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Reviews for D/s Naruto

By : Hestia
  • From ANON - Art on November 25, 2007
    Please I want to see more of the dom de dom Naruto.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 25, 2007
    Congrats on finding your hard drive. Being the greedy reader that I am, why don't you continue on with the new chapters and then, whenever you're finished, you can merge the two versions together.
    I'm glad that you didn't stop at ch 5, that would have been horrible.... to think people would have missed out on so many more chapters!
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  • From ANON - JJ on November 25, 2007
    Well I totally love this story, I'm always looking for it on this website hoping there is a new chapter. That's why I hope it's not over. There's still so much I want to know about like what's goin on with Kank and Shino. And what about Sai and Neji, Kakashi and Iruka's wedding. But I would like to hear more about Kank and Shino. So I hope you continue on with the story.
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  • From Sayuri on November 25, 2007
    Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you that your hard drive came back!!! That's totally awesome news, for you and us readers ^^ Hmm, about what to do with the extra chapters, I think it would be good if you could put both of the other chapters up as an optional type thing because the four of them are great and I love them all equally. I love the Epilogue too, it's so cute ^___^ Naruto and Sasuke are totally adorable so I hope you keep that up too.

    I don't really mind what you do with the week (whether to skip or not) but I kinda miss Naru/Sasu and Kisa/Ita love (two of my favourite couples in this fic). I wouldn't have trouble with you focusing on Gaa/Shika (my other main favourite couple) and the others.

    Can't wait for more updates, Hestia.
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  • From ANON - clay on November 25, 2007
    The Hia/kim could proably fit to the front of the chapter you have up now, as for the Gaa/shik, as funny as his rant about shika being chained up and sore is I really like the one that's up now with shika going into dom mode. At this point I don't think it matters which pairing you do your writing is great. Can't wait for the next update.
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  • From ANON - Jessy on November 25, 2007
    Hello!I just wanna say I'm sorry if I write anything wrong right now.English is not my first language...
    I wanted to say that I love this fic, it's very good, you're a good writer!Thank you!
    And second, abou the questions on the lost chapter...
    I think I liked better the chapter when Shikamaru you goes crazy with passion and dominates Gaara after the phone calling!It's a very good chapter, one of my favorites...
    Kimimaro and Hiashi on the other hand could be completed, liked the part that you posted now...
    Oh I am also diyng to know what happens with Ibiki/Raidou/Genma, with manny details please!
    So, thank youagain for the wonderful work, hope you uptade again soon!
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  • From ANON - Dark Mage Nari on November 25, 2007
    I have to say I like the chapters that are already in the story more than these original ones. I think you should just leave it the way it is. Also, I'd like to read more about Gaara, Shikamaru, Shino, and Kankuro before going back to Sasuke and Naruto. I love them but I'm really looking foreward to reading about the dinner's with Shikamaru's and Gaara's families.
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  • From ANON - Sesshomaru'sLover on November 25, 2007
    I say go with number one, just forget them.
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  • From Princessdragonsbane on November 25, 2007
    I like your chapter that you posted first. I think they are better than your recovered ones.
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  • From llyoung on November 25, 2007
    I think it would be nice if you could somehow combine parts of the two chapters - the original and the posted - into one. And since neither Sasuke nor Itachi can come for about a week, I would love it if you focused on Gaara/Shika, Kankuro/Shino and Ibiki/Rai/Genma. But of course as you know I'm a little biased since Gaara/Shika/Gaara and Kankuro/Shino are my favorites. I really do hope that you decide to focus on those couples for the rest of the "week" and skip ahead for the other two until Sasuke and Itachi can come again. Thanks for posting.
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  • From DuosAngel on November 25, 2007
    Right, so I think you should use the original chapter 85 but it would be nice if you managed to keep some of the version you posted. I like Kimimaro's thoughts during it and love that masterbation scene. I like the chapter 86 you posted better than the original. I do think you should use the part talking about the dinner party on Sunday but in the next Gaara/Shika chapter.
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  • From ANON - fangirl on November 25, 2007
    Great epilogue, it would have gone well with Ch 5. But there is no way it would have satisfied all your rabid fans! I'm not sure if you'll ever be able to end this story and leave us satisfied, and you've only done several days worth of actual story.

    I'm really looking forward to finding out what is discussed at dinner between NaruSasu and IruKaka...we can sometimes handle smutless plot...sometimes. I wouldn't mind a time skip of a week to get back to what's happening with Naruto and Sasuke. Besides, its not like they can spend every hour of every day together, or can they?

    Well, anyways, always looking forward to more!
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  • From ANON - Bright One on November 25, 2007
    I really liked the chapters you currently have posted so I don't think you should replace them with the "lost chapters" -- though they were fun to read!! :)
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  • From nm1716 on November 24, 2007
    OMG, I LOVE THIS STORY. I can't wait to see what happens next. PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE SOON.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 18, 2007
    Your awesome chapters are getting further spaced out. Pourquoi? Anyway, amazing chapter, once again. Loved it!
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