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Reviews for Servitude

By : Pesha
  • From SkippingAlice on February 21, 2007
    Superb job.
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  • From ANON - ds on September 18, 2004
    i like the first and last lines the best. just very striking. i actually went "duh," since i'd never truly considered the effective lack of sight barriers--walls, doors, darkness--on a family with the byakugan.

    introspective, fatalistic neji works for me! also, i like how, despite his complete assurance in his own worldview, the story doesn't completely dismiss the possibility that he's misinterpreted the evidence so readily available to him.
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  • From ANON - interesting on April 10, 2004
    this fic is very interestin yet short
    ummm, but would u mind explainin wat u ment by hinata's willin body meaning did she want to hav sex wit him cuz she loved him or did she wanthavehave sex wit him jus fo the pleasure of sex.

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  • From ANON - 1/2 of chocobomog on April 06, 2004 fav coupling. This was really good, normally I hate stories that are just a few hundred stories but you summed everything you needed to say up in that amount of words. I look foreward to reading more of your work.
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  • From ANON - Suukou (too lazy to sign in) on April 06, 2004
    *slobbers all over self yet again*

    Hyuugacest is best. Especially when it's painful and crazy beautiful like this. You make me hurt so good, Pesha.

    Painful in a way and makes me wonder what would happen if this Neji approached Sasuke.

    "How do you do it?" Neji said softly, and the words cut through Sasuke like broken shards.

    "Same way you do. Don't think about it." The words fell from his lips rougher than he'd intended. But dammit, Neji wasn't supposed to look so... sad. It disrupted Sasuke's Way of Things.

    Neji turned, opaque eyes wide and filled with want and pain and need and pinned this look onto Sasuke. It was the need that had something dark and hot unfurling in Sasuke's stomach, and he mindlessly reached for the otherck-hck-haired boy.

    Urm. Something like that? *blushes* excuse me.
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  • From ANON - allie on April 06, 2004
    creepily fascinating XD i like it...
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