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Reviews for Seeing is Believing

By : nitesintodreams
  • From ANON - beloveless on December 25, 2006
    please hurry with the next one! i wanna see what happens next!! i say it again: please hurry ^__^
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  • From ANON - conquerors star on December 23, 2006
    awww i LOVE saiXnaruto :D:D please update sooon this story is so awesome ^_^
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  • From ANON - Minari on December 21, 2006
    ^^ me likey this fic! please continue!! or me will never smile again! :'(
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  • From ANON - Mija on December 20, 2006
    ooh I love the second part, it was hilarious and soo cute, Naruto can see Sasuke, but is Naruto the child of an Angel or did his father die and become an Angel?? oooh I cant wait for more this is good, the whole Sai thing made me laugh my butt off, wonder if Sasuke will torture Sai if he ever saw Sai molesting Naruto??? lol would be funny, anyhow hope to read an update soon, ty for the read, huggles and smiles Mija...:-)
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  • From ANON - Tara on December 20, 2006
    Aww, come on man! Update already, you're killing me here. Got me sitting on the edge of my seat...I actually ripped a pieceof the leather. UPDATE SOON!!
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  • From ANON - minen on December 20, 2006
    can't wait for the next chapter..:P damn good writing there.. give me some more..^^
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  • From ANON - Okita on December 20, 2006
    Hey, love your story!!! Especially what you did with Sai and how you made it so that Naruto has inherited a part of his father. Awesome job with Kiba and Shino as welll, you've characterized them perfectly ^-^ Keep up the great work. I look forward to your next installment.
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  • From ANON - arbitrary doom on December 20, 2006
    ............i hate cliffhangers...........but this is an awsome story!!!!!!!!!!!!..............but the whole dad thing confuses me.......................................whatever..........please update soon.......................XP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - luna on December 19, 2006
    That chapter was awesome! How could you possibly say we would hate it?! I'm really curious about Naruto's father now, and the angel at the end, couldn't be the same person could it? I was dissapointed to find that there were no more chapters for me to review so please, I BEG OF YOU!! Update soon! I really love this story! For real!
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  • From ANON - luna on December 19, 2006
    Wow! I'm loving this just from the first chapter! On to the next chapter then!
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  • From ANON - Nomme de Plume on December 19, 2006
    are you kidding? i fucking love this! it's so original, and yet it kinda reminds me of "just like heaven" or whatever that movie was called. i never saw it, so it might just be me who thinks this.

    anyway, please continue! and is naruto's dad arashi, cause i never thought i'd read the fic where naruto didn't like arashi! oh, and i thought sasuke couldn't leave the house? is that why naruto is so special? because sasuke can leave now that they've interacted or because naruto was his destination?

    update soon! i loooooooove this!
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  • From ANON - hells hound on December 19, 2006
    dude I thought it was awesome^_^ Ill be eagerly awaiting the next chap. hope it comes soon....Oh and by the way,I didnt hate it all.~_^
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  • From ANON - eien no ren on December 18, 2006
    I love this! please write more... its so cute and fluffy even if you dont say it yourself. I want to know how they will make it work... I think that Sasuke is going to find Naruto a very difficult case, nyan! Please update as soon as you can!
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  • From ANON - Kristen on December 18, 2006
    Hmmmm...Why does Naruto hate his father again? Or am I just being a n00b and this is going to be reveiled in the story sometime in the distant future?
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  • From ANON - Too lazy to think of a name~ on December 18, 2006
    I think it's funny how Sai and Naruto are roomies. That made me giggle and squee like a fangirl. The ending was very cute. Hope you write the next chapter soon! This is a really nice story. The music choices for the van thing had me laughing really hard. Nice job, and update soon!
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