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Reviews for Of Blossoms, Teachers, Foxes, and Brothers

By : swngdcr
  • From ANON - NaturalHerb on April 21, 2006
    all i can say is... I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'll come find u in your sleep and hypnotize u into finishing it (with a rubber chicken even) if i have to. ::ends rant:: seriously, this has to be one of the best naruto fics i've ever read, and i've read and reviewed my fair share. pretty please continue it, but don't rush into it. I'd personally rather have to hunt u down than read a lemon ;-) (any and all death threats are to be taken in a highly comical manner, no actual harm will come from them...unless...)
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 21, 2006
    Yay!!! Today is such a good day. My classes are all over, two of my favorite stories right now were updated today (yours in one of them in case you didn't realize) and I got home before dark for once. I liked the chapter, even with the absense of Gaara. I liked the SasuNaru interaction, very sweet. Some authors write moments like this and it's just raunchy and cheap but you did good. Now I just can't wait for your next chapter, I wanna see Gaara. I like your portrayal of him, so many people just slaughter his character and it's nice to see him not portrayed as a freaky weirdo who's a little slow. Wow....I'm uninspired today review-wise. So I guess I'll just end with I really liked the new chapter and I can't wait for your next update....with Gaara.....cause he's just SO CUTE!!!!
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  • From ANON - Arryelle on April 15, 2006
    I love your fic I hope you update soon. I like Garaa and sakura together but I hope in your next fic you could consider Itachi/Sakura since in this fic he clearly doesn't want to hurt her and admires her strength. they really are a cute couple and I think you could pull it off

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  • From ANON - Mija on April 13, 2006
    omggggggggg you have got to update soooooooon please?? pretty please?? ooh the angst, and the emotion, the love, I soooooo love it, Gaara and Sakura??? never thought of it but sounds good, and awwwww of course you have my two most favorite pairings in here Sasu/Naru and Kaka/Iru oh the love, soo loving this please please please update please???? *goes to corner to grovel more* ty for the awsome read, much huggles and smiles Mija...:-)
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  • From ANON - raven-chan on April 12, 2006
    Loved it.... soooo cute... back together again! Hope to see more soon!
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  • From ANON - Nathaniel on April 11, 2006
    Sometimes adultfanfiction is a bitch and won't let me review... Grrr...


    Another neat chapter, though I think Gaara and Itachi really are OOC. But that doesn't matter too much, because they still fit their original frame somewhat. Mhhh... It's difficult to review every chapter when the author is doing really well and I'm not too good at praising :-)

    Oh, and Bunta-chan: I never aimed to mentioned that you should update faster or something along that line. Studies, jobs, friends and such things always have top priority! Hope the exam was going well. I wonder why you have to put in a paper on Good Friday - or don't you have that?

    To bookworm and the discussion about uke and seme: I didn't intent to irritate someone, I was just explain mine opinion. But I agree: It somewhat get out of hand. I didn't want that and I'm a little bit sorry for that. Bookworm: I admit English isn't my mother tongue so I looked "side blow" up in a dictionary. It's a mixture between innuendo or a little teasing. So I don't want to beat you in your side or so :D Anyway, if you are interested in discussing things further, my e-mail adress is

    So then, let's enjoy that story and Bunta: Good luck with your paper (I'm glad, I finished my Bachelor some weeks ago :D),
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 11, 2006
    Your a member of P.A. too? Nice to meet you:D Me right now, I have my final photo project due next Wed and I haven't even started yet and it was assigned over a month ago. Anyways on to the chapter, loved it of course. I liked the part with Gaara, Kakashi and Naruto after they found Sasuke. GAARA IS SO CUTE!!!!!!........If you can't tell, he's my favorite character. That was an interesting explanation for why Itachi killed the family, it didn't stray from the original story but it added a bit more detail. I actually think it makes more sense than the simple explanation the anime gives, there had to have been more too it and I think your reason makes sense with that little background they gave in the anime. About the whole seme-uke issue, I agree with you. I don't think that Naruto would want to bottom for Sasuke all the time, I just think he would be more willing than Sasuke. But yes, enough of this, you've already decided what your going to do with your story so arguing about it really serves no purpose. But anyways I gotta end this now, again procrastination rears it's ugly head and I'm late doing some work for my online class.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 09, 2006
    "*waves to bookworm* :D Just a little side blow"
    What the heck does that mean? What's a side blow? Anyways about to answer your review, you need to seriously think about Sasuke's personality and then think about what it takes to submit yourself to another person. Do you really, seriously see Sasuke being in a relationship where he is completely submissive. I'm going to go to something I've seen said a lot in reference to D/S relationships. It takes a very strong person to completely submit themselves to another person. I just don't see Sasuke as being able to do that. You see how upset he got anytime Naruto one upped him in anything. Like for instance after that fight on the roof, you saw how extremely angry he was when he saw Naruto had done better and was stronger. I just see Naruto as being a stronger person and as someone who wouldn't think less of himself for being the uke to another person. But in the end, I think the most realistic situation because I think Naruto would want to be equal. But I feel that he wouldn't find it as hard to be the uke as Sasuke would.

    And I want to add an apology to the author for using your review board to respond to Nathaniel's review.
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  • From ANON - Nathaniel on April 09, 2006

    Man, you are a fast updater. That's cool. I would also like to thank you for dedicating a chapter to me. That's the first time that ever happened and it really made my day. Especially because I like that chapter.

    The third chapter is another good one because things are getting started. Your style has been proved to be fluent and good to read. Gaara and Sakura as a pair? I don't see that in the mange but hey, it's fiction we are talking about. :-)

    Just a word about the Naru-Uke thing and the dominant Sasuke. A interesting train of thoughts regarding Naruto's role can be found at (Hope it is okay to link another author's story... If not, then you are free to delete this review :-)) And Sasuke being a total dominant character? Hehe, if I remember correct Sasuke subdues his complete life to revenge - a idea induced by his brother. So he lives the life his brother has designed for him (at least till now). Furthermore he becomes a subordinate to a slimy pervert with full knowledge that he is used and Orochimaru lusts after his body. With that in mind and Naruto's behaviour in the show I'm always surprised to no end that there a lot of people who freak out when Sasuke should "subdue" to Naruto (*waves to bookworm* :D Just a little side blow ;)) but have no problems with a begging Naruto. Is there more than one manga called Naruto? :-)

    Back to the story. As I said it seems to develop really well. I anticipate more fun for all your readers - to which I happily belong to!

    So long,
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  • From ANON - raven on April 08, 2006
    Loved it hope to see more in the future~
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 08, 2006
    Well my brain feels stlightly less fried tonight, though I'm still not completely here enough to leave you a good review. Good as in, well thought out.....yea:D I liked this new chapter, the part with Gaara was interesting. I've only seen Gaara and Sakura pairied together once before and I didn't especially like that because I loooooooooooove Gaara and I didn't especially like Sakura at the time. Now I think I'm more open to it because she's become a good character, no more Sasuke fixation, no more needing to be saved all the time, and no more constant beating Naruto over the head:D I like Kakashi and Iruka together, I know some people might think it's overdone but I think they fit well. It's too bad the writer probably doesn't like yaoi because I would love to see the two of them stuck together in it:D hee hee....oh yea my brain is definitely still fried:D I think I'm going to stop now before I make myself sound even dumber than I already have:D I will email you my dream, actually I had another dream I had too that wasn't mpreg though that one was really weird. Though the first was weird too but the second was weirder, yea:D Okay now I'm definitely going to stop myself. Good chapter, can't wait for your next update.
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  • From ANON - Mimi on April 05, 2006
    I like this so far
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 05, 2006
    Oh and you mentioned wanting ideas, I know you probably meant for this story and maybe you could figure out a way to incorporate it into this story but it would probably be too complicated. But anyways, if you don't have any problems with mpreg and your interested, I had a really weird dream that I've been trying to find an author for. Yea....not sure that made sense. I'm trying to find someone to write a story based on the dream I had....yea, yea that makes more sense. If your interested let me know, but if your not no problem.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on April 05, 2006

    I feel bad for not reviewing before but my brain has been a bit fried. I'm sure you understand as a college student. My brain is actually still a bit fried so my review isn't going to be especially meaningful. I liked the beginning. It's nice to find a good Naruto story these days, after the series went on Filler episodes it seems like many people lost interest. I hope that your story will actually get to an ending, there have been so many good ones that start and then just stop and it makes me cry. And then there are a bunch of stories that seem to be written by 12 year olds who have no concept of life and relationships and also refuse to get betas because they think they're perfect the way they are *rolls eyes* But anyways back on track, I like your beginning. I can't wait to see what happens with Sasuke, are you going to incorporate anything from the manga? Are we gonna get to see Sai? I liked the interaction with Kakashi and Iruka, very sweet and romantic. I can't wait til you get to the SasuNaru interactions, I think those promise to be quite good. Very sad, bittersweet and romantic. I was a bit worried when you said it wouldn't be SasuNaru, but I felt better when you said it would be equal. I can't stand NaruSasu stories, those just go so far against Sasuke's personality. He's dominant or he's equal, but he is NOT submissive. Anyways, I'm gonna tired......continue soon:D
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  • From ANON - Nathaniel on April 04, 2006
    Fourth try...


    First, your story is promising. It's difficult to say more at this moment.

    So, you want to know, what we are wishing for? For this story I wish it won't become plain, destetable SasuNaru stuff where Naruto subdues to Sasuke and is the submissive litte boytoy to her... sorry his highness Sasuke :D An equal relationship (especially during sexual intercourse) or even a litte bit more NaruSasu stuff will be appreciated. Second: Don't overdo the angst. There may be a lot of potential for long angsty passages in this setting but I like it more when they don't brood chapter after chapter instead of just having a little conversation. Oh, and please don't try to put in rape just for the sake of fake coolness.

    But the most important think: Do as you like and therefore love your own piece of art. That's the fundament for fast updating :D

    So long,
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