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Reviews for Curtains

By : melliemoore
  • From RyuuOokami on June 17, 2008
    Oh how I loved Naruto when he was putting Sasuke in his place. *laugh* I mean; I really like Sasuke and all but sometimes he's just being WAY too bastardish.
    I feel bad for the review I left you on your other story; Painted. I really liked it very much but it felt like my review was way too short to really tell you that I did. I loved what you did with the paint; that was amazing.

    I really liked this one too. *grin*
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  • From ANON - Zota on August 30, 2007
    Omfg.. xD
    That was briliant, poor kid
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  • From minaaaaaaaa on July 08, 2007
    hahahhahahaha you're so awesome! that was hysterical. Naruto ripping into Sasuke with that well deserved tirade (i'm a bottom not a bitch lol classic) And the little girl... my eyes nearly bulged out my head when i read that *howls with laughter* And last but most def NOT least, the smex was greeeeaat!! :D You got skills homie
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  • From ANON - Damp on May 15, 2007
    *Dies laughing* That...was...un...believable! I simply loved this, I'm still laughing as I write this...*dies laughing...again*
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  • From serenagold on May 15, 2007
    hehehehahahaa that was hilariously awesome! this story made my day!
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  • From roely on February 16, 2007
    you have to write some more about this universer is funny! Loved it!
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  • From Inuzuka on February 14, 2007

    ...moar? :p
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  • From ANON - animehead on February 14, 2007
    I so love your oneshots! This was and funny! Have you ever considered writing these two getting it on in an empty or nearly empty movie theater? That would be hot! Do you do requests? Look at me acting like some crazy fangirl (acting..ha..whose acting?) I just love perverted Sasuke!
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