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Reviews for Walking Corpse

By : suomynonakun
  • From RyuuOokami on May 21, 2008
    I really enjoyed reading this fic, and the ending was great.
    You did a good job.
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  • From on April 20, 2008
    Man, I wish you people would leave warning that this is a death fic(maybe you did? sorry). They always make me nauseous, then angry, then all choked up. Great story though..
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  • From ANON - Timberfox on March 22, 2008
    This was an amazing, well-executed piece. Even though the ending is sad, it was a good fit with the tone of the fic. The storyline, fight scenes, as well your version of the Kyuubi-Naruto internal war were very interesting. I actually read this from start to finish with only a few breaks. Thank you for posting.
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  • From Revine on February 20, 2008
    I really can't decide whether or not I love or hate you right now...I have never, I repeat, NEVER, had a fanfiction make me cry, at all, let alone hard. I don't know if it's added on the fact that my real life is getting so fucked up right now that I finally broke down or you're just that badass of a writer. I hate that you made me fall so much in love with Naruto, only to have him die, I hate that I actually felt my damn heart rip into two, but most of all I hate how much I abso-fucking-lutely love this story. Really great job, now I really need to find something to cheer myself up before I spend the rest of the day bawling.
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  • From ANON - Hoseki Zaoldyeck on January 30, 2008
    Hi there...
    honestly, I loved your story. It has been the only one that made me cry like a little baby, I mean, I cried all the epilogue, half "of reunions" (poor jiraiya and tsunade TToTT), "of fears" and "of Sacrifices" (poor Sasuke TToTT). Your fanfic it's great, amazing. But... you forgot to said that it was a death fic!!!! TToTT my heart broke in pieces when my loved kitsune died (with kitzune i refer to Naruto). I'm gonna attribute some information mistakes (like Sakura's skills in battle [she's great like a battle nin thanks to her amazing strength, and I have to admit that she's the best kunoichi of the rookie nine], akatsuki's leader [belive me it's not Itachi] or abilities of Sasuke's sharingan [i mean! come on! he can enter into Naruto's mind with it]) to the date that you started to wrote this, 'cause I suppose that they weren't mention until Naruto shippuden.
    But anyway that was great, my congratulations
    See you,
    PS: I would like to be in touch, maybe talk about a translation, it depends of you (and of my free time T.T)
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  • From ANON - Adele19 on December 28, 2007
    This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time. Those last few chapters really killed me...I'm still crying like a baby as I write this. It is an amazing work and I am very glad that I had a chance to read it.
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  • From Dynamo on October 06, 2007
    ohh my god that story was awesome. you have TALENT! i seriously had tears in my eyes as i read the end of "of sacrifices and the whole of the epilogue. congratulation you made a teenage boy cry.... but its a good thing :)
    i hope you write another long naruto fic. pretty please :3
    farewell i hope to read you again!
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  • From ANON - CK on August 15, 2007
    ...That was so sad.
    But I don't think I could've forgiven you if you wrote it any other way. XD
    Your writing style is amazing, and I hope to read more of it in the future.
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  • From ANON - Ashlee on August 04, 2007
    I have been reading this story since yesterday, and this morning I wanted to finish it before going to work. I think I may need to redo my makeup. I can't stop crying >.
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  • From ANON - amazed on July 10, 2007
    I've never read something like is just...amazing(actually more than that)
    anyway, thank you for writing this
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  • From sunlight159 on July 10, 2007
    This was such an incredible story.. i really hope you lend us more of your creative skills with another story :)
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  • From ANON - mallrats2007 on July 10, 2007
    hello i think this is my first time commenting on this story thats just the way i am when a story is finished i wait tell the end so here i go

    ok first things first i hate you! you KILLED NARUTO have you lost your mind second i there has only been 3 stories that has ever made me cry and yes yours did when naruto told sasuke that he wanted him to do it i was bawling for that whole conversation and then when sasuke did actually kill him i was crying again there were a few other spots that made me cry as will so all in all its was a sad one okay so i dont hate you i understand why you killed him ok but still i love naruto and hate to see sasuke kill him.

    before i forget what did henata have
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  • From MikoKriszty on July 09, 2007
    I CAN'T believe this.
    You made me cry again. T.T This story is really something.
    This version was even better. Of course, it's much harder to write boy-boy relationship without it being a yaoi - but I felt as though this version was the original one and the nonyaoi was the altered one. For example, I think that when Naruto burnt down Sasuke's house, Kyuubi taking over because Naruto had fallen asleep was much better than the idea that Kyuubi was trying to prove a point and actually taking control when Naruto was awake. Sure, that way it was much scarier - I realised that once the fuuin would be gone, Kyuubi would instantly take over, while I didn't have this feeling during reading the yaoi version.
    But this way, it was more beautiful. Since they became lovers, their goodbye was even much more sad - this was the one and only time Sasuke actually loved, and him loosing him like this - it was even worse. I think that's why you managed to make me cry a second time.
    Also, I don't remember those 4 lines before Naruto's death inserted in the nonyaoi version - whether they were there or not, it was kinda new for me, and made things even MORE sad (if that is possible).
    I don't think I'll read another fanfic for a day (which is a big thing since I read them day and night); I'll go listen to some sad music (maybe Fullmetal Alchemist OST, Brothers will do the job) and brood. Maybe I'll even find myself some chocolate.
    Thank you for this wonderful experience your fanfic gave me.
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  • From ANON - mallrats2007 on July 07, 2007
    i dont get it what way did hey look at shikamaru ????????????????????
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  • From Vague on May 03, 2007
    Hello Author,
    I am a huge fan of yaoi and have started a site archiving all the good yaoi fiction. I am glad to say that your story has made it into the archive. Congratulations on telling a truly moving tale.

    About the Archive:
    The archive is nothing more than a site which links directly to good stories. I do not claim your story as my own but rather I encourage others to read and review it as it deserves that recognition.

    Your story is linked at If you would like it to be removed from the archive or are concerned about anything then please send me an email. I will be glad to answer or remove it. Thank you.

    Administrator of the Yaoi Fanfiction Archive (YFA)
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