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Reviews for Thicker than Blood

By : kimikoyuki
  • From ANON - Mari on October 07, 2012
    You'll never ever update this again, will you? =(
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  • From DarkObsession on October 09, 2008
    Are you close to updating yet? =P
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  • From DarkObsession on July 18, 2008
    Oh yea! More more more!
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  • From Lunar84 on January 31, 2008
    Hooray another chapter!!!! *dances* Thank you soo much for updating this!!!! I was so excited to see a new chapter posted. I really do hope you continue to write. You have amazing amazing talent and it would be a shame not to continue doing something you are wonderful at doing.

    Poor Sasuke. I really never thought I would ever say that. Personally, the character of Sasuke never appealed to me in the manga/anime. But, you have taken him and made him very human and vulnerable. I can understand how this would really hurt him.

    On the other hand, Sakura has never asked for anything more than for him to love her. He blatantly ignored her throughout their marriage and treated her like garbage. Honestly, I would have probably done the same thing she did. She craved love and affection and she felt like Itachi gave that to her. Too bad Itachi only did it to hurt Sasuke more than he already has. But, I kind of like that aspect of this story. It really fits his character and I really think you did an amazing job in characterization.

    The question is will he come back to help her? Or will he let Sasuke kill her in his mindless rage? Hmm... Either way you go with this story I would be satisfied. Simply because I can feel for both sides of the situation.

    PLease update when time permits. I know sometimes life has a way of throwing curve balls.
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  • From Jayderaven on January 30, 2008
    WOW! Appropriate screen name! Still, I love this story! I like how evil and manipulative Itachi is and how you characterize Sakura and Sasuke is just perfect! I hope to see a new chapter soon! Sasuke must still love Sakura cause I would have killed her right there!
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  • From EveOfNightmares on January 30, 2008
    Bravo! Even though I'm not much for Sakura, I'm all for Itachi! I love how you wrote this! Great work!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From roxnroll on January 30, 2008
    I loved it. I read them back to back. I was actually crying during this one. It's just so heartbreaking. I wonder who she will end up with?
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  • From Revine on January 30, 2008
    PLEASE dear god! Update soon! I believe I read this story before, so I'm sure it's safe to assume you haven't updated in a while. Anyway please! Update soon!
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  • From Lunar84 on October 11, 2007
    Amazing. No words can do this story justice. They really can't. You are a genuis. As soon as I came across this piece I devoured it until the very last word. And then.... I realized it's been a year since you last updated. My reaction was and I quote "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."
    It seems when I finally find a story worth sitting in front of the computer for hours it hasn't been updated. So depressing. I will be lucky if I can find another author who writes with the talent and passion as you. Please continue to share your wonderful gift with all of us.
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  • From Beyondpain on September 24, 2007
    Hey I love your story!! You are such an awesome author, I love the way you keep everyone in character, and show all the different perspectives, which all, oddly enough, make perfect sense. I hope you finish this story because it would be a such a shame if you did not.
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  • From Orochina on May 03, 2007
    I'm very curious about the next chapter of this fic. Wanna see Sasuke's reaction! Hope you'll update soon. It's a very good story, so please go on writing it! :D
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  • From Yuffiezawa on April 13, 2007
    Ohmygooood! Whyyy? Whyyy is this not finished! *Choke sob* I love it so much. I MUST know what Sasuke does once Sakura returns.

    Ohmygod. Pleeeaase continueeee? xD
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  • From DemonAkasha on March 01, 2007
    Awesome story! I must know what happens! Pretty please update soon!
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  • From YvonneandNeji on February 09, 2007
    Aw, damn it! I was really getting into the intense plot line and then- cut off! Nothing! Update soon, or I just might go into story withdraw...
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  • From ANON - Ita/Saku Fan on January 09, 2007
    This story is amazing! Its so emotional, it just makes me cry. Having the different viewpoints of each character is a great way to add more emotion and feeling to the story. I love it, continue writing this wonderful story. Update as soon as possible! =)
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