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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From cynaga on October 26, 2007
    Gaara and Shika - still the best. thank you thank you thank you
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  • From DuosAngel on October 26, 2007
    I have a feeling I'm going to either really love or really hate Shika's mom. I can't wait for that.
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  • From ANON - szulik on October 26, 2007
    Yay you updated!
    Ace as usual.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on October 25, 2007
    Yay! New chapter! I was wondering when this was going to come out (heh no pun intended). Great job. Loved it.
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  • From ANON - dragon on October 25, 2007
    OMG!!! You are back!! My worshiping shall proceed!! *cries* I'm so happy!
    And this chapter was so awsome!! Hiashi and Kimimaru!! *drools*
    I'm so glad you are back.
    Thank you!
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  • From Travellyr on October 25, 2007
    Beautiful, purely beautiful... Something about Hiashi and Kimimaro are captivating. They're both guilty and wounded... Kimimaro WOULD have loved anyone, it's so true... but also true is NOT ANY MORE. He's so terrified of how good it is, but now there isn't anyone but Sir, Hiashi, and less than a day in he'd mourn if the relationship were to end... they'd both mourn, deeply. Because there's a connection between wounded souls...
    ...that's what you write, love stories, about people who find each other and FIT and work together, connections between the wounded, the lost, the lonely, and it's gorgeous and hopeful and makes me feel good.
    And THEN we add on the sex! Criminey.

    I'm glad you're back, sensei. ^^ This place wasn't the same without you.
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  • From Inigeshi on October 24, 2007
    WAI! you're vack omg i was so hyped when i saw the new chapter up i called my friends to let them know too! OMG that was such a great chapter i really love the haishi/kimi couple. You write it so well! Cant wait for more and i'm happy you're back!
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  • From JaeFire on October 24, 2007
    ::SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEjumpEEupEEEandEEEdownEEEEEE:: You're back you're back you're back!!! ::dances:: I'm SO HAPPY!!!
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  • From ANON - Mademoisellle_LaCroix on October 24, 2007
    ...AWWWWWW YOU´RE BACK!!!..I MISSED YOU SO MUCH......^_________________________________^
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  • From sweetciel on October 24, 2007
    It is wonderful to have you back! I dream of your stories. Yay now my dreams have come true ^_^
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  • From Princessdragonsbane on October 24, 2007
    Unfuckingbelievable. I almost pissed myself when I saw a new chapter. It was great. I glad to see that your writing again. Thank you so much for sharing.
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  • From ANON - burr on October 24, 2007
    You don't know how incredibly happy I am :)
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  • From Allys on October 24, 2007
    Well if that wasn't the sweetest thing on life I'll be damned. Hello, Lady love you're back :).
    That makes me happy.
    I've missed your beautiful brand of romance sorely. You write Love. Pure unadulterated Love.
    The kind that makes life worth living.
    How could I not be enthralled. I loved the description of the room 'like the inside of a rose petal'.
    And I love the entire idea of Hiashi and Kimmimaro. But the part of this that I loved the most was when Hiashi said
    "You'd love anyone, slut! But not anymore--that heart of yours, that pretty body is mine now!"
    It was so true, he'd have loved anyone that gave him a chance and treated him well. But the best part is the -
    but not anymore.
    I love the idea that he'll make it now so that he can love only him.
    It's like he was a blank slate and he'll teach him his true worth, LOL, maybe I'm just a terribly hopeless romantic.
    But LOL, I read your work and I like to think that I'm not the only one.
    I missed you. Thank you so much for the update. It was beautiful. I'm glad you're felling better. *loves u*
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  • From katsuyo on October 24, 2007

    It's good to see that you've got some PC access back! It's wonderful that you posted another chapter....I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.


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  • From llyoung on October 24, 2007
    Glad your'e back - we missed you. Hope none of the fires in CA are near your home.

    Loved the beginning were Kimi was just thinking and taking in his surroundings and his new life and being unsure if it was all real. Kimi's masturbation sequence was fantastic and it was great when Hiashi brought his fantasy to life. Thanks for the chapter.
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