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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From Travellyr on August 12, 2007
    I couldn't review the second Ibi/Rai/Gen chapter, because I LIKED it too much. The headspace was even better than the sex.

    A few typos:
    Raidou slithered out from under Raidou to stand behind him,
    Out from under Genma?

    he was sad been so happy that he’d not quite been there.
    Sad he'd been so happy?

    Wheeee... I like this threesome very, very much. ^_^
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  • From lovemeornot on August 12, 2007
    i was wondering could you make a harry potter version of this story that would be awesome.
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  • From gaara89 on August 12, 2007
    Aw that was sweet! Update soon.
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  • From ANON - Lances on August 12, 2007
    So beautiful again! Can't wait for more!
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  • From Gwyllion on August 12, 2007
    Aahh! You don't know how happy it was for me to see another new chapter coming from you! *SQUEEEE* Thank you thank you! I was having a major drooling fest here. lol! I was hoping to read more of Shino.Kankuro since you converted me into loving this beautiful pairing, but I still enjoyed every single chapter that you're willing to give. *grovels*

    I'm extremely sorry to hear about your poor cat. I hope all will be well. *sends love and hugs*
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  • From Allys on August 11, 2007
    Hestia love, Wow. That was, Genma was... and Raidou and fucking Ibiki... Damn. Sits at your feet and huggles your knees. It's been emotional XD, and the Keats, I love how you sneak up on me and drop culture and learning in my lap when I'm dazed from smut XD. WTF!? XD LOL, and I have to glomp you for suggesting Shakespearian boogies and ludicrous story lines, involving international stars XD. LOL, it'll be okay because all story lines involving international stars are ludicrous. The punishment so totally squicked me. I was like 'ihhhhhh' *shudders* LOL, but then it was a punishment, and holy hell did they make up for it. I almost died though when Raidou gave his speech and poor Genma, on the ground like so many fragments of shatters glass. I'm just... You've amazed me again. This is lovely threesome, and I can't wait for Ibiki to pwn Genma. Hello *nosebleed* Holy Crap. I'm just, just *Glomps U* ;_; XD. Overewhelmed, the word is overwhelmed. I'm so sorry about your cat ;_;. Thank you so much for posting and I'm sorry I took so long to get to it, but I've been in a drawing mood and it's been taking up all my time. LOL, between you and Zrina, Animehead and Pho, there was this overwhelming need to draw XD. To steal a phrase from another lovely lady *Loves on You* Thank you so much, I've forgotten what I'm thanking you for, everything I guess, I just feel grateful. All the stuff you have planned sounds wonderful ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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  • From ANON - Skiler on August 11, 2007
    (Eh, M' not loged in right now but know this is the real Skiler.)

    I loved how you changed the chapter names! You don't know how hard it was for me to go to a sertain chapter to Reread it. Some times I like to go back to make sure I know whats going on or just go back and reread it because that happen to be one of my fav scean(sp). Now, all I have to do is look at the pairings. YAY! IT'A A SUCSESS!

    Signed with so much happiness I could cry,
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  • From Ashcat on August 11, 2007
    chpt 81&82: YAY... we finally figure out what is up with Raido and Genma! :) I really liked how you showed Ibiki to be vulnerable at the end of 82 that was a really nice touch! It is interesting to see how they will work out such a complex relationship and if Genma can get his feelings under control. I also *really really* appreciated the addition of pairings to the chapter titles :D that makes it so much easier to go back and reread favorite chapters!!!! :D horray!!

    So happy to hear that more Sai, Kimimori and Gaara/Shika is on the way !!!!
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  • From onobaby on August 11, 2007
    "My pretty pets." I love when Ibiki says that. I was interested to see what Ibiki was thinking when Rai was totally punishing Gen. I bet he played it cool, just watching but was soooo turned on.

    I must admit though...even though you did put a warning...i gagged a little at the whole drinking pee bit *gags again but tries to breathe slowly*

    OH! Congratulations on 1000 reviews *throws glitter* Your story is so amazing.

    *blushes* I have to go back a couple of chapters to see what the heck is going on though. I think I must of not undertood the whole Naruto's Father thing. I didn't understand that part and for some reason when I read your AN note at the end of the last chapter, I thought Kakashi was Naruto's father! That's not right is it?? Maybe I read that chapter about Naruto's father really late at night.

    By the way on an edit note, when Gen was kissing Ibiki, you said Raidou sled under Raidou. i think you meant sled under Genma. LOL! That would be interesting though.

    I was wondering if you had a favorite couple?? Also, it is Monday in D/s world. When does the club really start hopping? Probably the weekends most likely. Are there shows everynight like what Kakashi did with the eggs or what Naru/Sasu are going to do...or were. I have to re-read that chapter to. Are they still banned? Wait...Kakashi and Sasuke are both banned are they not, that is why they are having dinner somewhere else...

    Hmmm...I should go back and re-read some chapters. I know what I'm going to do tonight *rubs hands and cackles* Whoot! Oh DANG it...I have to work early Saturday.

    *shruggs* Meh...

    Can't wait to see who the next lucky couple is. I say we all do a wager *waggles eyebrows*. I bet 2 D/s tokens it is a Naru/Sasu.

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  • From DuosAngel on August 11, 2007
    Oh dear, this three way love could get really messy (in one way it already has *wink*). All of the things you talked about sound great. I can't wait for them. (But I really want more of these three. I just love them!)
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  • From ANON - NarutoJunkie on August 10, 2007
    I LOVE this 3some! Its so fucking hot! Also Gaara and Shika, great great stuff! Hell what am I saying the whole story, every chapter has been wonderful! I love all the pairing you have done! Keep it up!

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  • From ANON - redtatsu on August 10, 2007
    I've been such a bad fan when it comes to reviewing a story and I want to make it up. Your story is one of the two stories the that I read on a regular basis.( The other one is The Sound of Dreams.) Such creativity and imagination that you have boggles my mind. One of the reasons that you have captured my attention is to see what you do next with the characters when it comes to bondage or whatever kinky sex act. I feel so naughty when I read your stuff. I love it!
    You have my deepest sympathies regarding you cat. I just lost one of my cats last March to a unknown kitty sickness.
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  • From chibizoe on August 10, 2007
    Ooh wow you changed the chapters to include the pairings - thank you so much now I can find my favourite chapters easily. I've been loving this entire fic - I think that you've completely changed my opinions of D/s (not that I had a firm opinion to start with LOL). Keep up the excellent work.
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  • From NaturesTop on August 10, 2007
    I've hated every person that has ever touched me in any way, and so it is hard for me to understand the concept of D/s, and while you do a great job of describing the concepts of what makes a Dom, a sub, and a switch very clear, I still don't understand why a person would subject themselves to this type of physical, mental, and emotional torture (sorry if I seem incompetent or offend people).

    I just thought hearing from a person who doesn't understand this world of seemingly acceptable humiliation, degredation, and violence (I say these words with no ill will or negative connotation, simply what I believe to be the lingo of the D/s world) would be something good and different to hear. I truly like this story and its complexities and hope you continue to update so that one day I can understand this world of D/s.

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  • From ANON - dragon (yeah me AGAIN!) on August 10, 2007
    Can seem to keep track of things I want to say and have to keep review to say the things I forgot to say in my last review. Did that make sense??
    Was that warning at the beginning or did I just imagined that wasn't there?? I can't remember.
    Sorry if it was there and didn't see it. Must have faith in you!!
    I also am looking forward to some Hiashi/Kimimaru, but more focus on them rather than the past. As well for Sai/Neji.

    But what I really want to read is what you are going to do to Kankoru and Shino!!
    Gosh I love this fic.
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