Struggle and fight, sweet, slutty Genma. ^-^ it makes it more fun for all us voyeurs.

    ----“Yea, well, in an hour when I’m sitting down, you can do that again and make it up to me, you fucking asshole!”----

    *LAUGHing* ....I love how you write Genma, Hestia-sensei. I totally adore it. XD
    “Raidou, if I’m going to be a boy toy, I’m going to eat all the sugar my daddy can give me,” said Genma. “Now let’s kneel and grovel in front of Sasori, so we can get some dinner. I can’t live off your cum, you know.”
    *laughs, clapping her hands* THAT'S my snarky, slutty boy. Well, I suppose he isn't mine, is he? He's Ibiki's and Raidou's. *Smiles so wide* And Hestia-sensei's, who gives him and all the others to us, to watch. I must say though that Genma's lack of time on his knees shows. It's actually very easy to go up the stairs quickly on all fours- if you're allowed to use your feet as well as your hands and knees, you can go up even faster than you could if you _ran_ up the stairs. It's going DOWN stairs on all fours that's really hard, and _really_ makes me wish I had some sort of joint between my hips and knees. ^^;;;

    It's really really realistic that Genma wouldn't know that, though, about going up the stairs- most adults don't make a habit of charging up the stairs on all fours. (mua ha ha ha ha, surprises the hell out of rugrats when I catch them with that trick, though, since they know that under other circumstances they're faster than I am. "WHOA YOU TELEPORTED!" >:P)

    Right now, at this point in the story, Genma, Raidou, and Ibiki would NOT get an asscake. They're still too new to each other. Hiashi and Kimimaro... I like them, they're sweet, but there was this fairy-tale quality to the chapters with them in it, and even if you never came back to that pair, it'd feel like their story was complete. There was practically a "happily ever after" worked into the subtext.

    Neji and Sai wouldn't get a cake either, not yet. They might, in time... they probably would get one, in time, but there's still a little too much in the way for them. Of course, it's also possible they'd wind up the best of friends, but hey now. >:3 This is a story, and we love smut and sex and sluts and HAPPY ENDINGS hooray.
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  • From Travellyr on August 09, 2007
    heeeee. Okay, now that I've READ the chapter (I skipped down beforehand to see why the scrolling was off- it's the link, it's too long ;_; )...
    I do commend the boys on shaving. I hate shaving ANYTHING between my waist and my knees- I prefer to wax, so there isn’t any itching or irritation or tenderness and no ingrown hairs when the hair grows back in… though I understand that a gentleman might be a bit LEERY of hot wax on his balls. XD Poor babies… but it’s not bad at all _just as long_ as the person doing the ripping doesn’t wuss out. Hesitation is what hurts.
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  • From ShagTag on August 09, 2007
    Just, wow.
    Better than anything I could write.
    Completely mindblowing.
    I fucking love your fic.

    *runs away and reads more*

    the Crimson Eagle.
    --better known as,

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  • From Travellyr on August 09, 2007
    XD I have only read the author's notes so far- the collar is beautiful, and seeing it reminded me that you must spend a lot of time looking at gemstones, or it's already a hobby of yours- which is fine! When I'm bored I research DUCKS of all things, and gemstones are much swankier than ducks. XD

    The asscake thing makes me giggle and fills me with glee. I tend to agree with you- Sasori and Deidara didn't then, though I dunno if they'd get one NOW. Hm.
    Poor Shino.... I kinda think he'd burst into tears if he got an asscake with Kankuro, and I kinda think he'd be sad if he didn't get one! But we'll see how it works out.

    Gaara I adore- Gaara would probably blush and be the cutest thing EVER seeing his ass in cake form. Insecure!Gaara just makes me want to take him home and feed him something, nevermind that I might pull back a bloody stump. X3

    *thinks of something, and then dies laughing*
    ...Sasuke and Naruto would have to fight over whose ass the cake was. XD!!
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  • From ANON - meme on August 09, 2007
    Great story dearie! Do update soon! I would love to read more about Neji and Sai's relationship :)
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  • From onobaby on August 09, 2007
    An ass cake huh....

    The first thing I thought about was Kisame and Itachi. But the cake has to have like black frosting for the ass or something. Maybe you could make the frosting look like hair in the crack and then you could "shave it" before you rim it. OH! I actually saw a cake that had hairy balls (it really didn't have hair but chocolate shavings). It was fucking funny as hell. Yes to Gaara and Shika of course. Vanilla icing for the cheeks with red frosting across the cheeks to make it look like whip marks. There are so many possibilites it's frightening.

    I Ibiki/RAi/Gen couple now. I think it is totally AWESOME how they move in sync like that. I was so...transfixed...just imagining them moving, talking...just doing everything together. WOW! Ibiki is so fucking lucky to find two boys like this. I bet he is secretly doing a happy dance in his mind. I hope they mirror each other more often. FUCKING...HOT!

    Thanks for the date by the way. MONDAY in D/s world. SWEET!

    I can't wait for the day Sasuke remembers that night with Itachi. *eeeK* I wonder how Naruto is going to take it. I also can't wait for everyone to get collars and when Naruto finds out what jewel he has on, and Kaka/Iru getting married and..and...and....GOD! There is so much going is soooo exciting!

    I fucking LOVE this story...

    Can't wait for next chappie!


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  • From ANON - amberblood on August 08, 2007
    *giggles* Kisame should order one for Itachi. I can see Itachi being shocked by would make me those two would have some crazy stuff going on with it...
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  • From gazelovr on August 08, 2007
    Absolutely wonderful!! I can never wait for a new chapter!!

    I wasn't too sure about the whole Kimimaro and Hiashi combination but you've written it so well that I'm really looking forward to what's next for them. I was surprised that you added another couple to the mix with all that's going on in the story but I'm so glad that you did!! I did have small problem following along for a second in Chapter 81 with Raidou and Genma. Is it customary for subs that are going to Uchiha's, or any such place, without their dom accompanying them to bow and beg the staff to be seated/fed? Because we were going along and then it seemed that all of sudden we had to go beg Sasori. And the contract and schedule that Raidou suddenly had to go get that was the one he'd been working on at work, right? Nice collar! Enough to make Ganma doubt he could go through with subbing but not enough for him to back out on Raidou. Cutesy enough to be humiliating for him, I loved it!! I'm eagerly awaiting Genma's submission!!

    As for the ass cake, I think if Choji saw how in love Shika is with Gaara, and vise verse, they would get a cake but I'm not sure Gaara would want Shika to fuck it in front of the guests since we've been talking about no public sex, but I'm not too sure that they'd accept the cake either. I'm not seeing Gaara getting his ass molded (if that's how it's done) and I don't think Shika would like that part of it either. I don't think Neji and Sai would give a shit if they got a cake or not. I think Kisame would rather Itachi be covered in cake so he could eat it off. Not too sure about Kankuro and Shino. Hiashi and Kimimaro, it's just too soon and I think they're more the type to stay at home than go to Uchiha's other than for a special night out. They'd probably just have a small ceremony in the back yard. I'd love for Naruto and Sasuke to get a cake and you know there'd be issues with whose ass the cake will be of but definitely Naruto's. Sasuke will be embarrassed about it but will take it out on Naruto by rimming it and sucking out the cream, or whatever you deem fit, just like the "ass" slut he his, reminding Naruto how he did that to Sasuke a couple of chapters back (maybe fill it with ice cream so when Shika and Gaara attend it will remind Gaara of his "ice cream bowl"). It will get Naruto so hot he won't be able to keep himself from fucking Sasuke right there (but acting as a total dom as we don't want Iruka mad about our lack of discipline). But Sasuke, knowing this, will have gotten the guests to sign the waiver and then maybe Gaara and Shika will toe into public sex since everybody will be fucking by that point. All I know is that I'd like to see a group covered in cake and cream.

    But that's just my opinion.

    This is the best fic ever!! I can't wait till you hit the "400" mark!! Keep up the excellent work!!

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  • From ANON - Sunflower on August 08, 2007
    Can you fix Chapter 80 or 81, whichever, it's too long. It's wierd. I mean, i have to scroll to the side to read all of a line. Can you fix it please?
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  • From AnimeCookie on August 08, 2007
    Three cheers for threesomes! Yea! Yea! Yea! I really enjoyed Genma's slowly mentally giving into the idea of being a sub, and his reminiscing of how much fun he had in his wild teenage years helped in part. And Ibiki sounds like he's gonna be a real fun dom! So I had to laugh at the shaving sequence and Ibiki's list of do's and don'ts, especially the second collar for Genma. You know Ibiki knows how to dom! He knew Genma would be his sub long before Genma even knew it! I could almost feel his presence, his influence in Genma's breakdown to the "darkside".

    That cake! I've got to get me something similar! That Choji is really showing his talents as a culinary artiste! I don't know if Choji likes Gaara or Shikimaru but I would put them up for nomination, especially to acknowledge the change in Gaara now that he's found love. Naruto and Sasuke still have more work on their relationship; Naruto, and for all practical purposes, Sasuke, still doesn't know what happened between Sasuke and Itachi.

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  • From TenshiYoukai on August 08, 2007
    Oh! An Ass cake!! What fun!! If you look around on the web there are some bakeries that make them and ship them. You could get ideas from there.I think that if you had it have a front and a back, It would have to be made like a portion of Michaelangelo's David. You know, like the person was standing up. Otherwise, in a cake form it would not work, from a real life perspective. It is easy to make an ass cake, or even a penis cake(even hard is easy. it just takes support underneath the cake layer) but to put both together gets a little complicated. You could have Chouji make two, one ass and one cock!! That would be fun! And it opens up many other possibilities. I love this story!!!!! I love the image of the two of them with Ibiki!!!
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  • From llyoung on August 08, 2007
    Just needed to add to my previous review. Gaara and Shika should get a
    cake. I just misread the author's note and thought it said they were getting
    one already so they weren't on my list of those that should.
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  • From on August 08, 2007
    This is the chapter I've been waiting for ever since you introduced the concept of Ibiki/Genma/Raidou. And I wasn't disappointed either. Absolutely fantastic! I was disappointed when we didn't get to go into the session, but it was a good place to end the chapter...I supppose....T_T

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  • From sweetciel on August 08, 2007
    Just bloody brilliant! I love your stories so much. They make me look forward to my days off. Marry me?
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