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Reviews for Seeing is Believing

By : nitesintodreams
  • From ANON - Passing Reader on December 18, 2006
    Omg! What a strange plot twist!!!! But I thought Naruto's dad was a 'monster' so why would he be surrounded in glowing light like an angel? Is that in the next chapter? Cant wait to see, waiting for your next update, ja! ;p
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  • From on December 18, 2006
    This was a great chapter! Loved it! Can't wait to see what happens next! Please hurry and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Random crazy fangirl on December 18, 2006
    WOW this iz good REALLY REALLY GOOD how could you even think people would hate this??!!

    Kiba is just sooo amazing in this I LOVE HIM!!!
    I hope there will be more Rock Lee in the future because I love him too.

    As for Sai..well im not much of a fan of his so I hope this dosent change into a Sai and Naruto story because I love my Sasu and Naru.But I know whatever happens this is gonna be a great story and I LOVE the fact the chapters are long that means the longer I can spend reading and enjoing this AMAZING story!!!

    Update soon pleeeeeeeeeease!!

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  • From ANON - SharinganEyes on December 18, 2006
    Hate! Hate!
    Omg that's not even an idea in my head! I loves this chapter, really i did, poor Sasuke he must have been so sad when naruto left!
    But he followed him, oh...oh its wonderful?! Omg and the ending -gasp- but wait...he doesn't want to be like 'him' it's not his dad right? cause him seemed so sad about his is it someone else? man, and Sai! Mwhahaha I love Sai, give them hell kid! You get ur year worth of kisses! Now type.

    Type like you've never typed before, I have questions! Questions only you can answer, like how did Sai save Naruto?! and what happen to naruto's dad? And like why can Naruto do that things that he does?! and who the hell is 'him' omg, i'll be a ghost if you don't update!

    Hate, tch don't be troublesome...I love your story so work!
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  • From ANON - Tara on December 18, 2006
    AAARRRRGH!!! Naruto's father is!! KAKOII!! KAWAII!!! I LOVE THIS STORY. I SHOULD STOP SCREAMING NOW....Okay, it's out of my system. Oh my gosh though! I love this story and there's only two chapters of it! Think how much I'll feel when there's ten more chapters of it tomorrow for me to read? *hint-hint* lol.
    You're really talented. And I love the role Sai is playing. Sai x Naru is one of the few pairings in yaoi that I like, it's coo'. I was, though, hoping for some Neji x Naru? Hmm...Maybe Sasuke might try to kill him if he came any close to Naruto.

    And Kiba, lmao! He gives me bare jokes, you give me bare jokes coz, y'know, you write the story and everything is your idea. I loved this bit:

    "Sayanora mother fucker" -I couldn't stop laughing muh ass off! My friend threatened to shut off the computer if I didn't shut up and he ended up giving me some form of CPR because I'd choked on the piece of chicken-wing I was currently eating! That was not pleasant.

    But dare I assume that Naruto's father is Arashi? And he has a brilliant halo? And long golden hair? And his wings glow? And why does Naruto dislike his father? aww Naru-chan, that's not very nice of you!

    I'll be back in 24 hours and - by jove! If you have not added, I'll be highly upset. And what's this nonesense about people not liking your story? If everyone was aware of it, I bet you you'd probably have more than a hundred reviews and it's only been two chapters. Sadly, there are many stories here that scream for attention because they are really good. For example, if I don't mark my favorite stories, I lose track of them and end up reading a new one. They are constantly being added.
    But don't worry, I'll definately mark this one! coz I luuuurrrve it!

    *dreamily sighs* I'm in love...
    (24 hours, gurlie, 24 hours).

    Yes you gotta work your fingers to the bone! Oh yes you gotta work your fingers to the bone. Yes you gotta work your the booooooooo-oooh-ooooone!!! *voice cracks* a-hem! e-hem! sorry about that. I just love that classical! Anywayz, i'm not rushing you. Work at your own pace. I'm just merely hinting at the fact that I'd like it very very ver very much if you updated soon!

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  • From ANON - Savin-me on December 18, 2006
    With each chapter I’m getting more and more in love with your Kiba, he’s so adorable XD
    Like the previous chapter this one was hilarious too from Kiba trying to scare every soul away from the van and Sasuke’s kind of way to ‘warm up’ the blond XD
    I liked the idea that you made Naruto the special one, but still I wonder how they will be together if they ever will. Also I’m curious about Naruto dad (about that angel thing) and was he able to see the ghosts too? Why Naruto has a fear/phobia for the death ones and something about not wanting to become a monster. Is it because his dad is dead? ^^"

    Waiting for the update! ^^

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  • From ANON - Amber on December 18, 2006
    Cliffhanger...No...But it's a great story so far and I love it! ^_^
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  • From ANON - dace on December 18, 2006
    loved it! when will there be more?
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  • From ANON - Carmen on December 18, 2006
    weee! really nice story so far! plz upload the next chappy as far as ur fingers can get on the keyboard :P
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  • From ANON - rachael on December 18, 2006
    OH wow! I love it! I really, really love the dynamic that you're building with Naruto and Sasuke--and the fact that Naruto can see the dead? Brilliant! 365 days of kisses for Sai, woot (for Sai). I don't really like Sai, but that just seemed so Sai-like that I'm just eating it up. And I liked how Naruto and Sai say goodnight to each other.

    Do you know, when Sasuke comes floating up through the window, I was expecting him to possess Sai's body and molest Naruto, but I like what you did much better. Are the ghosts going to be possess bodies? I'm very interested to see where you are going to go with this. And Naruto's dad is an angel? Interesting, interesting. It adds more mystery as to why Naruto is so mad at him because if he made angel, he couldn't've been all bad, right? It makes me wonder if he got shipped off to the funny farm or something, leaving Naruto to grow up all alone and Naruto became very resentful because of it.

    O.o It isn't going to turn out that Sasuke knew Naruto's dad in life and that's why he feels a connection to Naruto, is it?

    I'm really excited about this story. I haven't been this excited about a story in a while. Hey, hey! Maybe it could be like a Beauty and Beast story: GHOST EDITION!! Like Naruto's dad makes a deal with Sasuke that if he can Naruto to fall in love with him, then Sasuke will get a second chance at life. But Sasuke, being the bastard that he is, is going to just keep pissing him off, (like how Beast just keeps scaring and yelling at Belle), but then something dramatic will happen (like the wolf attack on Belle) and things are going to turn around, except then there will some sort of angsty twist which makes it look like Sasuke+Naruto doesn't stand a chance...gasp! Like Naruto IS falling for Sasuke but he's sad because he can never be with he hooks up with SAI! (duh, duh, duh). Like a consolation prize, ya' know. Sasuke is heartbroken and lets Naruto go because he loves him, and the proverbially last petal on the rose is falling, falling, falling...

    Let's not forget that Naruto, Shino, and Kiba have some sort of boss! So maybe after Sasuke leaves Naruto alone, he goes back to the house only to discover that Tayuya, Jiroba, and all the rest are getting captured Ghostbuster style, and he tries to save them (because even though he's letting Naruto go, he doesn't want to be alone, right, right?) but then he gets captured too. And there will some sort of lab and the boss figure will be working on sending the ghosts to the other side or whatever.

    Then Naruto will have a revelation or epiphany that he has to see Sasuke except he goes to the house and everyone is gone, and he doesn't know what to do, and it's all looking very hopeless, and...and!

    Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


    I hope you update soon, and I apologize for my ramblings.

    Keep up the awesome work.

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  • From darktoy on December 18, 2006
    To be completely honest, I believe this fanfic is worth to give a shot. So far we had humor, angsty and a loooooooooooots of supernatural events. Either way...

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  • From ANON - ClosetEmo on December 18, 2006
    How could anyone hate this chapter it was brill!Kiba was so funny going from one car door to another like that how dumb can ya get??LOL.I love the way Sasuke and Narutos relationship is coming along it was so sweet when Sasuke was talking to Naruto in his sleep also when Naruto drove off leaving Sasuke alone was sad...which makes me wonder how this could ever have a happy ending maybe it will be a bittersweet ending.The ending to this chapter was a bit of a cliffhanger what the hell is Narutos father doing there well I guess I will find out next chapter so if ya can update soon please!!

    Merry Christmas!
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  • From ANON - XZanayu on December 18, 2006
    Wow!!! That was a great chapter!! Hurry with the next one!!
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  • From ANON - animehead on December 18, 2006
    I love this story so much! I just wantto squeal in delight! It's so addicting. I look forward to your update. You are so awesome!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 18, 2006
    Still love it!
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