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Reviews for Another Damn Neurosis

By : MuseMistress
  • From ShayBoo on January 26, 2007
    *squeels* OMG i am totally in love with this series. *kisses your feet*
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  • From ANON - Awyr on December 17, 2006
    Ne, I love this series. I really do. I'd love nothing more than to read the next installment. Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - neko_okaa-san on December 15, 2006
    I love Genma and I love Kakashi; putting the two together is great. The neuroses of Kakashi remind me of another story where he has a bad cass of OCD. I love it. Yes, onegai, add more chapters!
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  • From ANON - ItaSasulover on December 14, 2006
    I really like it!
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  • From promise2003 on December 03, 2006
    You know, I had no idea that you were one of my favorite authors when you finally reviewed hot sand, and then you updated this and I put two and two together. I LOVE your stories!!! You are one of the authors that are truly talented on this site. Your writing skills alone make me drool (almost as much as when you have Genma and Kakashi going at it).

    I would like to say thank you for writing more in this series, you simply made my day when you said that there would be more. Not only that, but I truly consider your Kakashi/Genma to be the quintessential fics for that pairing. For each pairing I always have one author who is the one that defines a couple for me, and you definitely have Kakashi/Genma covered. Even if there were a lot of other writers who decided to take up stories about this great little pairing, you'd still beat them hands down.

    I can't wait to read more of your stuff, it is great and I always learn from reading your writing. I don't like to steal from authors (no, bad, bad stuff), but I do like to learn from good authors. The feel, the layout, the usage of the all makes me giddy (so strange that English can do that to someone, oh well). I am not the greatest writer in the world (calculus was always my thing), so I really need that example to teach me good usage vs. bad usage of the language. Anyway, I droned on enough for today. If you could do me the hugest favor and email me when you update any of your stories I would be eternally grateful (and I would cry if I missed an update).

    THANK YOU!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Reily on December 02, 2006
    I loved the whole thing but the part with Guy was very entertaining, it definitely made me laugh out loud! I think it'll be interesting to see how these two handle a relationship and I can't wait to read the rest of the story.
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  • From Hestia on December 02, 2006
    Love, Love, Love, Love, Love it! I didn't read the preview of part 4, however--I refuse to torture myself that way. But I really do hope you give us another lemon before moving on to part 3--please, please? The couch scene was so hot in Tripwire. I love Kakashi cleaning the apartment! The bit with Gai was great--love the genins walking by--great touch! Oh and poor Genma's oral fixation explained in such a sad way--very clever! Thanks again for the continuation!

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