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Reviews for A Lady's First Kiss

By : tootalltygerlily
  • From Chocolat on February 13, 2007
    Oh, that was wonderful ^.^ Short and sweet. SakuKaka and NaruSasu are two of my fav parings.
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  • From ANON - Dittolily on October 19, 2006
    Ahhhhhhh!! That was way too short!

    You must continue it! Kakashi and Sakura -> so hot!

    We need more Kakashi-sensei and Sakura!!!
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  • From ANON - koham on October 17, 2006
    OMG!!....THAT WAS AWSOME!!!!.....i love kakasaku....and reading any fic about them brings tears of joy to my fic was really GREAT!!!....i loved it...but i was wondering....are u gonna continue it...?...caz it'd be awsome if u PLEASE CONTINUE IT!!!!.....^_^
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  • From ZiriOkamiotoko on October 17, 2006
    It feels unfinished, or mostly like a teaser for a longer fic that'll never get written. It also flows really sedately, so there's no real build-up to the end. It's nicely written, but it definitely leaves the reader hanging and feeling slightly disappointed.
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