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Reviews for Seeing is Believing

By : nitesintodreams
  • From ANON - Feion Phylar on June 25, 2009
    Wow wow wow...a supernatural fic. Bravo ^_^ I enjoyed! I know you havent updated in a long time but this is something to be very proud of. This is some story and if you ever plan to continue it, I will be right there reading it!
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  • From on June 18, 2008
    OMG! OMG! OMG!.... I think you could tell, but incase you couldn't, all those 'OMG!'s are a sing that this is an awesome story and for you to write a new chapter OR I WILL THREATEN YOU!!!!! *chuckles*... No, really. *innocent smile*
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  • From ANON - Miranda on January 17, 2008
    haha, sorry for posting...AGAIN, but I just read through the comments....every. single. one. of them, in hopes that maybe someone was like "oh! Hey, everyone knows this author really did continue the story, she just doesn't do it on this site, right?" or something like that...but it got me thinking, there should be a law where if you want to stop writing a fic or feel like there's a chance that you will (hmmm, but that won't work, cuz people will always say "well, I might go back to it someday...." so we should put a time limit on this....lets go with 5 months) you have to pass on the torch and have someone else continue writing it. Someone you get to choose so you know that they can write. I just saw what Raechael (sp?) was talking about with what she thought might happen and I wanted to scream "THAT SOUNDS COOL! WANNA WORK WITH HER ON WRITING IT!!" if only because I'm craving another of you wonderfully long, amazingly written chapters. Anyways, I hope my esp waves (haha, if only) reach you and make you go on AFF. If you read this, please e-mail me at, whether you plan on finishing the story or not. I'd love to hear what you have to say about then....bye *cries*
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  • From ANON - Miranda on January 17, 2008
    hmm, I was really liking this too. It's a shame you only uploaded two chapters, and that was in 2006 if I'm not mistaken, too, so I guess it's pretty safe to say that this is where the story ends. *sighs in uber depression* I know that all the good stories on the site tend to take forever to upload new chapters, but end? so soon? This is really depressing *turns all emo* if you ever decide to upload a new chapter, please contact me. My page is

    I really hope that you decide to come on AFF some day, even just to reminice, and read all the reviews and decide to continue writing. You have a real gift. I've read a lot of fan fics, but you're the first to truly make the characters come alive. heh, Naruto's crazy and hyper, but not overly so, so it's still very much so believable. Well...I guess there's no point in finishing my comment *sighs again* well...if you ever want a beta...*points to myspace address*
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  • From oohshiny on September 27, 2007
    SQUEEEEE nice job, a LOT better than some OTHER stories(no naming) so could you plz emil me when you update? meh emails THX ^^
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  • From WonderouslyDead on September 14, 2007
    Amazing, is the only word I can possibly think of to even remotely call your skills and imagination for this fanfiction. The word although true doesn't come close to even half the talent one user to create such a masterpiece and I cannot wait until your next chapter has come out and quenched my thirst for more. Thank you for writing this and I shall try to review every time I read more. Thank you once again.
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  • From ANON - Ladyfox on May 27, 2007
    Oh my Lord!!!!! I love this story, and I so hate the cliffy! You have to let me know if you update, you just got to!
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 01, 2007
    What is it that i have to do to get you to update?!
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 01, 2007
    What is it that i have to do to get you to update?!
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  • From ANON - Minen on February 07, 2007
    sitting here.. waiting.. waiting... waiting a bit more...
    mwah, common.. we need another chapter;P
    this is seriosly a great story. love love love it!
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  • From ANON - Minen on February 07, 2007
    sitting here.. waiting.. waiting... waiting a bit more...
    mwah, common.. we need another chapter;P
    this is seriosly a great story. love love love it!
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  • From ANON - Ritska on January 11, 2007
    what do u mean don't like it
    i like it A lot :P
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  • From ANON - Breath on January 11, 2007
    No no dear, we do not hate it, in fact, we love it greatly and are very, very interested to see how it's going to play out.

    We absolutely LOVE how you made Kiba such scardy-cat and Shino such a priss *glazes over with images of Kiba running around nude except for his four layers of Charlie Brown underpants and Shino waltzing with a werewolf* ^_^ Where was I? Oh yes, your wonderful story.

    I wonder what the connection between Naruto and Sasuke is, does it have something to do with Naruto's father and/or how Sauske died?

    Update as soon as you can please,

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  • From ANON - Kari on January 04, 2007
    Oh WOW, I just wanted to say that I adore this story so far! I really hope you update soon 'cause otherwise I'm gonna check online every 5 minutes to see if the next chapter up yet! XD LOVE IT!
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  • From ANON - GypsyRose on January 02, 2007
    Please update soon, I must know what naru;s father is gonna say.
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