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Reviews for My collection of Naruto / ? pairings

By : pieterscheeringa
  • From ANON - Church on October 24, 2005
    FUCK YEAH I FUKN LOVE IT WOOT YOU MAKE ME HAPPY MAN!!! anal you got to love it baby :) lemme see a about naruto/hinata? oh can u lke make hinata like kinda dominate becuz shes shy an all but if a woman wants a man she must fight for it! oh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Ranko on October 23, 2005
    Heyas! =]
    How about a Naruto/Temari fic?
    Or maybe /TemariNaruto/Tenten?

    Keep up the good work. =D
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 23, 2005
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  • From ANON - Akashi on October 23, 2005
    can you do a naruto/temari pairing please. it's one of my favorites
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  • From Maestro on October 23, 2005
    How about naru/tem or naru/ten? Or if you can naru/ten/tem?
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  • From ANON - ryuu on October 23, 2005
    How about a Anko/Naruto/Tsunade/Kurenai one? =d
    LOL!! You'll probably have difficulties with that one.
    But if you have trouble with the plot, why not let them all fall in love, get married to each other (under some sort of circumstance), then gp tp the honeymoon.
    Now THAT would be a night Naruto will never forget.
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  • From ANON - Shadow on October 23, 2005
    ITs pretty good. I would like to see a Naruto/Sakura pairing next plz.
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  • From ANON - Backlash Wave on October 23, 2005
    That was awsome. Could you add naruto/tayuya. Or make another naruto/tsunade or naruto/anko. Maybe even naruto/tsunade/anko *wink*wink*.
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  • From ANON - HMan on October 23, 2005
    You are getting more and more creative, dude! and better!
    Keep them coming man, I love them all!
    So, who's next? Shizune? Tsunami (Inari's mom from wave country arc)? Rin (kakashi's team mate)? Hana (Kiba's sister)?
    Update soon!

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  • From ANON - OHM on October 23, 2005
    Do a Tayuya/Naruto next.
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  • From ANON - roninke on October 22, 2005
    How about a Kyuubi empowered Naruto doing a Naruto/Harem? I've always thought that the chakra tails could be used like tentacles, if you catch my drift?
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  • From ANON - carcharoth13 on October 22, 2005
    Hah, more het! Good stuff, and it's NOT YAOI! That's an achievement in itself! And you must have been the first person to ever do Naruto/Yukie! ... Looking at the reviews above, maybe it wasn't a good idea to say that... But still, that's an original pairing! And it was cool, too. Definitely my favourite so far, though I also liked the Kurenai one. As for suggestions, I'm still hoping that someone's going to do a Naruto/Yuugao lemon, and I'm fairly certain that's never been done before... but maybe I shouldn't have said that. If you're wondering (and so many do... shame), Yuugao's that hot purple-haired ANBU chick. Maybe she could arrest Naruto or something... who knows. Heh heh. Anyway, these are really good so far, or at least that's what I think, so keep it up and you'll have a good fic, or collection of fics, or lemons, or whatever you want to call it. Good luck!
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  • From ANON - Reo 15x on October 22, 2005
    Nice Chapter But I don't Think Naruto Guys can orgasm 5 times in a day, If you can it would hurt a lot. I would like to see a Naruto/Tenten Pairing I haven't seen a lemon with them in a long time. Either that or a Naruto/Temari pairing. Keep it on.
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  • From ANON - ryuu on October 22, 2005
    Nice Naruto/Tsunade lemon.
    Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Drolkrad on October 21, 2005
    Great chapter man i really am a fan of you're stories i really like Kyuubi no Kitsune its one of my favorite's, also this is sorta a request "do you take those?" i was wondering if you were willing to write a Naruto/Tsunade pairing i never see any fic's with them together and would really love to read one, so anyways please keep up the awsome job i love your workand look forward to your next pairing, peace;)
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