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Reviews for Turning the Course

By : lefthandwrite
  • From perfect_blue_rogue on January 09, 2007
    of all the stories i've read, i've never read one where naruto had eyesight problems, unless he was trying to hide out in the open....-arches brow- i get the feeling that's exactly what he's doing too. hiding the real him. nice start and can't wait to see more of this story! chao!
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  • From ANON - MeLaiya on January 09, 2007
    intriguing, cant wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - **Hinata** on January 07, 2007
    Hmm. intersting... a fast start but i'm very glad Sasuke has absolutely NO attraction or thing with Sakura! Yay! hate her :D... for the most part. ~_^

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  • From ANON - Nomme de Plume on January 06, 2007
    this reminds me of the many manga i've read about boys falling in love in high school, and i gotta tell ya, those are my *favorite* kind. i think i'm seriously going to love this story. i hope you continue it, update soon!!
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  • From ANON - narutolub on January 06, 2007
    i like the story, please update soon.
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