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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - FlameoftheNight on November 16, 2007
    Yes, that's my Aff name. I'm just to lazy to sign in. Anyway, thought you could use some encouragement. So...I givest Thou the Eternal Flame of Reader Love...on behalf of all of your fans.
    Also, in Chapter 75 Ibiki/Rai, 2nd paragraph, 2 or third sentence, I found a typo you might want to correct.

    "The three of them had experimented together, sleep together, and done those other things young men do as friends—basketball, lifting weights, drinking, homework, clubbing."

    It should be "slept together" HTH!

    And...scuffs foot.. if you're interested I have mad beta skills. I have my advertisement or whatever on here in the betasection of naruto. I know a lot of the stuff you do I say I won't beta, but, (for you and only for you) I'll rewrite my will-beta list. You're the only one who makes any of Anyway, thought I'd toss it out there. my email's
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  • From llyoung on November 10, 2007
    I really enjoyed the latest Gaara/Shika/Gaara chapter. I love when Gaara gives aftercare. I'm also glad that Shika got to dom and he did it so well. I also liked the way Gaara spoke on the phone to Shika's mother. Thanks again for a great chapter.
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  • From sweetciel on November 07, 2007
    Simply wonderful!!!! I love love love the garrra/shika pairing. But i love you more ^_^
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  • From Sayuri on October 31, 2007
    Good to see new chapters from you, they're awesome as always and I'm waiting for more ^^
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  • From Hen on October 31, 2007
    Wow, you weren't kidding when you said Shilamaru was a slut. I can't believe he was able to have sex with his parents listening in! Aren't your parents supposed to be the biggest turn-off there is?
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  • From ANON - Kvty on October 31, 2007
    oh my goodness!! i have never ready anthing sooooo kinky and well writtena and suspensful!!!! i can't wait to read more!!!!!
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  • From ANON - maggiepyro101 on October 28, 2007
    so cute ^^ i'm glad your laptop is working. i love how you write everything and you tell us who's in the chap. before we read it
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  • From ANON - Aleasha on October 27, 2007
    OMG I dont think I will ever get bored of reading it
    Even if I read it all the time
    I think it would still make me hot....
    LIKE WOW!!!
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  • From ANON - Oakie on October 27, 2007
    OMG! The parents. I look forward to their interaction w/ Gaara and Shika and learning about Shika's childhood. I know Shika said what he'd like to do w/ Gaara while visiting his home and I know that you've had a brief chase scene w/ Sai and Neji, but I'm really hoping for a chase scene w/ Gaara and Shika and what better place to do that than in the woods! Anyway, forgive my selfishness. I'm glad that you were able to pick yourself up and dust off your computer trauma; believe me we were all suffering right along w/ you if not directly. I'm eager to see how everyone progresses, HiaKim, IbiRaiGen, KisIta, SaiNeji, IruKak, and of course NaruSasu!! Thanks for your hard work and dedication to the continuation of this "The best D/s fic ever!" m(_ _)m
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  • From ANON - Dicey on October 27, 2007
    Ah my second favourite couple!!! It's soooooo wonderful to see you come back with a vengence!! Thank you! You're so good to us readers!!! Gaara and Shika's mum fight it out! Haha that's so cute! And Shikaku is so whipped! Hahaha! Role-reversal! Sweet!!! Can't wait to see another certain role reversal XDXD Loved the aftercare at the start of the chapter. Just that bit added to all the awfully painful hot sex.... XDXD Love this fic soooooo much!
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  • From HumanInfiltrator on October 27, 2007
    Mistress. Oooh. You will just have to imagine the awed half sigh I utter those two words in. That was beautiful. Each time you take them just a little bit deeper, a little bit further. No matter that it already seemed as though they have connected as much as possible. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - dragon on October 26, 2007
    Gosh. *fans herself* That was so hot, you have no idea just how much.
    I love Gaara and Shikamaru so much and I love you for converting me. Please do keep writing.

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  • From Allys on October 26, 2007
    LMAO!! No one dying could scream that much XD. You... You... wonderfully amazing woman. Gaa Shika Gaa gaa XD, LOL, I'm so fucking happy right now, LOL, I think I'll join Gaara on that cloud. Shika's mum, oh my... *snicker* I adore the fact that Gaara hung up on her and LOL Shika going into total hero worship then Dom mode. Jeebus I Lurve when the pale boys bottom. I don't know what it is, but there is nothing sexier than either Gaara or Sasuke writhing and begging for more. I love thta you're bringing parents into this and I can't believe it's still Monday XD *Glomps u* This could seriously go on Forever! *Swoons in happiness* ♥*chuu*♥
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  • From Princessdragonsbane on October 26, 2007
    I think that is my favorite chapter. Gaara fucking rocks.
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  • From Travellyr on October 26, 2007
    Gaara vs Shikamaru's mom is just SO MUCH WIN, geezus. XDD I love that she's a femdom, it's utterly perfect. Poor Shikaku... and no wonder Shikamaru looked at him with so much worship after he hung up on his mom. *laughing*

    Gaara and Shika are just so... innocently sweet, and PRETTY. I love the way to use Shikamaru's voice to describe Gaara's eyes... they're beautiful, but they're REALLY beautiful because Shika loves them so. Cuddling and pampering... and then Shika topping. Vulnerable Gaara is so sexy, and pretty, and sweet, because he's so badass the rest of the time.

    Thank you for updating! ♥
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