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Reviews for Night Dark

By : coleymerrin
  • From ANON - Shells on July 17, 2012
    Morning After ?
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 06, 2008
    hey luv it ^^
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  • From ANON - Sara on December 02, 2006
    Omg!!! I love it!!! Omg omg omg omg!!!! I fucking love it dammit!!!!!!!!!!!I love teh Sasuke!!! Nyah so stfu!!!
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  • From ANON - Beulah Page on January 10, 2006
    Not having read all the deleted reviews puts me at a disadvantage, I suppose, but it seems that whatever agenda each "Anon" has, they've not been particularly successful. If you think someone is a loser, tell them why. Endlessly repeating that the author should give up writing doesn't help anyone; neither does name calling. In fact, it puts them (and other readers) on the defensive and they're less likely to listen to anything further you have to say. If it's a problem with characterization or overused plot devices or mechanics or whatever you percieve the problem to be, say something; it will help the author become a better writer, and that way, everyone wins. If it's a matter of pairings, that's each reader's own opinion, and usually stated in the summary or in an author's note before the fic, so there's plenty of chance to avoid those you don't want to read.

    Personally, I don't think SasuSaku is a plausible canon pairing, but the characters are complex and it's interesting to explore what might have happened under different circumstances; plus, this pairing hasn't been overdone as some have. I've read more than my fair share of fics in the last three and a half years, in various fandoms, from fluff to PWP, from het to yaoi to threesomes, and virtually any pairing you can think of. There's little that surprises me anymore. I like to give comments when I can, say what works and what needs work; honestly, this one is well written. Proper mechanics are important to English majors, and I generally click the "back" button if it gets under my skin. I see little to complain about in that area here. I can't argue that there's a lack of plot and characterization, since that is what I expect from a PWP. There are many fics that are less than satisfactory, and it is possible to avoid them. Fics that I see recommended by more than one person, particularly recommendations by authors I like, are ones that I'm more likely to read and enjoy, because we have the same tastes. If anyone desires further discussion, feel free to email me at
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  • From ANON - twinbells on December 31, 2005
    "And also if you were not hear from the beginning and did not see my original post and the author's subsequent response"

    And what WAS the author's "subsequent response"? She deleted EVERY review/flame that had bickering in them, including the ones by "anon #1", "anon #2" and a handful of other people's reviews. YOUR FLAMES were not the only ones she had deleted.
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  • From ANON - Lady D on December 31, 2005
    Oh no, I assumed you understood. Apparently sarcasm carries poorly in text.

    Why would you purposfully use "Anon" when you know that previous "Anon" posts have been consistantly irritating flames? Perhaps this handle is too dear to your heart for you to abandon it, but the confusion is entirely understandable from my point of view.

    Haha. You used my word against me. How cute. I was shocked I tell you, shocked, and properly chastised to change my verbose ways.

    nao ill be forsed to typ liek this 4 evr ohnooooooessss!!!111!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 30, 2005
    Hmmm there seem to be two problems with your review.

    1) You seem to believe that I am ignorant and cannnot understand the meaning of your review. Rest assured I know exactly what all the words mean.
    2) You also seem to think that I'm the same Anon from before, you do realize that anybody and everybody who does not enter a name gets listed as Anon. They are not all the same person.:D

    And also if you were not hear from the beginning and did not see my original post and the author's subsequent response then it would BEHOOVE you to shut your mouth:D Thank you
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  • From ANON - Lady D on December 28, 2005
    So sorry Anon, didn't mean to break your brain.

    Here's the simple version: Don't be a dick.
    The netspeak version: omg yur so meen :x
    Latin: Tui caput in ano est.

    Hm, I guess this is like bear baiting. Only more humane.

    If you really want to prove you're a better person, why not stop rising to the occaision?
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 26, 2005
    Wooooo big words, go Lady D:P
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  • From ANON - Lady D on December 17, 2005
    I love your fic. It's an amazing first lemon and I'd love to see more from you.

    To Anon:
    This personal vendetta you've embarked on is neither constructive nor mature. What you are doing is harassment and it would behoove you to find a different target rather than embarrass yourself any further.
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  • From ANON - Dark Phoenix on November 01, 2005
    To me, a "reviewer" (READ: flamer) who doesn't even bother to leave a proper handle when flaming, and can't even spell "anonymous" in full DESERVES to have his/her post deleted. Construction criticism is one thing, paid editing is another; yours is neither. Nonsensical flaming that's completely irrelevant is what I can see of your posts. Go read something else if you're hard for gay porn--there's plenty out there. No offense to gay porn writers, we all have our personal tastes; let's not impose them on others, ne?
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  • From ANON - Dark Phoenix on November 01, 2005
    NIIICE... Go SasuSaku lemons! Sequel please? Or just another SasuSaku?
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 23, 2005
    To quote something I read recently: "There are some phenomenal writers out there who ought to be encouraged to turn their hand to the original and publish - encouraging the abysmal is insulting to them...those who have something worthwhile about them learn from their negative experiences and become something
    truly worth being in this world. Those who can't accept their own failings, never learn and remain beneath even shadows throughout the interminable nothingness of their lives. Encouraging a lack of learning is encouraging a general lack of worth in the world." So basically by going around deleting any reviews that don't praise you as the god you seem to think you are you are wallowing in your crappiness and unfortunately you have a bunch of idiots encouraging you to do this. And as long as you do this you shall be, and shall always remain a loser. Sorry if you don't want to face it and your readers want to encourage you to be a loser but that's what you are. A loser. So again quit writing if you can't deal with anything that criticizes your writing. And to other reviewers who are upset about my comments, unless you've read every review I've poster I don't want to hear and I really don't care about any of your comments, so you can just bite me. I'm allowed to give my opinion and as long as it's not a mindless flame the author does not have the right to delete the review. You need to take the good with the bad and not just pick and choose because you want to believe that your the best and that there is no room for improvement. I seriously hope you don't plan to write professionally or even semi-professionally because editors will tear your ass apart and unless you learn to deal with negative things now you just won't be able to deal with it and you won't make it. But you know what, I really don't care because you've already proven yourself to be a loser. Sooooooooo I will end with my usual Quit Writing and stinking up the site with your crap loser

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  • From ANON - aoshi4misao on October 22, 2005
    That was a very nice Sasuke/Sakura fic. It was very well written, you are very talented. Thank you for writing it, and I will look for you stuff in the future. Good job, and keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Two Thumbs Way Up! on October 20, 2005
    Oh my, you can't still be the same anon who criticized this story again, can you? It had been already a month, and after twelve of them, we're all really getting sick of that. You actually care this much that this author deleted your reviews? They were all straight ridiculous and idiotic, truly proving how much of a loser YOU really are. There's nothing wrong about writing any pairing, or any smut including the pairing, and suddenly you go off like a human hose and waste your energy for some things so low, the kind of energy better used that could have gotten you a life.

    This story is really good, you are really brilliant with the details. But I was a little twitchy about the awfully dirty words used in this story (laughs nervously), but other than that, it was really steamy. Haha. I like to see more of your work, please!
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