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Reviews for Lights out in Konoha High

By : nitesintodreams
  • From ANON - Nadezhda on December 23, 2006
    I looooove you! This idea is crazy awesome! I can't give any constructive criticism, because I can't find anything to criticize :3
    I can't wait for the next chapter! *bookmarks this story*
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  • From ANON - Slightly_dysfunctional on December 23, 2006
    Pleeeeaaaaase toss in GaaraNeji! I will love you forever if you do!
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  • From ANON - TenshiXXX on December 23, 2006
    NejiGaara!!!!!!!!!!! Please?
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  • From ANON - DaedricFire on December 23, 2006
    I vote NarutoXShikamaru i love that pairing and i hope you do it! Also like the fic and how Sasuke bites Ino to try and get her off him.
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  • From ANON - ladywolfTerri on December 23, 2006
    And you have caught my attention completely!!.. ^^.. I'll be watching closely for an update so I'm hoping it won't be a long wait.
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  • From ANON - Red Stone on December 23, 2006
    WOOOOH!!! that was awesome, i loved Naruto's explaination of claustrophobia and the whole 'we're all blind' deal. FREAKIN AWESOME!!! i cant wait to read more!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOOOON!!! for my pairings....SasuNaru, ShinoKiba, GaaLee :3
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  • From ANON - riddle-me-yellow on December 23, 2006
    w00t! Great fic so far! Hahaha I love the cuddly Naruto, so cute! Please continue with this fic! The plots cute and seems to fit nicely with the season. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next chapter
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  • From ANON - me on December 23, 2006
    It's really good. It is also different. I'm glad someone has decided to do something away from the norm. My vote for a pairing: SASUNARU all the way!!!!! Merry Christmas hope you don't get caught in an avalanche. =^.^=
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  • From ANON - yukita on December 23, 2006
    Wow another amazing fic! very interesting and very funny! Kiba is once again absolutely hilarious and so is Naruto (Oh my GOd!! We're all BLIND!!)! Please update soon and hopefully before Christmas, cause that's the best gift i can think of! (ipods are nice too (; )
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  • From ANON - eien no ren on December 22, 2006
    You want a review? Here is your review... I want to read more! You are evil... with such a cliffie!!1 Nyan!! I want SASUNARU all the way... I dont mind if you go shikaino or sakushino... nyan!! ^.^ I love this story... its so interesting... survival 101, Iruka-sensei.... I wonder what happened to Kakashi... update soon!! nyan!!
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  • From on December 22, 2006
    It would be nice for a gaanaru/narugaa pairing but I know you wont... Your just going to do the some old sasunaru pairing... PLEASE! Please have Naruto get with someone else! Anyone! It doesn't matter as long as its not SASUKE!!!! But other than that its a good story and I can't wait for the next chapter. Its really funny ^^
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  • From ANON - li-chan on December 22, 2006
    Wow, very interesting. I would like to see what happens in the next chapter of your story.
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  • From ANON - miyoko on December 22, 2006
    i have never laughed so much in my life. the whole world coming to an end thing brought tears to my eyes.
    you have a really great start here, so i hope you continue it, i will definately review if you do. pairing wise
    i'm gonna have to say naruto/sasuke and not the other way around, but whatever pairing you choose is fine with me.
    great job so far.
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  • From ANON - Chikako-chan on December 22, 2006
    >w< I think I'm in loooove.

    Seriously, I love it.

    It was well written and all the characters managed to stay in character.

    But of course, I'm rooting for SasuNaru and maybe GaaraNeji or GaaLee even.

    But, anyways. I'll be here patiently waiting for the next chapter. Love and glomps.
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  • From ANON - Maddy on December 22, 2006
    This is another great plot you have come up with, how do you do it? I though Seeing is Beleiving was good, but this one seems fantastic. I've always wanted to read a story about students getting trapped in a school, and it seems my wish has been granted right near Chrrstmas!

    The part where Naruto yells about them being blind is hilarious, I loved it. If I voted for a pairing, I would vote GaaNaru, SasuNaru, or NejiNaru, but it doesn't really matter what the pairing is though (as long as it's yaoi), because I plan on sticking to read this throughout.

    I hope you update soon, and Happy Holidays.
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