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Reviews for love will conquer pain

By : binneybaby
  • From ANON - Phidias Bagel on July 19, 2005
    Yay! An update! "Kakashi gets some" is a great chapter title, I can't wait for the next update!!
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  • From ANON - The Empress on July 12, 2005
    Oh yes. I'm really liking this story. Write more please. I wanna know what's gonna happen next. Please email me when you update. =)
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  • From ANON - k on June 30, 2005
    You know, it's odd. I'm a die-hard SasuNaru fan (who doesn't usually read GaaraNaru), but for some reason I didn't like the introduction of Sasuke into this fic. I understand that a story needs a source of tension to make it interesting, and I've enjoyed the "will Naruto choose Sasuke or Gaara" sort of thing in SasuNaru fics before, but here it struck me weirdly. Maybe because your first few chapters had me rooting for GxN and wanting to see that go somewhere, and with Sasuke suddenly in the mix my SxN fangirl beat that other part all to hell. XD Not that you should take him out or anything, it's your fic after all and you should write what you want. I just think the story could have done without him, because a) the strength of his relationship with Naruto in canon almost demands the two of them be together in some form or another if he's present, and b) he's missing from both the anime and the manga right now, so it's a perfect opportunity to explore Naruto's life without him. Anyway, sorry to ramble in your comments - I do like the story. ^_^;
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  • From ANON - Tenacious D on June 30, 2005
    How about we lose the Kakashi/Iruka yaoi. Focus on the main 3 characters. We also need some female presence in this story.
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  • From ANON - Betti on June 30, 2005
    I really like your story very much. This realitionchip between Gaare and Naruto ist sooooo sweet. I never thought that Gaare could be so ..... innocent. But I think it's cool. I hope you update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - grace on June 29, 2005
    O_O What an evil cliffy! I really, really, really wanna see what happens next now, you'd better update soon! ^^
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  • From ANON - TobiasX on June 29, 2005
    Glad to finally get an update, and a brilliant one as well!! If a little short.... Looking forward to further updates ASAP :D
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  • From ANON - Shizuou (Too lazy t\'login) on June 29, 2005
    Omfgosh Its so kawaiii!! Cant wait for the next
    chapter :DD and I love the idea of Kakashi-sensei
    trading icha icha paradise to watch his students
    *cough* Omg
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  • From ANON - Winged-One Angel on May 25, 2005
    Yeah i love your story. . .and yes its a gaara and naruto pairing . . .i love this as much as sasuke and naruto. Dang i wish i was him. anyway i really really hope you update soon. your story rules and yes i agree there aren't enough gaara and naruto fics. im gald you made one. please continue updating. *bows*
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  • From ANON - Sekkei on May 24, 2005
    Why do you stop your story?
    Update please!
    It's too rare a Gaara x Naruto fic, as I read then...
    Update please!
    You can make POV or something.
    Don't trow it away please!
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  • From ANON - S.moore on April 26, 2005
    I like it, But did gaara fall asleep at the end too? Cuz if he did, that would be wrong to the character cuz he cant sleep. But I am Gaara obsessed so i point out gaara details lol its just a observation! I LIKE IT THOUGH!! MORE!!
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  • From ANON - Kieran on March 14, 2005
    I loved it!! i hope you write more soon. Go Gaara!!!!
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  • From ANON - Erika on March 10, 2005
    I like this story its great...I LOVE KAKASHI:D LOVE LOVE LOVE KAKASHI...LOL...and if you could pull off a vouyerism type part in this (I think there is a challenge out maybe you could incorporate it:D) that was a GREAT chapter...very NICE:D
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  • From ANON - Erika on March 10, 2005 Sasuke is interested in Naruto too...well, if he'd acknowledge him when he had the chance...GREAT chatper:D
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  • From ANON - Erika on March 10, 2005
    CUTE...and so LIKE Naruto..LOL
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