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Reviews for Series of One-Shots ("My Mutt" is first)

By : kittenofchaose
  • From rocknroler on December 21, 2009
    YAY More KankuroXKiba hot sex!! I want to read more now!!
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  • From on February 04, 2008
    try some REAL lube. spit dries really fast. have you ever tried anal sex? if there's no lube, there's a whole lot of pain. so, um, lotion, liquid soap, cum, lubricant, or anything else to moisten the skin so it can stretch. and try to stay away from all those ands and thens. those two things would really help your writing though other then that it's pretty okay.
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  • From ANON - someone on June 04, 2006
    Well nice idea but writing is not that great. Most scentences start with either the characers names oder "he'. Could use improvement but that will come with more practice.
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  • From ANON - KonohaAlchemist on June 04, 2006
    Very nice work, you should definatley post more
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