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Reviews for Chasing Naruto

By : megladon129
  • From ANON - cateye91 on January 18, 2006
    ooooooooooooo!!!!!! narusasu 4 frikin ever!!!!!! lol...but u need 2 write more!!!!!! U MUST OR I SHALL DIIIIIE!! lol...i'll hunt u down and i'll force u 2 write some more and then u shall die!! lol...u need 2 write the part when naru and sasu do...stufsz...u know, the things that come after the whole write! whenever u have spare time, i command u 2 write!!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Mochi~ on January 18, 2006
    *is all warm and fuzzy inside* IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. I LOVE YOU.
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  • From ANON - Okii_tako on January 18, 2006
    Ah! I nearly cried when I saw I had an update e-mail!!!!! I was sooo happy, and it was well worth the wait! Can't wait to read the next chapter~thingy...!!

    I would love to know when you do another story, so could you add my e-mail to your list? It would be awsome!
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  • From ANON - MeLaiya on January 18, 2006
    man its about damn time, I love this so much and you make me suffer unneccessarily(I know i spelled that wrong) by taking so long to update. Please update again A.S.A.P and keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Caro on January 18, 2006
    Wow, am one of the first to notice this latest chapter and review? (checks) Wow. Well I've been following this story for such a long time now (since I found it first on and I must say, I'm gonna miss it when it finally reaches its end. But still...excellent story all the way. Your portrayel of Naruto, Sasuke, and the others is just too good. (Yes Naruto is a little Narcissist isn't he?) Looking forward to the epilogue and Naruto's secret FINALLY being revealed!
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  • From megladon129 on January 18, 2006
    Almost finished...and soon, Naruto's little secret shall be revealed!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - ghostninja85 on January 17, 2006
    So, the other other shoe's finally dropped. Hopefully we'll get a real confession out of the three of them and nothing too drastic will occur.

    I loved it, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - ghostninja85 on January 17, 2006
    I'm back, four more to go. more in depth review once i've finished everything
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  • From ANON - nicole on January 15, 2006
    I'll die and/or kill u if u don't finish this
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  • From ANON - rachi (not logged in, too lazy, shut up.) on January 14, 2006
    I just read all 22 chapters, and I only have one thing to say.

    I know you're a busy person, I just finished with Semester tests, but I'm begging you on my knees with my hands folded, UPDATE!!!! I can't stand to wait any longer! I must know what happens! I MUST!!! I'll die if I don't get to know!! Please update! Your story has me entranced, I can't 'put it down', I guess you would say. Please update! It's so well written, and even though I'm only a beginner myself, I still have to say, IT'S INCREDABLE!!!

    Well, I suppose that was more than one thing, wasn't it? Anywho, please update when you get the chance. I'm anxious to read what happens.

    Thank you! Ja!
    rachi ^-^
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  • From ANON - neversweet on January 14, 2006
    UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!! i luv this fic. ~_^ keep up the good work
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  • From MichiTheThird on January 13, 2006
    *jaw hits the floor* Oh. My. God. He was there! Naruto was right there when they openly discussed their bet! >< I was waiting for him to find out! This fic had me on SUCH a roller coaster since I started reading it last night that I haven't stopped reading it until I finished it today at...*looks at the time* Noon! O_O; At the beginning, I was reluctant to get sucked into it because I was reading finishing off another good Naruto fic at the same time, but it just pulled me in like a magnet with its humor, the switching point of views and, most importantly, all the characters' individual thoughts. I laughed so hard whenever Kiba did something ridiculous over Hinata and whenever Sasuke and Naruto gave each other shocks over distinct comments. I felt the pain of their nightmares and fights. I constantly tried to rip out my hair in frustration whenever the three of them ended up head to head in the battle for Naruto's affections. I relished in the chapters where Naruto made Sasuke brace the fear of horses and when Sasuke tried to snap Naruto out of his fear of scary movies. I lived for the tender moments of a darling sleeping Sasuke and a very attentive Naruto. And, of course, I nearly had a hear-attack with the chapters of their dressing in drag. Those particular chapters had me at the edge of my seat with happiness, anger, suspense, worry, and a harsh heart-breaking sadness mixed with frustration due to Sasuke's cruel words. And now, there Naruto is...right there...he found out about the bet...

    I'm going to be's been ages since I got sucked into fanfiction. I was a real addict during my high school years, especially when I was fifteen. Now, six years later, the fever has gone down to maybe an update or two of an idol and, projects, and tutoring soaking up all of my time. This fic has brought me back to better times, a time when I was wild and full of energy...and especially the time when I first found out about Naruto and had that Konoha fever, bouncing off the walls whenever my friend imported a new DVD. I remember how much of a fan I was to the series even though I was only watching the first several episodes. After I graduated from high school, my life took a turn for the worst as it did to my closest friends and many others. For years, I've been absorbed into studies and my major and improving my skills to make a living out of what I love or die trying. Your story has brought me tears of all kinds...tears of frustration, tears of sadness, tears of joy. And in this chaos that is my life right now, the loss of close family members and my best friend still a fresh wound in my heart, this fic brought me back. I remember now...I remember how crazy and fun things used to be...and I remember better times with my cousin and my best friend when they still lived. The very memories that I tried to dig out from my mind, but my pain and guilt and sadness clutched them too tightly. This fic drew them out, and I thank you heartily. You've woken up a part inside of me that has been asleep for so long...a part that echoes the sunlight that is Naruto's character. I thank you so much. I await with all others for the next chapter with anticipation and eagerness. I also hope that, in any chaos that you may have in your life as well, the writing of the fic brings you to better times as well. :3
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  • From ANON - faux nostalgia on January 10, 2006
    i love it to death. and i mean to death that i would actually die if you don't update sooner. like, seriously update SOONER. another one of my most favourable AU fanfics XD update soon! and i mean soon!! ill be stalking you then! =]
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  • From ANON - Neko-chan on January 10, 2006
    ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh.......>.o........*hisssssssssssssss* that's gotta hirt....Naruto over heard and now they're all in for it...and sasuke may never get to see the suprise naruto is making for him! and damn itachi for doing that to his baby brother...and i hope to god orochimoru doesn't trigger another "memory wave"....its kinda cute/cool how all the boys seem to have their own flashback about him and how naruto seems to have a small bit of remembrance of those times too. i like it. keep up the good work and update as soo nas you can! midterms aree next week AND i have fanfic bunnies that haven't even been written yet to get rid of.....but that's what "tomorrows" are for, aren't they? yes....and >< my history is dying.....wish i had someone to help me go as fast as naru-kun....(ps. one of my bunnies might be stealing ideas from your fic.....i beg forgiveness i dont have an account to post anything ANYWHERE so you will not have your story copied...and i'll do my best to twist so much it doesn't even look the same any more...ok never mind....what i meant to say was...i'm gonna steal certain aspects from your fic, such as naruto singing "coyly" to sasuke [;)] gaara having hi9s flash backs that will be similar and naruto being more obwserving than he seems...forgive me for get forst read. i promise...if you want it that is. xD)
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  • From ANON - Briryan on January 09, 2006
    Wow!! This is such a great story!) SOOOOOOOOOO, can't wait to read more of it. Looking forward to find out what Naruto will say when he finds out what the bet was. Could you please email me for the next time you update this story. Really, really looking forward to reading the rest of it. Since I read all what you wrote in one night. Thank you in advance.
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