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Reviews for A sad life deserves more

By : Zendura
  • From ANON - KilrathSluzath on July 01, 2007
    i very much enjoy this story and it has been quite some time since you last updated. I realize that you said you were moving and losing the internet for a while but it just seems to have been so long, i hope you get back soon to continue this story.
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  • From ANON - TheDunceKap on June 07, 2007
    HOLY SNATCH MATCHERS and no i dont know what that means. (lol) Thats one of the best storys i've ever read! i rarely determine a good story because. well. good stories are rare! but this sure as hell is a good one! you are a great and understanding person about all that love stuff and the bisexual thingies and you deserve a sack of gold coins and 4 medals! but this is real life. and such things never happen. but atleast you have the adoration of tons of fans like me! plus all those flames flamers throw you can cook hotdogs over! yummie! well. i gotta go now. i do so hope youll be back soon.

    Best Wishes.

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  • From ANON - Frank Moore on May 31, 2007
    This is a good story. As for your peev about Naruto's age, he could have started the acadamy at a younger age than the others. Since he is clanless since birth, everything he did had to be self-taught and that includes displaying the ability to manipulate chakra in the slightest bit. Everyone else has a family that would teach them so they could get through the Graduation Exam on the first try and thus a possible later enty into the academy. With the exception of the very studious Sakura, everyone(that eventually became a ninja that year) would just ignore Iruka for the most part or fall asleep.
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  • From spiritwolf30 on May 19, 2007
    Please I hope you will update soon I am getting bored it seem all the other soties I read the authors just stoped updating and there isn`t ay good stories to read so please update soon PLEASE
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  • From ANON - Kunsi on May 07, 2007
    Very, very interesting.

    Not the first story where I've seen Haku as a herm, but certainly the best...

    Spelling-wise, there's a difference between "thru", "through", and "threw".

    "Thru" is the modern shorthanded writing for "through", which would be better if you wrote it that way. It is used this way most of the time.

    "Threw", is the past tense of "throw". Use that when someone throws something in the past.
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  • From ShrapnelMan on May 06, 2007
    i would've review sooner... well not really i just got the sudden urge to review nevertheless.

    i really like the way you've done this story. its by far the most original erotic-naruto fanfic i've read and its well written to boot; so kudos for both of those. i keep wanting naruto to... well to put it bluntly i want him to bone miko and anko (loved the alt-ritual scene btw. bible black is a good hentai). anko is one of my favorite females in naruto and i have a huge grey area of morals so incest (haku and naruto few miko as a sister) doesn't really bother me that much. so i would like to read something along those lines and perhaps a few "friends with benefits" for haku and naruto too.

    anyway i love the story and if you need a beta or anything pm me.


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  • From Saiori on May 05, 2007
    my vote: keep the japanese names. they just sound better. about the hinata thing, i dont really want to know, i just think that after everything 'you' put her through in this story, she deserves a little eternal happiness with them. and i cant wait to see how shikamaru reacts to all this!
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  • From NinjaToadsAteMyBaby on May 03, 2007
    Yesssssss! Akai's butt got squashed(giggles maniacally) I find myself very curious as to how you're going to handle Naruto's fights with Neji and then Gaara. I love the way you're handling the relationships. I can't wait to see what you'll have happen next. BTW what taboos were you speaking of breaking in chapter 9's author note?
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  • From Saiori on May 01, 2007
    wow, Zendura. great fic! i was looking through some here on AFF and found yours, i read the description (liked it) and started to read. well...i ended up reading the WHOLE thing on saturday! i cant get enough of this story. anyways, now i know why you didn't put too much effort into Akai. i had thought you didn't give enough detail into his character, but i guess it doesn't really matter now. way to use him as a plot advancer! just wondering: are you planning any great plot twist which involves hinata actually being inducted into the kitsune clan (considering her bloodline)?
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  • From ANON - Intel on April 30, 2007
    Good chapter. I liked your take on the Saku/Ino fight.

    By the way, you had Hinata calling Neji her sister. Nee-san generally means older sister, Nii-san for older brother.
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  • From ANON - darkness realm on April 30, 2007
    NO WAY! You deserve more than a hundred reviews for this kind of a fic! Trust me this is just not like any fics here in that the story is all about sex! This fic has actually a story that's interesting!

    I'm not saying that the sex part is not good actaully its really good but I'm more of a story type reader I care about the story than just the sex...

    If you haven't yet try posting this story in but less graphic or you may get kicked out! But it is where you'll get a lot of reviews! And I think with this fic you'll get a lot there! and for the recored I'm actually a Yaoi fan that almost only read Yaoi fic except for a few like this one and to get me to read a het fic in Naruto is amazing since I almost Hate no not hate I just don't like tham thats all I mean the female characters there!

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  • From ANON - spiritwolf30 on April 30, 2007
    I guess this new chapter was ok I am sorry to say it but iI was kinda bored at the last part with it just Miko and Anko oh and I also like Anko hell it is very rare to find a Anko and Naruto pairring I love your story and I don`t mind seeing women on women action what guy wouldn`t but for me I would rather see guy on girl action and HELL NO on seeing male on male now that is sick sorry but thats just me oooops sorry I love your story and I cann`t wait till you update again oh yeah I was wondering why would Miko want lazy guy in the clan sorry not sure how to spell his name and your making the fox clan to be sex crazy wouldn`t he think it be to troublesome and when will Naruto get some of Miko that is what I am waitting for
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  • From ANON - Gavin McBaine on April 29, 2007
    This is a very good story. I will say i'm not usually one for lemon, mostly because i can't write it very well...hence it doesn't exist to me. However, you mesh the story and the reasons behind it very well. Instead of just some random sex feast it is honestly explained and can be understood through most any perspective and I appreciate that. Your writing style is easily comprehended and fun to read in general, though to forward some advice i have recieved and not taken you, you might want to think of a beta reader. However, most intelligent people just correct mistakes in their minds so whatever you choose is fine. In either case, I shall remain your avid reader and fan.

    ~Gavin Mcbaine aka. Stillnotwalking
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  • From BlazinAtsuma on April 26, 2007
    I like the update it was a good one.Neverthought that shy Hinata would be reading Icha Icha.. That last seen was great but what is going to happen now between Hinata,Haku and Naruto
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  • From KageFuusha on April 24, 2007
    This is NOT YAOI people! Haku is a futanari, or a hermaphrodite, if you will. A 100% girls body, but a fuctional dick too. Yaoi is strictly boy-boy - as in NO GIRLS! Is Hinata a boy now? NO! So think first, people before you assume.
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