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Reviews for Of Blossoms, Teachers, Foxes, and Brothers

By : swngdcr
  • From Vague on February 28, 2008
    Hey there, I was reading your story and found that you have amazing talent as an author. This is why I am taking some time to invite you over to my website Laefe E-Publishing. I’m looking for young talented authors who have it in them to make creative original works.

    I know that you will automatically think that this might be a scam so to help ease your worries you can either check out my own profile on this site so you can see that I am the real deal, or you can add me to Windows Live Messenger that you can ask me any questions that may come to your mind.

    Laefe is a new online epublishing and you are among the first group of authors invited over to the site. I hope that you will consider it. You can find Laefe at My name is Emilia Baptiste, you can call me Emi when we talk on msn @ All the information you will need will be on the website and anything that is not clear you can ask me.

    All I ask is that you give Laefe a look and see if it might be where you would like to further progress in your quest to writing your ultimate story. Thank you for your time and I do hope to hear from you soon.

    Emi Baptiste
    Admin of and Laefe Epublishing.

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  • From CrimsonEmbrace on November 23, 2007
    Wow! Hot sex scene!!! This is a great story line, please continue... I have to know what happens to Sakura!
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  • From Dreamfool on September 05, 2007
    This story is really interesting. I like how you made Sakura strong and Gaara a good guy. My only complaint is the Naruto and Sasuke got together too easily. There should have been a bit more hostility between them. Other than that, and it's been over a year since you updated, it's a great fic.
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  • From ANON - wempu on October 31, 2006
    Are you going to update anytime soon? : i want to read more!!! and i loved the Lemon chapter, it was sooooooo amazing! :D
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  • From ANON - wempu on October 26, 2006
    Hi! When are you going to update this fanfic? :D i want to read more. this one's great ^^
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  • From ANON - Nathaniel on May 06, 2006
    Long time no read. It's good to hear from you :-)

    So, what was Naruto serving for dinner? Pheromons with some Viagra mixed in? Whatever it was I want it too! :D

    Though the chapter was great there is one small logical mistake in there. Naruto tells Sasuke that he has taken the guest room but was cleaning Sasukes room occasionally. When he went upstairs to tell Sasuke that dinner is ready you write, that Naruto has never been in this room before or never has seen it. How has he managed to clean the room? "Clean-up-no-jitsu"? ;)

    Anyway, that's nothing crucial.

    Good luck for your finals, I keep my fingers crossed for you,
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  • From ANON - Mija on May 06, 2006
    omg I just died and went to hentai heaven, that was sooo totally hot, I am speechless, all I can say is that was sooooooooo totally worth the wait...*fans self* wow...keep up the good work, which I could say more but am still in hentai heaven and smiles Mija...:-)
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  • From ANON - Arryelle on May 05, 2006
    That was awsome and well worth the wait. You write lemons so well there great. I'm sooo hot and bothered now must go seek release from my boyfriend now lolI hope all your lemons are that great and the dialogue was great it was funny and a libido awaker. Please update soon hehehe can't waiy WOW just WOW!

    Loves Arry
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  • From ANON - Trollmia on May 05, 2006
    That was so totally worth waiting for. Very good... *panting here* I sure hope you have more this planned for the future...
    *thumbs up baby and I'll change my panties*
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on May 05, 2006
    New chapter, YAY!!!! I needed a good something to read to make up for this crappy week. Such a bad bad week, but your story helps make up for it. Nice new chapter, their issues haven't been completely resolved but it's definitely a nice step in that direction:D I can't really come up with anything else, been up most of the night and I'm a bit out of it. Good luck on moving out, I remember when I had to do it, it was always such trouble. And before I end this I wanted to ask if you got my email, hotmail has been going funky on me lately and I wanted to make sure it got through.
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  • From ANON - xBunni on May 05, 2006
    Bunni is happy~ ^^ Bunta-san deserves many reviews!! Very visualistic wording too.. oo *blushes* It's definately worth the wait dakara daijoubu bunta-san!! *glomps* I shall give bunta-san dango for the lemon~!! OO *nods and gives ten plates of dango to bunta-san* Ja, zutto gambatte bunta-san!! Keep up the brilliant work~ ^^
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  • From ANON - shinigamigrl on May 05, 2006
    I like this story; it feels like it is going to be good, but there is something that has been bothering me since I read chapter three. Kankuro seems out of character and the way you wrote the interaction between Gaara and Kankuro it's like they aren't even related. I don't want to sound mean, but do you know that Kankuro is Gaara's brother?
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  • From ANON - Nathaniel on April 23, 2006
    Hey :-)

    A great reunification chapter! Little angst (you may remember my aversion to overflowing angst), some romantic and some lime. Sometimes Naruto and Sasuke seemed really gooey but I think that's what meeting your seemingly lost and unrequited love after such a prolonged time span makes you. Well done, California girl ;-) You are right about the real Itachi - who knows what his real purposes are? Kishimoto perhaps, but sometimes I suspect his manga is WIP (work in progress) and he doesn't have a roadmap for his story and characters :D

    Oh and that thing with I know they are restructuring their data base and that they are doing this for the authors and for us fans. But it was enervating and sometimes just a little bit complaining without malice makes me feel better :-)

    Congrats on your A exam and enjoy your holidays (if there are some at the moment :D),
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  • From ANON - Mija on April 23, 2006
    ok ok first of all I soooooooooo love this chapter, I was like YESSSSSSSSS a new chappie!!!!...and what can I say, it made me goo awwwwwwwwww and sniffle with such love, ah the romance, the horniness, the beauty of it all, love the whole hospital scene, well the recovery part where naru baby was holding Sasu babys hand and then when Sasuke woke up and got all confussed and one of the things that came to his mind was wow naruto looks good..hehe you just gotta love that, ok now lemme just say the whole confession scene felt a tad rushed, but heck I am a loving it, and I loved the chapter very very much, I always trip on the way some people say some fics are a bit OOC, I mean isnt the fact that naru and Sasu loving each other and having hot boy smex a bit out of charactor of the way the true creator has it? unless he/she has something planned for us at the end of the show, now wouldnt that just be sooooooo wonderfull??? *goes all big eyed and stars appear before them with hope* lol, anyhow if Sasuke loved naruto I would hope he would tell him and vise versa, and how can it really be ooc since naruto has wanted him for how long now?? looks like Sasuke was the dead last for not catching on sooner, even Kakashi knew lmaoooo too funny, cant wait for the sex to come, ooh I like sex scenes but i love them when there is a plot too, so I am soo loving this ficcie, I thank you soo much for the update hope to read more soon...please hope to read more soon..ifn I give ya big puppy dog eyes with sparkles all around them will it help ya to write another soon? ok ok I will be good and try not to scare the autheress of this fic...*slaps my hand but looks at ya in hopes puppy eyes might of worked* hehe..anyhow enough of my babbling, must have more but I can be patient I know how it can get when real life get in the way sometimes, boy do I, reminds me still have lots of my own unfinished works..*smacks myself for being a bad autheress* ty ty ty for the wonderful read, till next time, be well safe and happy, much huggles and smiles Mija...:-)
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  • From ANON - Joukami on April 21, 2006
    lemon you say?*grins evily* i hope you do..... i love your fic
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