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Reviews for Mind Games

By : kimikoyuki
  • From MistressDragonFlame on July 02, 2007
    This story is very good, and I've enjoyed reading the first chapter. I've been watching this for a while now, and have been wondering when, if ever, you're going to up-date it. I then realized I had not reviewed, so here I am, and here's my review!

    I really enjoy how you've done the basic set-up for this story. Sakura does seem like she would work as a psychiatrist for the reason you stated, and Itachi can be done so well in this set up. ^^ I shiver at all the delicious thoughts that could come into play here.

    So yeah, up-date!
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  • From YvonneandNeji on January 20, 2007
    I love this, really. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Tank on January 08, 2007
    Nice beginning. Is this gonna be an ItaSaku, or an ItaSakuSasu (I dig those)? I'm not sure I like how Ino is portrayed though--I'm not an Ino fan, but still, I don't think she's quite that kinda bitch... Screeching banshee, yes, but not a malicious bitch. As it is, she seems more like a two-dimensional "rival" character here.
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  • From ANON - Dovesary on January 08, 2007
    This fic is positively amazing. I'm completely enthralled. Please, update soon if you can. I'll be waiting with baited breath.
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