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Reviews for When Mercury Mixes With Jade

By : elaynabrooks
  • From LadyLaran on January 02, 2008
    I'm glad to find you updating this. Naru is my favorite character, Shino and Shika are right behind him. :-)
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  • From oohshiny on December 11, 2007
    XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD>[infinity] OMG YAY!!!!! i kno you have the finals comin up, but plz go as fast as you can, i wanna read the party scene and SHINO'S ENTRANCE!!! also i wanna find out wtf the girls are gonna do...... hmm.... oO
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  • From Valiant on December 06, 2007
    I can't wait for the next part! ^_^ I'm so happy you FINALLY updated!
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  • From Saitochan on December 05, 2007
    Hey! I forgot to include this on my last review. Don't worry about the reviews (yeah, I know. Its really nice when you get one). Your story hast more than 50 reviews, and mine only has less than 10 (T.T).

    But whatever. Keep on writing, not for your readers, but for yourself. I will too, since I need to do some Catharsis.
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  • From Saitochan on December 05, 2007

    Hey! It's looking rather good so far, although, I must say, when I began reading this fic, I always thought you would keep it simple, without involving many characters. But I really liked Kiba turning into some sort of double agent and the girls performing their own show.

    Anyway, keep it up, and update soon! I'll be waiting.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 05, 2007
    Don't sweat it Kiyasume! Reviews or not, this fic is OMG so AWESOME!! I just love this pairing!!! Hey pay attention to finals...but hurry!!!! I have been waiting very patiently for this recent update, I think I can wait a few more weeks to see what is next. Is this the last chapter coming? Oh, take your time and make it super good!! You have done such a great job of it. Keep up the good work and good luck with finals!!!

    PS I have read your other works...F#$% AWESOME! I love oneshots, but some of yours are so good you almost wish the fics were longer. But don't ruin it by trying to please us all. Just keep doing what you do so very well!!! :)
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  • From fangirlqueen on December 04, 2007
    i'm so glad you continued this story! i love it to death and i cant wait to see sakura's act. I hope the genjustu isint what i think it is though...^_^ pls update soon!
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  • From tamiri on December 04, 2007
    Ah, why do I always like the impossible couplings. Anyways I absolutely love this story (staid up till 3:30 in the morning reading this)keep up the great work. I love the pace of the story moves quite well. I wonder what obstacles you will put between these two? Anyways can't wait for more.
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  • From zeroharm on December 04, 2007
    Have to say I really like what you have done with this unusual pairing. Shino is an interesting character, who doesn't get nearly the love he should among fic writers; This and "amongst the daisies" are some of the only great fics I have ever seen of him. On a writing note, I agree that you are a very description bound writer, but that is a good thing :-) When describing a situation like this, where most of the story is non-con, good descriptors make all the difference in setting the scene. I read this all in one go, so I have no idea of your update schedule, but I really look forward to an update.
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  • From MrsCake on December 04, 2007
    Woohoo! Great chapter, but you left such a cliffy! I can't wait see what the girls have in store for the guys! Oh, and good luck with finals.
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  • From Geda on December 03, 2007
    Mmm, I love this story. ^^ Thank you for keeping up with it.

    You're making me consider a Sakura x Shino pairing in the Sims...
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  • From Saitochan on December 03, 2007

    Yay!! Chapter 7! Thanks for updating. Man, lately, I've been having a hard time trying to find some decent fics to read (I still can't believe that there's like 4 male/male fics for every Het story!!), so I was really lookiing forward to this chapter.

    About the length of your story... don't you think 40 chapters is a bit too long? especially if they're all the length of the previous chapters. Not that I'm complaining...

    And finally, if you like long fics, I really recommend you read "Show and Tell", a Neji-Tenten fic, written by Akiradawn. It has like 40 or 45 chapters and I really liked it.

    OK, once again, thanks for the update, I'm going to start reading now, and I'll post a review with my opinion later.
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  • From oohshiny on November 23, 2007
    .....DAMMIT HURRY UPPP!! I ish sad when dere int any new chappies... ='(
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 20, 2007
    I am patiently awaiting the next chapter in this very rivoting fic! Okay, I am desperate...what happens with Sakura and Shino? How does his b-day party go? Don't be cruel!!!!
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  • From oohshiny on November 13, 2007
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