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Reviews for Blacked

By : animehentaiworks
  • From Thesithking on November 12, 2021

    I love the story. When will you finish the fourth chapter, I want to read more 

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  • From DomM on October 18, 2017

     I can't wait to see what you are planning.

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  • From pitbull4567 on October 17, 2017

    Great chapter 

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  • From pitbull4567 on October 16, 2017

    Interesting chapter 

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  • From john on October 16, 2017

    curious to see were this can go from you have already reduced kushina to a complete slut so fun to see were to go from there


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  • From john on October 07, 2017

    Hope this updates soon wanna see what happens to Kushina

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  • From crowfeast1405 on August 25, 2017

    I love this chapter but honestly, I would like to see the next chapter be more about Kushina and her time in Kumo and the different places they ended up having sex in and the time she gave birth to his child Karui while there.


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  • From rochchen on August 24, 2017

    I don't quite get the idea, I mean you make it like the ones with the largest dicks get the girls and say that the Uzumakis have the biggest ones, then turn around and say that Naruto will be NTR'd?

    Though it would be interesting if Naruko were the same as in the manga instead of a separate person IMO. Guess we'll have to see what twist you come up with.

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  • From TheJusticeFriends on August 21, 2017

    Here's an idea for you. Instead of infesting this site more with terrible stories you stop posting? You write so many stories and yet nothing changes but the premise. Your format is still god awful, you have no sense of what the fucking English language is and you post way too many stories and don't improve on anything. 

    I don't know if you are a native speaker of English but don't write in english if you aren't. If you are, do something good for this site and stop posting anything. Anything at all that you think is a good idea? Don't post it, because you are not a good writer, in any sense of the word, and you cannot spell or use basic grammar. Go back to grade school and stop infesting this site with terribly written stories that are barely legible. Writing public forum fiction stories is not a way to 'improve' on writing and certainly not on a language as you've demonstrated.

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  • From Noobtube2 on August 21, 2017

    I have an idea make Naruko Minat's sister i mean that could work just a tought. Oh and don't listen to the other negative person good story btw.

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  • From Lou on August 21, 2017

    madd an acc just do to this. this story is shit i seen this so many times it feels like a copy and paste type fic its going to end the same just like all the others git good and come up with something else thats not the same as ever other fic on thios site just be better 0 out of 10

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  • From DesertFox on August 21, 2017

    Good on making naruto hung his dad is no slouch either really as for hima I think her first time should be with naruto just like how kushinas was really as for hinata and hima rather not just see them turn into mindless slaves still good work tho

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  • From sopinade on August 21, 2017

    Asalways verry good chapter for your question no idea for himawari but for hinata the former raikage come to tsunade about exchange marriage contract alliance between Kumo and konoah and there is a konoah shinobi choji who have married a Kumo kunoichi karui so in exchange a shinobi of Kumo him must marry a powerfull and impregnable konoah kunoichi and he said he is going to stay and open a dojo in konoah tsunade accept she think about that son of a b . naruto whose granny comment and attitude made her mad day after day and Watch the hyuga removal attempt and said to him there is the hyuaga girl who married naruto and have boruto ( who understand love 7yo) she as the best asset ( ass and chest )of this village and is in age of procrating powerfull babyes she is verry naive and little shy she is gonna be your personal guide of this village im gonna bring them in your new dojo tomorrow you can begin to sect her then but you can humiliate naruto boruto and tease them about hinata and ask them about guest room there and i can tell you in a week time she is gonnalove the BBC of yours and scream your name and humilliate both huby and son(about lemon dojo fuck before boruto ,dinner fuck while naruto is drunk make a hole for naruto or boruto to Watch fuck everywhere in the house humiliating words and picture in all house etc)

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  • From pitbull4567 on August 20, 2017

    Great chapter 

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  • From Tsuna-Tsuna on August 20, 2017

    It will be awesome if the Raikage the father of all Kushina's children even Naruto XD

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