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Reviews for Kitsune no Yomeiri

By : BishounenKrazed
  • From ANON - innerchild on December 04, 2006
    no, u can't stoop there! it was getting so damn good.... sigh. now i have to get ready for school... blah. loved the last two chapters, they kicked ass. but i wonder what's gonna happen to sasuke when he finds out about naruto. gah, i hate being patient!

    so, please update soon.

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  • From Fourthiv on December 04, 2006
    :spazes: oh man, this is awesome! You have to update this! I cant wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - Kim on December 04, 2006
    I love this story. I hope you don't extend it too much just for the sake of extension... but if you extend it and it's as good as the rest so far then I'll be happy to read all of that. Anyway. Great (still) and I'm (still) enjoying the story. Keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - rasengan22 on December 04, 2006
    dude. that was like the worst cliffhanger EVER. i can't believe you're so cruel! ah well, i'll wait. yeah expanding's fine with me. there's too much going on that i don't think it would do the story justice to keep it short. too much crazy backstory. i love it though. it's different. i miss here's to the fox though... ah well. great stuff. (sorry, a little tired so this is a crappy review)
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  • From ANON - Demonrights on December 04, 2006
    Nice update, damn Naruto scare them all why dont you. *laughs* that was truly funny well until the end where Sasuke found out....that could be bad for our dear Naru-chan. I hope you enjoyed writing this as much as Im enjoying reading it. Update when you can _demonrights
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  • From ANON - lalalala on December 04, 2006
    I kinda feel bad for Sakura. I mean, she's just a normal hormonal teenage girl with way too much energy.
    Young girls have a tendency to declare their true love is one thing or person and pursue that one thing whether it is harmful to them or not. Eventually they either grow up and realize that it was the pursuing that they like and not the person, or they grow up and become psycho moms who need pills to make it through the day.
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  • From ANON - Sunset Serenity on December 04, 2006
    Hey, that was really good. It would be nice if you throw a twist here and there to make it longer, such as Akatsuki attacking or the like. Well, good job!
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  • From ANON - ladygizarme on December 04, 2006
    yay, totally loving this story! i'm glad it's going to be a bit longer than you said at the beginning cuz there's so much potential for the future of the story! nevertheless, i like that it's a really detailed story but the pace isn't dragging because of it; and yeah naru totally kicked ass in ch4, that was awesome! i can't wait for the next chapter and to see sasuke's reaction!
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  • From ANON - Mirror-chan on December 04, 2006
    By reading the summary I wasn't sure if I'd want to read this story... but I'm glad I did, anyway. I like the way you've managed to take away strangeness that usually comes with slightly AU fictions and make the change from the actual plot of Naruto seem logical. Also, I adore Jiraiya and I'm glad he makes an appearance in your story. I can't wait to read more. Excellant fic.
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  • From ANON - Shemalala on December 03, 2006
    Wow! Im actually scared of Naruto. Good Job! *thumbs up* I love the way everythings come together so far. Really, you have skills! Love the story! Oh and you are so mean for ending the chapter like that! Anyway, please keep writing, you have fans to please! ^^ Im looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - lalalala on December 03, 2006
    Very nice. I like your pen name too. :P
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  • From ANON - Izzy on December 03, 2006
    hhehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh hehe he, i locve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i writing to damn fast cuz i want to get this posted hmm i wonder how many mistakes i made, omg i love this!! finish weriting it already...heheheheheheheheheheheh iu love love love love love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finish plzzz!!! i wanna read more waaaaaa!!! hehe i ,ove itsunes,,,,,,,okay lost of spelling msajes, hope u can read it XD

    oops for got to put my name...
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 03, 2006
    hhehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh hehe he, i locve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i writing to damn fast cuz i want to get this posted hmm i wonder how many mistakes i made, omg i love this!! finish weriting it already...heheheheheheheheheheheh iu love love love love love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finish plzzz!!! i wanna read more waaaaaa!!! hehe i ,ove itsunes,,,,,,,okay lost of spelling msajes, hope u can read it XD
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 03, 2006
    Seriously? Only 5 chapters and you can finish it. Gosh, this is really really really well written. And what an interesting plotline. Ah, and Sasuke thinks he's dead. I thought that was so interesting how he said Itachi. LOL talk about oops. And I loved that line about the twin holes... the one in the tree and the one in his heart. I was like aww. Naruto really loves Sasuke! But Sasuke is about the least lovable person in the world! Yay, I wanna know what happens next because I have like NO idea whatsoever. I shoulda reviewed earlier but I'm a jerk. A bachelor party for Sasuke? That is really really hard to imagine. So good luck w/ that ^_^
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on December 03, 2006
    I know the SasuSaku will be temporary (at least I'm assuming so because the summary has SasuNaru), but EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the SasuSaku pairing, everytime I see it I just cringe and avert my eyes. I just don't understand how anyone could like it, ugh.

    I noticed in your a/n that you seem to be planning to only do 2 more chapters and an epilogue, is there a reason for this? And how much SasuNaru are we going to get to see? And mpreg too, can't forget the mpreg? Are we actually going to get to see any of it or will it just remain mentioned as a possibility but never come to fruition?

    Anyways, I do like your story so for (though I'm gagging at the SasuSaku) and I'm still sort of hoping that you'll make it longer. There are some people who say there are too many Naruto mpregs but in my opinion there really aren't enough. So when I find one, one that seems to actually be written by an author who isn't just blech, I just get excited.
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